Found 112 phrases starting with PR:

practice makes perf…practice what you p…practice, practice,…
practise makes a ma…praise to the skiesprawn cocktail offe…
pray tellpray tellprayer's were answe…
preach to deaf earspreach to the choirpreaching to the ch…
pregnant pausepreprogrampreprogram
present company exc…present company exc…present day
presistpress aheadpress charges
press into servicepress onpress out
press outpress outpress stud
press the fleshpress the panic but…press tits
press uppressed for timepressure is a privi…
pretty as a picturepretty passpretty penny
pretty picturespretty please with …pretty please with …
pretty Pollypretty uppretzel
pretzelprevail uponprevention is bette…
prey onprey onprey on
PRICEprice inprice is right
price of tea in Chi…price of tea in Chi…price on one's head
price outprice outprice out of the ma…
price upprice upprick up
prick upprick upprick up one's ears
prickly heatpride goeth before …pride of place
prim and properprima donnaprime of life
print outprior toprivate branch exch…
private enterpriseprivate eyeprivate language
private languageprize fighterpro forma
problem childproblem childprofessional victim
professional victimprogressive lovePromised Land
Promised LandPromised LandPromised Land
promptprone outpronunciamiento
pronunciamientoProof of the Puddin…prop up
prop upprop up the barprophet of doom
propose a toastprops-uppros ton kairon
protest too muchproud as a peacockproud as punch
prove outproverbs come in pa…proverbs go in pairs
proverbs hunt in pa…proverbs often come…proverbs run in pai…
provide for  

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We have no leads… I suppose it's back to ________ one for us.
A spot
B circle
C square
D target