Found 150 phrases starting with DE:

de die ad diemde factode minimis non cura…
deaddead 'n' burieddead air
dead and burieddead as a dododead as a dodo
dead as a doorknobdead as a doornailDead as a Doornail
dead asleepdead bangdead beat
dead cat bouncedead centerdead center
dead creature scree…dead duckdead duck
Dead Duckdead enddead end
dead fishdead fishdead giveaway
dead heatdead in the waterdead in the water
dead lastdead lossdead meat
dead meatdead mendead men
dead men tell no ta…dead men's shoesdead of night
dead ondead ondead ringer
dead set againstdead shotdead tired
dead to rightsdead tree editiondead weight
dead weightdead wooddead wood
deadbeatdeadbeat daddeader than disco
deader than discodeadstick landingdeadweight
deadweightdeaf as a doorpostdeaf as a post
deafening silencedeal a handdeal breaker
deal indeal indeal out
deal outdeal withdeath by spellcheck
death knelldeath knelldeath spiral
death spiraldeath spiraldeath warmed up
deathbed conversiondeathbed conversiondeathblow
deathblowdebris fieldDecember bride
decimal dozendeck outdeck out
deco overlaydeep downdeep end
deep golden spelldeep pocketsdeep six
deep sleepdeep sleepdeep thinker
deep waterdeep waterdeep-six
deep-sixdeer in the headlig…deez nuts
define the relation…definite thumbs updelay no more
Delhi bellydelight indeliver the goods
deliver the message…deliver the message…deliver the message…
deliver the message…deliver the message…Delivered Ex Ship
den of iniquitydenial ain't just a…denial is not a riv…
depart withdepend ondepression daze - d…
Derangement Syndromederring dodes res
descend upondesk jockeydesktop publishing
desperate times cal…desperate times req…detective work
developmentsdevelopmentsdevil beating his w…
devil is in the det…devil lies in the d…devil take the hind…
devil's advocatedevil's advocatedevil's luck
devil's shouldersdevil's shouldersdexterous

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I can't help but feel I'm walking on ___________ when I'm around her.
A eggshells
B broken glass
C clouds
D mountains