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Here are our most popular phrases as computed based on our visitors ranking.

in China fällt ein Sack Reis umA metaphor referring to an entirely uninteresting and non-notable event.354 Views
'n Appel und 'n Eia low, minuscule price164 Views
Ehre, wem Ehre gebührtcredit where credit's due; used to justly praise someone, or to break the solemnity of praising159 Views
wie Pilatus ins Credoundeservingly; in an unearned way; by chance123 Views
goldene hochzeitIt's a German phrase that literally translates to "Golden Wedding", but means that 50th anniversary of someone's wedding.118 Views
die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzthope springs eternal113 Views
so Gott willGod willing; used to indicate acceptance of God’s will when expressing an intention or hope, and particularly to avert misfortune110 Views
wenns hoch kommtat best; at most; maximally; typically expressing that something is insufficient or inadequate104 Views
einmal ist keinmalOnce doesn’t count; one swallow does not a summer make104 Views
frohes Schaffena greeting sometimes used towards someone who is working, most often when leaving them104 Views
Buch mit sieben Siegelnsomething considered very hard to understand101 Views
an der Eckeat the corner, nearby95 Views
böhmische Dörferdouble Dutch, all Greek, like a foreign language95 Views
sag schnellused to indicate that one is missing a word and to invite the collocutor to fill it in93 Views
einen Vogel habenTo have a few screws loose; be nuts; be crazy88 Views
einmal ist keinmalOne slip is allowed; everyone deserves a second chance86 Views
ihre Tage habenhaving her menstruation83 Views
dein Wort in Gottes Ohrfrom your lips to God's ears; I wish; expresses that the speaker wants a preceding statement to be true, but considers it unlikely or at least doubtful79 Views
nicht tot überm Zaun hängen wollento abhor; to hate; to find unbearable79 Views
und was nicht allesand whatnot78 Views
es tut mir leidSorry.77 Views
nicht wahrright?; is it?; is it not?71 Views
einmal ist keinmalOne time won’t hurt; just try it69 Views
hässliches Entleinugly duckling65 Views
auf einem Bein kann man nicht stehenused to encourage someone to have another drink after their first42 Views
wie dem auch seihowever, howbeit, however it may be, be that as it may40 Views
um die Ecke denkento think outside the box40 Views
gern geschehenIt's a pleasure.39 Views
jemandem den Schwarzen Peter zuschiebento pass the buck38 Views
besser spät als niebetter late than never37 Views
meiner Meinung nachin my opinion37 Views
Liebe auf den ersten Blicklove at first sight35 Views
dein Wunsch ist mir Befehlyour wish is my command35 Views
die Sonne geht aufthe sun rises34 Views
mindestens haltbar bisbest before34 Views
ich brauche einen StadtplanI need a city map33 Views
gute BesserungGet well soon, a phrase indicating hope that the listener recovers from physical illness.28 Views
ich mag dichI like you26 Views
jemanden den Wölfen zum Fraß vorwerfento throw somebody to the wolves26 Views
eine Kette ist nur so stark wie ihr schwächstes Glieda chain is only as strong as its weakest link26 Views
alles Gute zum Geburtstaghappy birthday25 Views
um Himmels willenOh my God!, Oh dear!, Oh no!, No way!; expletive used to express extreme surprise, shock or disbelief.25 Views
jemandem die Stange haltento remain loyal to someone, to stand by someone23 Views
Feuer und Flamme seinto be full of enthusiasm; to be keen as mustard23 Views
gern geschehenYou're welcome: a response to an expression of thanks.23 Views
ein Wort gibt das andereone word leads to another22 Views
viel um die Ohren habento be busy22 Views
der Reihe nachone by one, in turn21 Views
etwas unter den Teppich kehrensweep something under the rug20 Views
auf keinen Fallunder no circumstances19 Views
wer's glaubt, wird seliglikely story19 Views
wenn man vom Teufel sprichtspeak of the devil19 Views
gute Nachtgood night19 Views
alles in OrdnungEverything in order; Everything is OK.18 Views
kein Wässerchen trüben könnenwouldn't hurt a fly18 Views
ein Apfel und ein EiAlternative form of 'n Appel und 'n Ei18 Views
es war einmalonce upon a time17 Views
wohin fährt dieser Zugwhere does this train go17 Views
wie komme ich zum Busbahnhofhow do I get to the bus station17 Views
k.u.k.Alternative form of k. u. k.17 Views
wenn der Berg nicht zum Propheten kommt, muss der Prophet wohl zum Berge kommenIf the mountain won't come to Muhammad, Muhammad must go to the mountain17 Views
ich bin müdeI am tired17 Views
Friede, Freude, EierkuchenA-okay17 Views
frohes neues JahrHappy New Year17 Views
sich etwas hinter die Ohren schreibento commit something to memory17 Views
ich liebe dichI love you16 Views
Aha-ErlebnisAn "aha experience". An experience which gives a sudden insight, solution or answer to a problem that has troubled someone for some time.15 Views
das kannst du laut sagenyou can say that again15 Views
leck mich im Arschkiss my ass15 Views
kaiserlich und königlichwhich refers to the Court of the Habsburgs15 Views
E. F. G.Abbreviation of euer fürstlich Gnaden, Euer Fürstlich Gnaden, Euer Fürstliche Gnaden.15 Views
Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt euchWorkers of all nations, unite!15 Views
Gott hab ihn seligGod rest his soul; God have mercy on his soul15 Views
wie bittesorry?, pardon?, come again?, excuse me?, I beg your pardon?14 Views
im übertragenen SinnAlternative form of im übertragenen Sinne14 Views
kein Problemno problem14 Views
auf die Plätze, fertig, losready, set, go!13 Views
bestes Wissen und Gewissenthe best of one's knowledge; good faith; roughly combining the senses of both English idioms, namely that one does or says something in the honest conviction of its correctness but under the condition of the fallibility of one’s knowledge and competences13 Views
ich habe mich verlaufenI'm lost13 Views
Nadel im Heuhaufenneedle in a haystack13 Views
Perlen vor die Säue werfencast pearls before swine13 Views
Jacke wie Hosesix of one, half a dozen of the other12 Views
auf Wiedersehengoodbye12 Views
friss oder stirbtake it or leave it12 Views
ich heißemy name is...12 Views
jemandem Sand in die Augen streuento pull the wool over someone's eyes12 Views
wie alt bist duhow old are you12 Views
das kann man wohl sagenyou can say that again12 Views
auf dem Holzweg seinto bark up the wrong tree12 Views
was zum Teufelwhat the Devil12 Views
das Kind fällt in den Brunnena disaster happens or becomes inevitable; it is too late for precautions that should have been taken earlier12 Views
vier Augen sehen mehr als zweitwo heads are better than one12 Views
rufen Sie die Polizeicall the police11 Views
einen Vogel zeigenliterally "to show a bird". making a cuckoo sign11 Views
Gott hab sie seligGod rest their souls; God have mercy on their souls11 Views
mit sozialistischem GrußA politically correct way to close a note or letter.11 Views
was zum Kuckuckwhat the heck11 Views
da sei Gott vorGod forbid; said when mentioning a possible and undesirable future event11 Views
ich spreche kein DeutschI don't speak German11 Views
Gott mit uns"God is with us"11 Views

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    That book was a real labour of _______ for her.
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    B truth
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    D love