Found 863 phrases starting with I:


i am all earsI am listeningRate it:
i am speaking to you from the future....That is what i say to new generations, like my children when i want to explain them something i have learned in my life, and want them to understandRate it:
I am twenty years oldAlternative form of I'm twenty years oldRate it:
i am what i amI can't help the way I am. The underlying meaning is that I am not going to change either.Rate it:
I approve this messagea phrase said after or before one makes a declaration to attach a mock solemnity to a strongly held beliefRate it:
i approve this messagea phrase said by candidates for federal office to show their consent to comply with the elective law passed in 2002; now becoming used for other offices too, not just federal officesRate it:
i bags first goAustralian children's expression of reserving the right to somethingRate it:
I beg your pardonA phrase used to request something, for example if a statement was not heard.Rate it:
I beg your pardonA phrase used to ask for clarification of something said if it is unexpected, odd or seen as rude without contextRate it:
I beg your pardonA phrase used to express an apology for an action.Rate it:
I believe you, thousands wouldn'tUsed to indicate that the speaker does not put faith in something they have just heard.Rate it:
i blew itMade a catastrophic error.Rate it:
I came, I saw, I conqueredI have gained a total and swift victory.Rate it:
I can tell youEmphasises the truth of a statement.Rate it:
I can tell youUsed other than as an idiom: see I, can, tell, you.Rate it:
I can't find my ...Said after losing something.Rate it:
I can't hear you over the sound ofSaid to dismiss what the interlocutor is saying.Rate it:
I can't swimIndicates the speaker does not know how to swim.Rate it:
i can't wait!Used when you are impatient.Rate it:
I could eat a brickSynonym of I could eat a horseRate it:
i could eat a horseI am very hungry; short form of "I'm so hungry, I could eat a horse."Rate it:
i could have been a contenderSomething said when would you or someone could have been good at something--good enough to be a professional and compete with others.Rate it:
I couldn't have said it better myselfUsed to wholeheartedly agree with somebody else's remarkRate it:
i dare to jump beyond a black stumpto do something i haven`t done before as a challengeRate it:
I doUsed other than as an idiom: see I, do.Rate it:
I doA traditional phrase said upon acceptance of marriage.Rate it:
I don't careIndicates that the speaker has no interest or emotional investment in the topic at hand.Rate it:
I don't care. Indicates that the speaker is indicating their complete detachment from something, where even the expression "I didn't see anything" conveys too much information.Rate it:
I don't driveI don't driveRate it:
I don't eat fishIndicates that the speaker does not eat fish.Rate it:
I don't eat meatIndicates that the speaker does not eat meat.Rate it:
I don't eat porkIndicates that the speaker does not eat pork.Rate it:
I don't fancy yoursUsed to reserve the right to chat up an attractive woman, who is with an unattractive woman.Rate it:
I don't have any moneyI don't have any moneyRate it:
I don't knowA phrase used in response to a question or command in which the target person does not know the answer to or how to respond.Rate it:
I don't knowA reason and common excuse used to state that a person is unclear of why something did or did not happen, or is or is not the case.Rate it:
I don't speak EnglishIndicates that the speaker is unable to speak the English language.Rate it:
I don't supposeUsed to introduce a question, implying that eliciting an affirmative answer from the interlocutor would be unlikely yet desirable for the speaker.Rate it:
I don't think soI think what has been said is untrue.Rate it:
I don't think soNo.Rate it:
I don't understandIndicates that the speaker is not understanding the current subject or situation.Rate it:
I don't want itI don't want it.Rate it:
I don't want to buy anythingI don't want to buy anythingRate it:
I don't want to talk about itI don't want to talk about itRate it:
I feel youAn agreement or understanding in sentiment or belief.Rate it:
i felt that to my coreTo deeply understand something.Rate it:
i find your lack of x disturbingIndicates disapproval at someone lacking X.Rate it:
i flew to the kitchenThey used it back then to say that they went to a kitchen really fast.Rate it:
i go batty for you!(bat-ty) batty mean crazy in this context but bat-tyRate it:
i got that #trumpumph.Song, and phrase by American Activist Greshun De Bouse, describing how there's just something so lively, animated, positive, and always excitingly persuasive about supporters of Donald J. Trump | term and hashtag #trumpumph" created/coined by American Activist Greshun De Bouse; first known use of term/hashtag on internetRate it:

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That's too good! It works like a ________.
A diamond
B charm
C jewel
D dream