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animam agereto be at one's last gasp.1,441 Views
extremum vitae spiritum edereto give up the ghost.945 Views
mortem oppetereto meet death (by violence).623 Views
mortem sibi consciscereto commit suicide.617 Views
mortem occumbere pro patriato die for one's country.545 Views
a falsis principiis proficiscito start from false premises.436 Views
diligens paterfamiliasa careful master of the house.430 Views
haec fabula docetthis fable teaches us (without nos).405 Views
quod bonum, faustum, felix, fortunatumque sit! (Div. 1. 45. 102)may heaven's blessing rest on it.318 Views
omnia ferro ignique, ferro atque igni or ferro flammaque vastareto ravage with fire and sword.300 Views
vita umbratilis (vid. sect. VII. 4)the contemplative life of a student.298 Views
homines doctilearned, scientific, literary men.267 Views
ex pedibus laborare, pedibus aegrum esseto have the gout.259 Views
temporis causaon the spur of the moment.251 Views
iter facereto march.248 Views
novas res moliri (Verr. 2. 125)to plot a revolution.245 Views
diem videre, cum...to live to see the day when...243 Views
veneno sibi mortem consciscereto poison oneself.224 Views
in diem vivereto live from day to day.224 Views
quid agitur? quid fit?what is going on? how are you getting on?221 Views
post hominum memoriamwithin the memory of man.184 Views
bene ambula et redambulaa safe journey to you.181 Views
ex pacto, ex foedereaccording to treaty.172 Views
in scaenam redireto reappear on the stage.170 Views
ornate dicereto speak well, elegantly.163 Views
ut ita dicamso to speak (used to modify a figurative expression).156 Views
mors immatura or praematuraan untimely death.153 Views
necessaria (opp. voluntaria) morte morito die a natural death.152 Views
se vita privareto take one's own life.152 Views
pro virili parte (cf. sect. V. 22.)as well as I can; to the best of my ability.149 Views
diem ex die ducere, differreto put off from one day to another.148 Views
ad annuma year from now.147 Views
vale or cura ut valeasgood-bye; farewell.146 Views
quae cum ita sintunder such circumstances.141 Views
oratio perpetuaa continuous discourse.138 Views
quod deus bene vertat!and may God grant success!137 Views
quid hoc rei est?what is the meaning of this?133 Views
momento temporisat the important moment.129 Views
acti labores iucundi (proverb.)rest after toil is sweet.128 Views
ad ancoram consistereto ride at anchor.128 Views
in gratiam alicuius venireto gain a person's esteem, friendship.127 Views
fuga salutem petereto seek safety in flight.123 Views
causam dicereto defend oneself before the judge (of the accused).120 Views
proelium committere(1) to begin the battle, (2) to give battle.118 Views
ut a fabulis ad facta veniamusto pass from myth to history.116 Views
memoria vetus (Or. 34. 120)ancient history.113 Views
te valere iubeoI bid you good-bye, take my leave.111 Views
res ipsa docetthe very facts of the case show this.108 Views
quid hoc sibi vult?what is the meaning of this?107 Views
verbum pro verbo reddereto translate literally, word for word (not verbo tenus).106 Views
eo consilio, ea mente, utwith the intention of...106 Views
primo quoque temporeat the first opportunity.105 Views
omnibus numeris absolutus (N. D. 2. 13)perfect in every detail.104 Views
crassa or pingui Minerva (proverb.)with no intelligence or skill.104 Views
foenum habet in cornuhe has hay on his horns i.e. he shows signs of madness103 Views
sed hoc nihil (sane) ad rembut this is not to the point.102 Views
ars dicendithe art of speaking; oratory.102 Views
orbis terrae, terrarumthe earth; the globe101 Views
in omni re vincit imitationem veritasin everything nature defies imitation.100 Views
sed de hoc alias pluribusmore of this another time.100 Views
certiorem facere aliquem (alicuius rei or de aliqua re)to inform a person.100 Views
sibi constare, constantem esseto be consistent.99 Views
mature decedereto die young.98 Views
omnia modice agereto be moderate in all things, commit no excess.96 Views
navem (naves) solvereto weigh anchor, sail.96 Views
in viam se dareto set out on a journey.95 Views
suspicere(in) caelumto raise the eyes to heaven; to look up to the sky.94 Views
in utramque partem, in contrarias partes disputare (De Or. 1. 34)to discuss both sides of a question.93 Views
tempori servire, cedereto accommodate oneself to circumstances.91 Views
ex animi mei sententia iuroI swear on my conscience.91 Views
initium facere, ducere, sumere (alicuius rei)to commence a thing.90 Views
tradunt, dicunt, feruntthey say; it is commonly said.89 Views
per causam (with Gen.)under the pretext, pretence of...89 Views
in luxuriam effundito plunge into excesses, a career of excess.88 Views
satin (= satisne) sanus es?are you in your right mind?87 Views
orationes Catonis antiquitatem redolent (Brut. 21. 82)Cato's speeches sound archaic.87 Views
sententiam dicereto give an opinion (also used of a judge, cf. sect. VI. 4).86 Views
oratio soluta (not prosa) or simply oratioprose.86 Views
quo tendis?where are you going?86 Views
in spem venire, ingredi, adducito conceive a hope.86 Views
in armis esseto be under arms.85 Views
non sine causaon good grounds; reasonably.84 Views
rem publicam constituereto give the state a constitution.84 Views
nomina exigere (Verr. 3. 10. 28)to demand payment of, recover debts.83 Views
oculis mentis videre aliquidto see with the mind's eye.82 Views
adhuc tua messis in herba est (proverb.)your crop is still green, i.e. you are still far from your ambition.82 Views
nulla pœna sine legeThe principle that a person shall receive no punishment unless he has committed an offence as explicitly defined in a law.82 Views
discedere (pedibus), ire in alicuius sententiam (Liv. 23. 10)to vote for some one's motion.82 Views
quid de ea re fieri placet?what is your opinion?81 Views
passis crinibuswith dishevelled hair.78 Views
aliqua ex parteto a certain extent.77 Views
cum magno meo doloreto my sorrow.77 Views
vela dareto set the sails.77 Views
verba dare alicui (Att. 15. 16)to deceive a person, throw dust in his eyes.76 Views
magnas res gerereto perform heroic exploits.76 Views
res ita est, ita (sic) se habetthe facts are these; the matter stands thus.76 Views
memoriae traditum est, memoriae (memoria) proditum est (without nobis)tradition, history tells us.75 Views
macte virtute (esto or te esse iubeo)good luck to you.75 Views
ad bene beateque vivendumfor a life of perfect happiness.75 Views
diem dicere alicuito summon some one to appear on a given day; to accuse a person.75 Views

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