Found 1,083 phrases starting with D: Page #16


Down the DrainLost or vanishedRate it:
down the hatchInto the mouth and down the throat, especially with regard to the consumption of a beverage.Rate it:
Down the HatchTo drink something quicklyRate it:
down the khaziSynonym of down the toilet : wasted; irretrievable.Rate it:
down the lineFurther along, in terms of time or progress.Rate it:
down the panSynonym of down the toilet : wasted; irretrievable.Rate it:
down the roadFurther along, in terms of time or progress.Rate it:
down the road, not across the streetAlong the radial artery rather than across the wrist from side to side.Rate it:
down the toiletInto a state of collapse or failure: wasted, squandered; irretrievable.Rate it:
down the trackFurther along, in terms of time or progress.Rate it:
down the tubesInto a state of collapse or failure.Rate it:
down the wrong alleyWe're not thinking Alike, We're not on the same page;Rate it:
down to a fine artHaving or showing exceptional proficiency.Rate it:
Down to EarthRealistic; Sensible; PracticalRate it:
down to the short strokesIn the final steps or decisive phase of an undertaking, especially one which has been lengthy or laborious.Rate it:
down to the wireAt the very end of a process or project, especially one with a fast-approaching deadline.Rate it:
Down to the WireRight up to the closing date/time, Running out of time;Rate it:
down underIn Australia.Rate it:
down withAway with!, cease!Rate it:
down withExpressing disapproval of or encouraging actions against a person, organization, practice, belief, etc., typically in a public protest.Rate it:
down with his apple-cartKnock or throw him down.Rate it:
down-and-outerSomeone who is down and out.Rate it:
down-to-earthPractical; realistic; pragmatic.Rate it:
Downing Streeta street leading off Whitehall in Westminster, London containing the residences of the Prime Minister and the Chancellor of the ExchequerRate it:
Downing Streetthe British governmentRate it:
doyabradabraMake the magic happenRate it:
doze offTo fall asleep unintentionally.Rate it:
dragTo act or proceed slowly or without enthusiasm; to be reluctant.Rate it:
dragTo move a mouse cursor while holding down a button on the mouse, often to move something on the screen.Rate it:
dragTo move slowly.Rate it:
dragTo pull along a surface or through a medium, sometimes with difficulty.Rate it:
drag downto cause to suffer the same fate.Rate it:
drag inTo get into a course of action by forceful means.Rate it:
drag kingA female who dresses up in men's clothing, typically for public performance.Rate it:
drag onto last too longRate it:
drag one's feetTo procrastinate, put off; to dawdle, avoid, or make progress slowly and reluctantly.Rate it:
drag one’s heelsTo delay, to hold up progressRate it:
drag outTo extend or lengthen excessively.Rate it:
drag outTo haul or bring out forcefully or as though with force.Rate it:
drag something outDelay a decision by dragging, stretching, extending the conversation by injecting incidentals or humdrum history/misinformation/disproved calculations and extrapolations:Rate it:
drag through the mudto tarnish or spoil enough so that it is no longer respectableRate it:
drag upTo remind people of something, usually unpleasant, from the past.Rate it:
drag upTo educate reluctant pupils.Rate it:
drag upUsed other than with a figurative or idiomatic meaning: see drag,‎ up.Rate it:
dragon's denA place to do battle, but the enemy is formidable. Only enter if prepared.Rate it:
drain awayTo diminish over time; to disappear or leak out gradually.Rate it:
drain outTo empty completely of liquids; to drain completely.Rate it:
drain outTo be emptied of liquid; to be drained completely.Rate it:
drain the main veinTo urinate.Rate it:
drain the swamp when up to one's neck in alligators(idiomatic) When performing a long and complex task, and when you've gotten utterly immersed in secondary and tertiary unexpected tangential subtasks, it's easy to lose sight of the initial objective. This sort of distraction can be particularly problematic if the all-consuming subtask or sub-subtask is not, after all, particularly vital to the original, primary goal, but ends up sucking up time and resources (out of all proportion to its actual importance) only because it seems so urgent.Rate it:

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You must be this ____ to ride this ride.
A tall
B short
C old
D young