Found 1,083 phrases starting with D:


d.c. al codaA music notation roughly meaning "go back to the beginning, playing everything again up to the coda."Rate it:
da arse is gone right out of 'erAlternative form of arse is gone right out of 'erRate it:
dab handexpertRate it:
dad-blamedeuphemism for G** damned; used to add emphasis and/or show disgust or disdain; See dagnabbit in our, and gosh darn, gosh darn it, doggone it, in phrases.comRate it:
dad-gum iteuphemism for G** damned; used to add emphasis and/or show disgust or disdain; See also: dagnabbit in our, and dad-blamed, gosh darn, gosh darn it, doggone it, in phrases.comRate it:
daddy will have a stitting of marans in the springa comment about success of a breed of laying hensRate it:
daddy's girlA girl who has a very close relationship with her fatherRate it:
DADTInitialism of don't ask, don't tell.Rate it:
daft as a brushDescribes someone who is known to do and say silly things.Rate it:
dafuqThe fuck.Rate it:
dag nabbitIncorrect spelling. See dagnabbit in our, a euphemism for G** damn it; See also doggone it, dad-blamed, gosh darn and gosh darn it in phrases.comRate it:
dag nabbitIncorrect spelling. See dagnabbit in our, a euphemism for G** damn it; See also doggone it, dad-blamed, gosh darn and gosh darn it in phrases.comRate it:
daily grindThe difficult, routine, or monotonous tasks of daily work.Rate it:
Damm-Itt!, Darn-Itt!, Gol-Darn-Itt!Adult Exclamations; 'Mouthed', 'Shouted'; 'Whispered', 'Repeated' in Anger, in Pain, In Frustration, In Aggravation:Rate it:
damn by associationDiscredit or condemn a position, person, or thing by attacking those things with which he/she/it is associated.Rate it:
Damn It To Hell!Expletive of Depression DazeRate it:
damn rightExpresses enthusiastic support or opposition, agreement or disagreement, certainty or emphasis.Rate it:
damn straightWithout doubt, certainly, for sure.Rate it:
damn the torpedoesUsed to dismiss the risks of a dangerous action.Rate it:
damn with faint praiseTo provide praise that is so minimal or inconsequential as to actually amount to criticism.Rate it:
damn YankeeUsed other than as an idiom.Rate it:
damn YankeeA person from the northern United States (a Yankee) who moves to the South to reside there.Rate it:
damned if one does and damned if one doesn'tA dilemma where either choice results in a negative outcome.Rate it:
damp downto reduce the intensity ofRate it:
damp offTo decay and perish through excessive moisture - mostly said of plantsRate it:
damp squibA firework that fails to go off, due to wetting.Rate it:
damp squibAnything that doesn’t work properly, or fails to come up to expectations..Rate it:
dampen downto reduce the intensity ofRate it:
dampen offTo become damp, especially too damp for an intended agricultural purpose.Rate it:
damson jamfruit preserveRate it:
dance of the seven veilsA striptease performance.Rate it:
dance of the seven veilsThe incremental disclosure of tantalizing bits of information.Rate it:
dance/march to the tune ofGet In Step!, Get With It!, Join The Group!Rate it:
dangly bitsMale genitalia, usually of a baby, child, or of a smaller than usual size; ironic reference to male genitalia.Rate it:
Daniel come to judgementOne who wisely settles a difficult matter.Rate it:
dar brincosTo jump, leap.Rate it:
dark horseA candidate who is nominated unexpectedly, without previously having been discussed or considered as a likely choice.Rate it:
dark horseAn unexpected success.Rate it:
Dark-Horse CandidateAn unknown candidate who wins unpredictablyRate it:
darken a church doorto go to church for a service.Rate it:
darken somebody's doorstepTo enter somebody else's home uninvited.Rate it:
darken someone's doorTo arrive at the entrance of someone's residence or of another building associated with that person, especially as an unwelcome visitor.Rate it:
darn tootinAbsolutely correct; speaking the truth.Rate it:
darn tootinAbsolute, utter, complete, very.Rate it:
darn tootin'Absolute, utter, complete, very.Rate it:
darn tootin'You are absolutely correct.Rate it:
darn tootin'Absolutely correct; speaking the truth.Rate it:
darn tootin'Assuredly, absolutely, utterly, completely.Rate it:
darning needleA large needle used for darning.Rate it:
darning needleA damselfly, or a dragonfly that resembles one.Rate it:

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The good, the bad and the _____.
A ugly
B better
C truth
D worst