Found 1,083 phrases starting with D: Page #5


deep sixTo discard, cancel, halt; to completely put an end to something.Rate it:
deep sleepUsed other than as an idiom: see deep, sleep.Rate it:
deep sleepArtificially induced hibernation in humans for the purpose of long distance space travel.Rate it:
deep thinkerA person whose thoughts are profound; an intellectual.Rate it:
deep waterA difficult or embarrassing situation.Rate it:
deep waterWaters suitable for deep-draft ships, especially ocean-going.Rate it:
deep-sixTo get rid of something unwanted.Rate it:
deep-sixTo throw something overboard from a ship.Rate it:
deer in the headlightsA mental state of high arousal caused by anxiety fear, panic, surpriseand/or confusion, or substance abuse. The behavioral signs are like a deer subjected to a car's headlights, such as widely opened eyes and a lack of motor reactions.Rate it:
deez nutsballs for a human boyRate it:
define the relationshipA modern phrase to describe when two people agree on the nature of their relationship - is it casual, serious, open etcRate it:
definite thumbs upan indication of satisfaction or approval.Rate it:
delay no moreFuck you.Rate it:
Delhi bellyDigestive illness or diarrhoea, especially if suffered by a visitor to India.Rate it:
delight into enjoy; to take pleasure inRate it:
deliver the goodsTo keep one's promises.Rate it:
deliver the message to garcia...grasp the demands and exactions of business life. He learns that the main thing to do is to "deliver the message to Garcia"....Rate it:
deliver the message to garcia...heaves in a deep breath, gathers himself as though he's crossed a continent to deliver the message to Garcia.Rate it:
deliver the message to garciaAlternative form of carry the message to Garcia.Rate it:
deliver the message to garciaProgrammers are consistently dehumanized because so many do indeed deliver the message to Garcia only to be at best ignored.Rate it:
deliver the message to garciaWhat we need is people who get the job done, no matter how. We don't want pickers who'll only learn if we use their preferred learning method. Have you read "A Message to Garcia" ? That's what we need today - young people who can deliver the message to Garcia.Rate it:
Delivered Ex ShipThe seller pays for all transportation and insurance until the transporting ship has arrived at the port of destination.Rate it:
den of iniquityA place of immoral behavior, usually of a sexual type.Rate it:
denial ain't just a river in EgyptAlternative form of denial is not a river in EgyptRate it:
denial is not a river in EgyptUsed to point out that somebody is in a state of psychological denial.Rate it:
depart withTo resign; to part with.Rate it:
depend onTo be dependent on something or someone for support or help.Rate it:
depression daze - depression daysMy life of 'Depression Daze' during Depression Days; 1929-1939Rate it:
Derangement SyndromeThe acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal and balanced people triggered by the mention of a specific topic.Rate it:
derring dobold actionRate it:
des resdesirable residenceRate it:
descend uponto visit in large numbersRate it:
desk jockeyOne who spends his or her time seated at a desk; especially one who is more concerned with procedure, paperwork, or administration than with its ultimate goal or practical consequence.Rate it:
desktop publishingDTPRate it:
desperate times call for desperate measuresIn adverse circumstances actions that might have been rejected under other circumstances may become the best choice.Rate it:
desperate times require desperate measuresAlternative form of desperate times call for desperate measures.Rate it:
detective workinvestigative researchRate it:
developmentsA group of building complexes or apartments. Often used for low income housing.Rate it:
developmentsPlural form of development.Rate it:
devil beating his wifeWhen it is raining but the sun is outRate it:
devil is in the detailsThe specific provisions of, or particular steps for implementing, a general plan, policy, or contract may be complicated, controversial, or unworkable.Rate it:
devil lies in the detailsSame as the devil is (devil's) in the details;Rate it:
devil take the hindmostAn imprecation that everyone should look after their own interests, leaving those who cannot cope to whatever fate befalls them.Rate it:
devil's advocateOne who debates from a view which they may not actually hold, usually to determine its validity, or simply for the sake of argument.Rate it:
devil's advocateA canon lawyer appointed by the Church to argue against the canonization of the proposed candidate.Rate it:
devil's luckastounding good luck.Rate it:
devil's shouldersThe illiac furrows.Rate it:
devil's shouldersUsed other than as an idiom: see devil, shoulders.Rate it:
dexterousSkilful and competent with the handsRate it:
DFTTInitialism of don't feed the troll.Rate it:

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Let's not play the _________ game.
A main
B pain
C blame
D same