Found 221 phrases starting with PA:

pachydermpack a punchpack a punch
pack awaypack awaypack away
pack fudgepack heatpack in
pack inpack inpack of lies
pack offpack onpack on the pounds
pack outpack uppack up
pack uppack uppack up
packed to the gillspacked to the gillspacked to the rafte…
packing heatpacta sunt servandapad down
pad downpad downpad out
pad outpad the accountpadded cell
paddle one's own ca…page downpage in
page outpage uppaid up
paid uppaid uppain and suffering
pain and sufferingpain in the asspain in the butt
pain in the neckpain in the neckpainful on the eyes
paint oneself into …paint outpaint out
paint the town redpaint the wagonpaint with a broad …
paint your back doo…painting rockspair off
pair offpair offpair up
pair uppal uppal up
palace politicspale in comparisonpale rider
palm offpalmed the ticketpan out
pan outpancake daypandion
paperpaper chasepaper flower
paper flowerpaper flowerpaper flower
paper overpaper tigerpaper trail
paper trailpar delictumpar for the course
Par for the Courseparade of horriblesparade of horribles
parade passed someo…parade passed someo…paradise on earth
parcel outpardon mepardon me
pardon my frenchpare downpark that thought
park the buspark the car in har…parking lot
parking lotpart and parcelpart company
part companypart withpartial out
parting of the waysparting shotpartner up
party and playparty and playparty animal
party crasherparty guideparty hardy
party heartyparty pooperparty to
pas devant les enfa…pass aspass away
pass bypass bypass down
pass forpass forpass muster
pass musterpass offpass off
pass onpass onpass on
pass outpass outpass out
pass overpass overpass over
pass overpass overpass round
pass the buckpass the hatPass the Hat
pass the riverpass the torchpass through
pass throughpass throughpass up
pass uppast masterpaste up
paste uppaste uppat down
pat on the backpat on the backpat. pend.
patch togetherpatch uppatch up
patch uppatience is a virtuepatience is a virtue
patience of a saintpatience of jobpatience of job
patriotism is the l…patty cakepave the road to he…
pave the waypaw atpaw at
paw offpaw offpawn off
pawn off aspay a visitpay attention
pay backpay backpay dividends
pay forpay forpay for it
pay it forwardpay no mindpay off
pay offpay offpay one's debt to s…
pay one's duespay one's duespay out
pay outpay outpay packet
pay packetpay the billspay the fiddler
pay the fiddlerpay the freightpay the freight
pay the piperpay the rentpay through the nose
Pay Through the Nosepay towardspay up
payback's a bitchpayback's a bitch 

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_____ don't lose that number.
A Bobby
B Billy
C Ricky
D Robby