Found 1,083 phrases starting with D: Page #8


dip outTo leave a place without telling anyone.Rate it:
diplomatic fluAn illness feigned by one or more government officials or other public figures as an excuse for an absence really based on political reasons.Rate it:
dirt cheapInexpensiveRate it:
dirt fileA compilation of negative gossip or facts about someone.Rate it:
dirt napA state of permanent rest; the state of death.Rate it:
dirt-poorIn a condition of extreme poverty.Rate it:
dirty copA police officer or prison guard who is corrupt or unethical.Rate it:
dirty laundryA clothes hamper or other container used to place unclean or soiled laundry.Rate it:
dirty laundryLaundry that is unclean or soiled.Rate it:
dirty laundryUnflattering facts or questionable activities that one wants to remain secret, but which some other may use to blackmail with.Rate it:
dirty lookAn unpleasant or disdainful look or expression, often directed at someone.Rate it:
dirty moneyMoney that is illegally gained, illegally transferred or illegally utilized. Especially money gained through forgery, bribery, or thievery.Rate it:
dirty old manAn adult male - usually middle-aged or elderly - who acts in a lecherous or lewd manner.Rate it:
dirty wordA word that is considered vulgar, not necessarily sexual in nature.Rate it:
dirty wordThe name of a topic that a person does not like to hear or discuss.Rate it:
dirty workOne or more unpleasant tasks, assignments, or employment duties, especially those of a disreputable or illicit nature.Rate it:
disagree withTo cause (a person or animal) to feel sick.Rate it:
disagree withUsed other than as an idiom: disagree with.Rate it:
disc jockeyradio presenterRate it:
dischargeTo disengage.Rate it:
discomboberateAlternative form of discombobulate.Rate it:
discretion is the better part of valorAlternative form of discretion is the better part of valour.Rate it:
discretion is the better part of valourIt is often wise to refrain from seemingly brave speech or action.1597 Rate it:
discretion is the better part of valour.Be brave but be discreet.Rate it:
Disgusted of Tunbridge WellsA stereotypical vocal conservative curmudgeon.Rate it:
dish outOn to a dish ready for eating.Rate it:
dish outTo distribute or deliver something.Rate it:
dish the dirtTo tell salacious gossip.Rate it:
dish upTo serve cooked food.Rate it:
dishpan handsHands which are rough, reddish, and dry, as from irritation and chafing caused by immersion in hot water mixed with detergent.Rate it:
dismal scienceNickname for economics or for the field of political economy.Rate it:
dispose ofTo deal with conclusively with a threat or a difficult situation.Rate it:
dispose ofTo have available, or at one's disposal.Rate it:
dispose ofTo arrange in an orderly way.Rate it:
dispose ofTo transfer to another's control.Rate it:
dispose ofTo get rid of.Rate it:
dive inTo start a new endeavor enthusiastically and wholeheartedly.Rate it:
divide and conquerA combination of political, military and economic strategies that aim to gain and maintain power by breaking up larger concentrations of power into chunks that individually have less power than the one implementing the strategy.(computing) Applied to various algorithms, such as quicksort, that solve a problem by splitting it recursively into smaller problems until all of the remaining problems are trivial.(as imperative, proverb) In order to rule securely, don't allow alliances of your enemies.Rate it:
divide upTo divide, particularly into separate shares for distribution.Rate it:
divvy upTo divide or parcel out.Rate it:
divy upAlternative form of divvy upRate it:
DNAThe fundamental values or vision of an organization.Rate it:
DNAA biopolymer of deoxyribonucleic acid that has four different chemical groups, called bases: adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine.Rate it:
DNAThat part of a person's character that has a genetic origin.Rate it:
DNACPRInitialism of do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation.Rate it:
DNARInitialism of do not attempt to resuscitate.Rate it:
DNFTTInitialism of do not feed the troll.Rate it:
DNQdo not quoteRate it:
DNQdid not qualifyRate it:
DNRDo not resuscitate.Rate it:

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She is as graceful as a _____.
A flight
B swan
C dancer
D lion