Found 1,083 phrases starting with D: Page #12


dog and pony showOriginally, a small, traveling circus featuring animals as entertainment.Rate it:
dog aroundTo follow diligently.Rate it:
dog daysHot weatherRate it:
dog days of summerhot summer day when you just want to sit under a tree and do nothingRate it:
Dog Days of SummerThe hottest and mainly moist days of summer, mostly the July and AugustRate it:
dog eat dogRuthlessly acquisitive or competitive. Describes a business or other set of circumstances where people try to succeed at the expense of other people.Rate it:
dog in a mangerone who denies others what he cannot consume himself: hay in a manger (cattle feeder) cannot be eaten by cows if a (barking) dog is in it - though dogs don't eat hayRate it:
dog in the huntLiterally, ownership of one of several canines participating in the group pursuit of game or fowl.Rate it:
dog in the huntSomething to gain depending on the outcome; a position for which to campaign or cheer..Rate it:
dog in the huntThis is often used erroneously to indicate that one has no stake in the outcome. As such this is a bastardization of two Southern idioms: "no dog in the fight," and "that dog won't hunt." (The latter indicates something is a bad idea or prone to fail.) Use of the phrase "no dog in the hunt" when one wishes to indicate they have no "dog in the fight" will generate funny glances from any Southerners who overhear it.Rate it:
dog in the mangerSomeone who denies to others something that he or she cannot use.Rate it:
dog itTo underperform; to lag behind; to fail to exert effort.Rate it:
dog my catsUsed as a mild oath, or as an expression of astonishment.Rate it:
dog outTo mistreat, especially for a pimp or abusive man to mistreat a woman by prostituting her.Rate it:
dog racismPaying large sum of money for "pedigree dogs", attaching great importance to the breed of a pet.Rate it:
dog's breakfastAn unappealing mixture; a disorderly situation; a mess.Rate it:
dog's chancelittle or not likelihoodRate it:
dog's lifeA life of indolence where the individual may do as he or she pleases, just like a pampered dog.Rate it:
dog's lifeA miserable, unhappy existence.Rate it:
Dog's LifeA be miserable and awful, to have harsh survival without much pleasure or prosperityRate it:
dog-eat-dogHarsh and ruthless.Rate it:
Dog-Eat-Dog WorldTo live a life associated by severe competition wherein people struggle ruthlessly to live or attain successRate it:
dog-tiredexhaustedRate it:
doggone itexclamation of frustration; euphemism for G** damn it; used for emphasis; See also dad-blamed, gosh darn, gosh darn it in and dagnabbit in definitions.netRate it:
doggonitAn expression that shows mild or strong frustration about something.Rate it:
dogsFeet.Rate it:
dogsPlural form of dog.Rate it:
dogsWith the, a greyhound racing event.Rate it:
dogs barkFeet hurt.Rate it:
doing somebody else's laundryShe married someone else.Rate it:
doing the townEngaging in an evening of celebration and reveling with little consideration of expenses.Rate it:
dole outTo distribute in small amounts.Rate it:
doll upTo dress oneself or another in formal or ostentatious clothing as if for a special occasion.Rate it:
dollar-sign eyesgreedRate it:
dolled updress fancy; wear makeup; usually said to or about womenRate it:
domino effectAn accumulation of events where one event is triggered by the previous eventRate it:
don't bite the hand that feeds youTo cause harm to a benefactor.Rate it:
don't bite the hand that feeds youDon't do something bad to the person who does something for you.Rate it:
don't count your chickens before they're hatchedYou should not count on something before it happens.Rate it:
don't count your eggs before they hatchDon't get your hopes up before things actually happenRate it:
don't get your dander all in an uproarDon't get upset or too bothered; usually said to calm someone down from being too angry; Also said this way: Don't get your dander upRate it:
don't put your cart before the horseThe same as saying, "First things first"; asserts that there is a certain order in which things happen and that the listener should consider that before going forward (outside of that order) regarding the matter at handRate it:
don't threaten me with a good timea way of saying emphatically that you'd love to do something, after someone just mentioned something to doRate it:
don't throw the baby out with the bathwaterTo discard something valuable, often inadvertently, in the process of removing waste.Rate it:
don't answer me so snippilyAnswering me with a negative attitudeRate it:
don't ask, don't tellA policy of the U.S. military from 1993 to 2011, which barred openly gay, lesbian, or bisexual people from serving in the military, while also barring discrimination against closeted gays, lesbians, and bisexuals.Rate it:
don't ask, don't tellApplied to various other policies that prohibit a behavior but also discourage investigation of it.Rate it:
don't ask, don't tell, don't harass, don't pursueFull name of the U.S. Military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy concerning the service of homosexuals in the military as defined in 10 USC § 654.Rate it:
don't be a fool, wrap your toolThere are consequences to not wearing a condom on your penisRate it:
don't be a strangerRemain in communication with me.Rate it:

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