Found 775 phrases starting with IL: Page #13


il répète la même chose à tout bout de champHe repeats the same thing every instant, every time he has the chance.Rate it:
il riait à gorge déployéeHe was roaring with laughter.Rate it:
il s'accommode de toutHe is satisfied with everything; He is easy to please.Rate it:
il s'agit bien de cela (ironic.)That is quite a secondary consideration.Rate it:
il s'agit de votre vieYour life is at stake.Rate it:
il s'agit de...The question is...; The point is...Rate it:
il s'en acquittera bien, c'est un enfant de la balleHe will do it well, he is his father’s son.Rate it:
il s'en alla tout à coupHe went away suddenly, abruptly.Rate it:
il s'en croit beaucoupHe thinks a great deal of himself.Rate it:
il s'en donne les gantsHe takes the credit of it.Rate it:
il s'en faut beaucoup que l'un ait autant de mérite que l'autreThere is a great difference in merit between the two.Rate it:
il s'en faut de beaucoup que leur nombre soit completTheir number is far from being complete.Rate it:
il s'entendIl faut le comprendre ainsi. Cela s’entend, cela va de soi.Rate it:
il s'est battu les flancs pour rienHe gave himself all that trouble for nothing.Rate it:
il s'est brûlé la cervelleHe blew his brains out.Rate it:
il s'est coupé dans ses réponsesHe contradicted himself in his answers.Rate it:
il s'est donné un tour de reinsHe sprained his back.Rate it:
il s'est fait jardinierHe became a gardener.Rate it:
il s'est fait sauter la tête (or, la cervelle, more fam. le caisson)He blew his brains out.Rate it:
il s'est jeté à corps perdu dans cette affaireHe threw himself headlong (or, with might and main) into the matter.Rate it:
il s'est mis martel en têteHe made himself very uneasy.Rate it:
il s'est monté la têteHe got excited over fancied or exaggerated wrongs.Rate it:
il s'est piqué d'honneurHe made it a point of honour; He was put upon his mettle.Rate it:
il s'est rangéHe has settled down (after sowing his wild oats).Rate it:
il s'est toujours tenu au gros de l'arbreHe has always sided with the stronger side.Rate it:
il sait ce que parler veut direHe understands the hidden meaning; He takes the hint.Rate it:
il sait cette langue à fondHe knows that language thoroughly.Rate it:
il sait le fin mot de tout celaHe understands the upshot of all this.Rate it:
il sait le fort et le fin de son artHe knows every trick of his trade.Rate it:
il sait son pain mangerHe knows on which side his bread is buttered.Rate it:
il sait tirer parti de la vieHe knows how to make the best of life.Rate it:
il se croit le premier moutardier du papeHe thinks no small beer of himself.Rate it:
il se donne du bon tempsHe does not work too hard; He enjoys himself; He has a good time of it.Rate it:
il se fait trop valoirHe brags too much.Rate it:
il se fera tirer l'oreilleHe will require pressing.Rate it:
il se laissa faireHe offered no resistance.Rate it:
il se met bienHe dresses well.Rate it:
il se mettrait en quatre pour ses amisHe would do anything for his friends.Rate it:
il se mettrait en quatre pour un amiHe would go through fire and water for a friend.Rate it:
il se pique d'un rienHe takes offence at the slightest thing.Rate it:
il se plaint que la mariée est trop belleHe complains that he has got too good a bargain.Rate it:
il se porte à merveilleHe is in splendid health.Rate it:
il se porte comme le pont neufHe is in splendid health.Rate it:
il se promenait de long en largeHe was walking up and down, to and fro.Rate it:
il se retira l'oreille basseHe went away crestfallen.\nHe went away with his tail between his legs.Rate it:
il se tenait à quatre pour ne pas lui dire des injuresIt was as much as he could do not to abuse him.Rate it:
il se trouve à court (d'argent)He is short of money.Rate it:
il se vante d'en venir à boutHe says he is sure to succeed.Rate it:
il sèche sur piedHe is pining away.Rate it:
il sent le terroirHe is racy of the soil; He savours of his country.Rate it:

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Of course it's true, I heard it straight from the ______'s mouth.
A rabbit
B hare
C cat
D horse
