Found 863 phrases starting with I: Page #6


ice-calmExtreme calm, utter calmnessRate it:
icpsInternational College of Physicians and SurgeonsRate it:
ICUIntensive care unit.Rate it:
ICUIntersection capacity utilization: a measure of the capacity of a roadway intersection.Rate it:
ICYWWInitialism of In case you were wondering.Rate it:
IDBIInitialism of I don't believe it.Rate it:
IDGAFInitialism of I don't give a fuck.Rate it:
IDGARAInitialism of I don't give a rat's ass.Rate it:
idiot boxTelevision.Rate it:
idiot lightAny warning light or indicator on the dashboard of a car, designed to alert the driver of problems, such as the parking brake being on or the oil being low.Rate it:
idiot mittensMittens connected by yarn or string running through one sleeve, along the back and out the other sleeve of a coat, to prevent the mittens becoming lost. Generally worn by small children.Rate it:
idkAbbreviation of I don't know.Rate it:
idkI don’t knowRate it:
idle hands are a devil's toolsIf you are idle then you can do something which. can lead you to troubleRate it:
idle hands are the devil's playthingsAlternative form of Idle hands are the devil's workshop.Rate it:
idle hands are the Devil's playthingsAlternative form of Idle hands are the devil's workshop..Rate it:
idle hands are the devil's toolsAlternative form of Idle hands are the devil's workshop.Rate it:
idle hands are the Devil's toolsAlternative form of Idle hands are the devil's workshop..Rate it:
idle hands are the devil's workshopOne who is idle will likely come to do evil.Rate it:
idle hands are the Devil's workshopAlternative form of Idle hands are the devil's workshop..Rate it:
IDRIndonesian rupiahRate it:
IDRGAFInitialism of I don't really give a fuck.Rate it:
IDSTInitialism of if destroyed still true.Rate it:
IDTSInitialism of I don't think so.Rate it:
if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nailWith limited tools, single-minded people apply them inappropriately or indiscriminatelyIf a person is familiar with a certain, single subject/has with them a certain, single instrument, they may have a confirmation bias to believe that it is the answer to/involved in everything.Rate it:
if anythingUsed to suggest or state tentatively that something may be the case.Rate it:
if anythingUsed in questions when the speaker does not know for sure if the listener will have an answer.Rate it:
if at first you don't succeed, try try againdon't quit, keep tryingRate it:
if brains were dynamite you wouldn't have enough to blow your nose.You're really stupid.Rate it:
if ever there was oneUsed to emphasize the truth of a characterizationRate it:
if I do say so myselfAppended to praise of oneself or one's own doings, as a form of modesty.Rate it:
if I had a nickel for every timeimplying that the situation has happened a lot to the personRate it:
if I were youA phrase said to introduce advice, i.e. to express what one would do in the interlocutor's situation.Rate it:
if I'm honestto be honestRate it:
if I'm lying, I'm dyingA promise that one is telling the truth.Rate it:
if it ain't chicken, it's feathersthat's life; there are always problemsRate it:
if it ain't broke, don't fix itLeave something alone; avoid correcting, fixing, or improving what is already sufficient, as it could end up being detrimentalRate it:
if it ain't broken, don't fix itAlternative form of if it ain't broke, don't fix itRate it:
if it quacks like a duck, waddles like a duck and looks like a duck, chances are it's a duckif something has all the attributes and appearances of being a certain thing, the probability exists that it is that thing.Rate it:
if it's all the sameIf it makes no difference; if nobody minds; if it doesn't bother anyone.Rate it:
if it's not one thing it's anotherMany problems are happening simultaneously or in close succession.Rate it:
if it's the last thing I doAt any cost; for certain; indicates the speaker is determined, resolute in doing something.Rate it:
if it's yellow let it mellowIn order to save water, do not flush the toilet every time you urinate.Rate it:
if it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown flush it downIn order to save water, only flush the toilet after defecation, not after urination.Rate it:
if looks could killA phrase said upon catching sight of someone's giving you a particularly nasty look of discontent or disapproval.Rate it:
if memory servesIf I have correctly remembered the details.Rate it:
if my aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle(colloquial, vulgar, humorous) It is fruitless to speculate about counterfactual situations."We would have won the match if we'd had a decent goalkeeper.""And if my aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle!"Rate it:
if need beIf necessary; if there is a need.Rate it:
if needs beIf need be; if there is a need.Rate it:
if not forif were not there; in the absence of; withoutRate it:

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_______ out a living.
A break
B fake
C eke
D make