Our API interfaces let developers design computer programs and web applications that interact directly with the STANDS4 content and services. Use our simple, multi-platform REST calls to instantly get classified abbreviations definitions, natural-language conversion calculations and zip code information with full flexibility.
In order to get started sign up to get your developer token and once we've reviewed your information, we'll activate your account so you can begin developing on the API. All we require is that you'll place a credit line at a visible location on your final product.
Now it all depends on your creativity!
Log into your account here:
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Apply for an API key using the form below.
Your name:*Required
Your email address:*Required
How will you use our API?*Required
We would appreciate if you could provide us with a brief description of your planned product and specify which of our APIs would you like to use.
We're just making sure you're a real person and not a machine.
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