
Phrases related to: 'bout

Yee yee! We've found 229 phrases and idioms matching 'bout.

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when you're hot, you're hot. when you're not, you're notYou're either hot or you're not. There's no in between.Rate it:

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forgetting the base, forgetting the root, forgetting number 'one, forgetting the alphabet 'a' 1'Generally this era, when children learn and grow up as adults, they think the parents know nothing they are the entire encyclopedia. Disdaining parents education and their university degrees with disrespectful manner.Rate it:

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can't put the words back into one's mouth fast enoughThis phrase is often said after someone said something they shouldn't have said as a way of conveying regret for having said it.Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
pickin' and grinnin'a country way of saying "playing music"Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
i'll be a monkey's uncle(often preceded by well) expressing complete surprise or disbeliefRate it:

(4.50 / 2 votes)
as she's as cold as a witchscold as a witch's tit!Very, very cold!!Rate it:

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don't count your chickens before they're hatchedYou should not count on something before it happens.Rate it:

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if it ain't chicken, it's feathersthat's life; there are always problemsRate it:

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if you can't take it, don't dish it outdon't say or do something you wouldn't want said or done to youRate it:

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puddin' tame. ask me again and i'll tell you the same.An impertinent response to being asked "what is your name?"; a response indicating that the speaker does not want to reveal their real name.Rate it:

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wear one's heart on one's sleeveTo be extremely transparent, open, or forthright about one's emotion or what is in one's heart; often when this is said, it is said when it is more than the listener wants or needs to hear about it--so it is often said in a negative way or with a negative connotationRate it:

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when you're up to your ass in alligators, it's easy to forget your goal was to drain the swampYou can't complete the a task if more urgent/immediate necessities take priorityRate it:

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where there's smoke, there's firewhen two things are usually together and you find one, you will find the otherRate it:

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you ain't seen nothin' yetsomething is even betterRate it:

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'boutAboutRate it:

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au bout de l'aune faut (or, manque) le drapThere is an end to everything; The last straw breaks the camel’s back.Rate it:

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au bout du compteUpon the whole; After all.Rate it:

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au bout du fossé la culbuteAt the end of the run comes the fall.Rate it:

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bon bout d'anBonne fin d’année.Rate it:

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c'est le bout du mondeThat is the utmost.Rate it:

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eh bien! au bout du compte vous avez tortWell! you are wrong, after all.Rate it:

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être au bout de sa corde (or, son rouleau)To be at the end of one’s tether; To have no more to say.Rate it:

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être au bout de son latin (or, rouleau)To be at one’s wits’ end; Not to know what to do, or say, next.Rate it:

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être au bout de son rouleau, de son latin, de sa gammeTo be at one’s wits’ end; Not to know what to do.Rate it:

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il a de l'esprit jusqu'au bout des onglesHe is witty to the tips of his fingers; He is extremely witty.Rate it:

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il a ri du bout des lèvresHe laughed in a forced manner.Rate it:

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il est poète jusqu'au bout des onglesHe is a poet to his finger-tips.Rate it:

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il m'a poussé à boutHe provoked me beyond endurance.Rate it:

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il répète la même chose à tout bout de champHe repeats the same thing every instant, every time he has the chance.Rate it:

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il se vante d'en venir à boutHe says he is sure to succeed.Rate it:

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il tira à bout portantHe fired point-blank.Rate it:

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j'avais le mot sur le bord des lèvres (or, au bout de la langue)I had the word at the tip of my tongue.Rate it:

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je suis à bout de forceI am exhausted, done up.Rate it:

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laisser voir le bout de l'oreilleTo show one’s ignorance (or, true character); To show what one is driving at; To show the cloven hoof.Rate it:

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ma patience est à boutMy patience is exhausted.Rate it:

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manger du bout des dentsTo eat without an appetite; To eat daintily.Rate it:

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mener par le bout du nezto lead by the noseRate it:

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nothing 'bout himThere was nothing found guilty about himRate it:

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rire du bout des dentsTo force a laugh.Rate it:

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savoir sur le bout du doigtTo know perfectly; To have at one’s finger-ends.Rate it:

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si elle a trente ans c'est tout le bout du mondeShe may be thirty at the very outside.Rate it:

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si vous obtenez cinq francs, c'est le bout du mondeIf you get five francs, it is the utmost; You will get five francs at the very outside.Rate it:

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sur le bout de la langueon the tip of one's tongueRate it:

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tenir le haut boutTo have the whip hand.Rate it:

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's all goodShortened version of "It's all good." No problem; that’s fine; you’re welcome.Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
...and that's the way it isThe phrase "...and that's the way it is" is used to repeat Walter Kronkite's quote and/or to signify the conclusion of something like a piece of new news or that elude to the fact that what was just said is true or an account of something that really did happen; a way of putting a stamp of approval on what was just stated; same as "and there you have it folks"Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
a hornet's nest .An unpleasent situation Raising controversy A troublesome situation.Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
bring (one's) a-gamerefers to bringing maximum effort, focus and undeniable commitment; an encouragement to do your best with no excuses; giving it your allRate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
bum's rushForcible ejection from an establishment, as of a bum (hobo); someone trying to get you to leave abruptly (quickly).Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
can't see the forest for the treesTo miss the major things while only seeing the minor details; to overlook the entire situation due to focusing on small aspectsRate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)

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I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a _____ today.
A hot dog
B cookie
C hamburger
D can of spinach