Found 141 phrases starting with DI:

dial backdial downdial in
dial indial intodial it in
dial it indial it up/dial it …dial it up/down
dial updial upDiamond
diamond in the roughdiamond in the roughDiamond in the Rough
diamonds are a girl…diarrhea of the mou…dick all
dick arounddick milkdick munch
dicksize wardickydicky
dicky-birddictated but not re…did i stutter?
diddle for middlediedie
die a thousand deat…die a thousand deat…die away
die awaydie awaydie back
die downdie for want of lob…die in harness
die offdie on the vinedie on the vine
die outdie the way one liv…diegesis
different as chalk …different strokesdifferent strokes
dig deepdig indig in
dig in one's heelsdig intodig into
dig one's own gravedig oneself in a ho…dig out
dig outdig outdig out of a hole
dig updig updig up dirt
dimber damber uprig…dime a dozenDime a Dozen
dime outdime's worthdiminished capacity
diminishing returnsdine outding up
ding, ding, ding, w…dinner partydinosaurs eating ch…
dip a toe intodip intodip into
dip intodip outdiplomatic flu
dirt cheapdirt filedirt nap
dirt-poordirty copdirty laundry
dirty laundrydirty laundrydirty look
dirty moneydirty old mandirty word
dirty worddirty workdisagree with
disagree withdisc jockeydischarge
discomboberatediscretion is the b…discretion is the b…
discretion is the b…Disgusted of Tunbri…dish out
dish outdish the dirtdish up
dishpan handsdismal sciencedispose of
dispose ofdispose ofdispose of
dispose ofdive individe and conquer
divide updivvy updivy up

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Seems like the _________ caught his tongue!
A cat
B mouse
C house
D fridge