Found 172 phrases starting with PL:

place in the sunplace in the sunplace in the sun
place of businessplain as a pikestaffplain as the nose o…
plain sailingplan onplan out
plant a seedplant outplant the seeds
plant your feet fir…play a partplay along
play aroundplay aroundplay around
play atplay atplay away
play backplay ballplay ball
play ballPlay Both Ends Agai…play both sides aga…
play by earplay by earPlay Cat and Mouse
play downplay dumbplay dumb
play fast and looseplay fast and loosePlay Fast and Loose
play first fiddleplay for loveplay for time
play gamesplay gooseberryplay hardball
play hardballplay hob withplay hookey
play hookyplay inplay in
play in Peoriaplay into someone's…play it by ear
play it by earPlay it by Earplay it cool
play it safeplay it straightplay it straight
play it straightplay offplay off
play offplay Old Gooseberryplay Old Gooseberry
play old harryplay old harryplay on
play onplay onplay on words
play one against an…play one's cards ri…play out
play outplay outplay possum
play possumplay possumplay second fiddle
Play Second Fiddleplay silly buggersplay someone like a…
play the anglesplay the anglesplay the angles
play the ball and n…play the ball and n…play the field
play the fieldPlay the FieldPlay the Fire
play the foolplay the gender cardplay the giddy goat
play the hand one i…play the man and no…play the man and no…
play the poniesplay the race cardplay the race card
play the race cardplay the same tapeplay to the crowd
play to the galleryplay to winplay to win
play upplay upplay well with othe…
play withplay withplay with
play withplay with a full de…play with a full de…
play with fireplay with fireplay with house mon…
play with oneselfplay your cards rig…plays down
plead the fifthplead the fifthplease eat mom'…
please excuse my de…please help meplease pass the salt
please repeat after…please say that aga…please sit down
please speak more s…please take it down…please turn left
please turn rightpleased as punchpleased as punch
pleased to meet youplebPLOKTA
plough backplough intoplough into
plough intoplough onplough through
plough throughplough upplow back
plow intoplow onplow through
plow throughplow uppluck up
pluck uppluck uppluck up
plug awayplug inplug out
plug upplug upplum blossom
plum blossomplumber's crackplumber's helper
plump downplump forplump up
plunge inplus plus fours
plus fours  

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People with light blond hair are also known as...
A sister golden hair
B sunlight children
C towheaded
D pool babies