Found 1,083 phrases starting with D: Page #20


drop the glovesTo remove a prior impediment to action; to prepare for or engage in a dispute.Rate it:
drop the micTo do or say something decisive, meaningful, or impressive.Rate it:
drop the pilotTo dismiss an expert adviser. A classic example was the dismissal of the German Chancellor, Bismarck, by Kaiser Wilhelm II in 1891.Rate it:
drop the topicTo stop talking about the topic at hand.Rate it:
drop the writTo call a federal or provincial election.Rate it:
drop trowto pull down one's trousers (pants)Rate it:
Drop You like a Hot PotatoTo disassociate oneself with something/someone as soon as possibleRate it:
dropout factoryAn underperforming high school, especially with low graduation ratesRate it:
dropping like fliesFalling down, leaving, or dying in large numbers.Rate it:
drown outTo cover, obscure, or hide by being louder than.Rate it:
drug dealUsed other than as an idiom: see drug, deal.Rate it:
drug dealAn illegal business transaction where cash or something else of value is exchanged for illegal drugs, usually conducted in a clandestine manner.Rate it:
drug of choiceSubstance that a suspect is addicted to.Rate it:
drug of choiceThe best-choice medication to treat a particular medical problem.Rate it:
drug on the marketSomething which is overabundant at the moment and thus not in demand.Rate it:
drugstore cowboyDresses like a cowboy to show off at the drugstore; looks like a cowboy, but ain't.Rate it:
drum beatOn a particular patternRate it:
drum outTo remove, often unfairly, from an organization or position of responsibility.Rate it:
drum upTo generate or encourage; to campaign for.Rate it:
drunk as a cuntExtremely drunk.Rate it:
drunk as a lordCompletely drunk.Rate it:
drunk as a skunkHighly inebriated.Rate it:
drunk as ChloeVery drunk.Rate it:
drutherWould rather; would prefer to.Rate it:
druthersWishes, preferences, or ways.Rate it:
DRYAcronym of don't repeat yourself.Rate it:
dry as a bonecompletely dry; totally dryRate it:
dry as a dead dingo's dongerVery dry, extremely dry.Rate it:
dry as a dead dingo's dongerVery thirsty.Rate it:
dry behind the earsSeasoned or experienced; mature, especially with respect to judgment.Rate it:
dry eyeAn eye which is not crying, i.e. someone emotionally unmoved.Rate it:
dry eyeKeratoconjunctivitis sicca , an eye disease caused by decreased tear production.Rate it:
dry offTo become dry.Rate it:
dry one's eyesTo cease crying.Rate it:
dry outTo have excess water evaporate or be otherwise removed.Rate it:
dry outTo sober up; to cease to be drunk.Rate it:
dry powderA powder found in a fire extinguisher that is expelled to smother the fireRate it:
dry powdercash (or cash-like securities) kept in reserve in case of need.Rate it:
dry powderUsed other than as an idiom: see dry, powder.Rate it:
dry rottimber decayRate it:
dry runA practice; a rehearsal.Rate it:
dry upTo become dry; to lose water.Rate it:
dry upTo cause to become dry.Rate it:
dry upTo deprive someone of.Rate it:
dry upTo cease to exist; to disappearRate it:
dry upTo manually dry dishesRate it:
dry upTo stop talking, to forget what one was going to say.Rate it:
dry up and blow awayTo go away; to disappear.Rate it:
dub outTo fill out, as an uneven surface, to a plane, or to carry out a series of small projections.Rate it:
duces tecumBring with you.Rate it:

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You take my _______ away.
A cup of tea
B socks
C heart
D breath