
Phrases related to: n'est-ce que cela

Yee yee! We've found 3,658 phrases and idioms matching n'est-ce que cela.

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when you're hot, you're hot. when you're not, you're notYou're either hot or you're not. There's no in between.Rate it:

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qu'est-ce que c'est que c'est que çaEmployé pour dire plaisamment qu’est-ce que c’est.Rate it:

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qu'est-ce que c'est que ça que c'estEmployé pour dire plaisamment qu’est-ce que c’est.Rate it:

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forgetting the base, forgetting the root, forgetting number 'one, forgetting the alphabet 'a' 1'Generally this era, when children learn and grow up as adults, they think the parents know nothing they are the entire encyclopedia. Disdaining parents education and their university degrees with disrespectful manner.Rate it:

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ce que je sais, c'est que c'est un voleurAll I know is that he is a thief.Rate it:

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n'est-ce que cela?Is that all?Rate it:

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qu'est-ce que cela me fait?What is that to me?Rate it:

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can't put the words back into one's mouth fast enoughThis phrase is often said after someone said something they shouldn't have said as a way of conveying regret for having said it.Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
pickin' and grinnin'a country way of saying "playing music"Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
i'll be a monkey's uncle(often preceded by well) expressing complete surprise or disbeliefRate it:

(4.50 / 2 votes)
as she's as cold as a witchscold as a witch's tit!Very, very cold!!Rate it:

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don't count your chickens before they're hatchedYou should not count on something before it happens.Rate it:

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if it ain't chicken, it's feathersthat's life; there are always problemsRate it:

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if you can't take it, don't dish it outdon't say or do something you wouldn't want said or done to youRate it:

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puddin' tame. ask me again and i'll tell you the same.An impertinent response to being asked "what is your name?"; a response indicating that the speaker does not want to reveal their real name.Rate it:

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wear one's heart on one's sleeveTo be extremely transparent, open, or forthright about one's emotion or what is in one's heart; often when this is said, it is said when it is more than the listener wants or needs to hear about it--so it is often said in a negative way or with a negative connotationRate it:

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when you're up to your ass in alligators, it's easy to forget your goal was to drain the swampYou can't complete the a task if more urgent/immediate necessities take priorityRate it:

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where there's smoke, there's firewhen two things are usually together and you find one, you will find the otherRate it:

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you ain't seen nothin' yetsomething is even betterRate it:

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c'est ceci, c'est celaIt is sometimes one thing, sometimes another.Rate it:

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ce que c'est que de nous!What poor mortals we are!Rate it:

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ce que c'est que la vie!What a strange thing life is! What poor mortals we are! Rate it:

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il faut que je parle, c'est plus fort que moiI must speak, I cannot help it.Rate it:

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voilà ce que c'est que de se mettre en colèreThat is the consequence of losing one’s temper.Rate it:

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ce qui est simple est faux, ce qui est compliqué est inutilisableProverbe résumant la difficulté d’une tâche : si on fait les choses au plus simple, on oublie probablement beaucoup de cas particuliers ; si on essaie de prévoir tous les cas, le résultat devient tellement complexe que plus personne ne peut comprendre comment cela fonctionne.Rate it:

(4.50 / 2 votes)
bagatelles que tout celaThat is all stuff and nonsense.Rate it:

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cela ne se voit pas plus que le nez au milieu du visageSe dit d’une chose qui se voit beaucoup et qu’on s’efforcerait en vain de cacher.Rate it:

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histoire (or, chansons) que tout cela!That is all stuff and nonsense.Rate it:

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il ne fera cela qu'autant que vous l'aurez pour agréableHe will never think of doing it if you object to it.Rate it:

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il ne manquait plus que cela!That crowns all! That is the last straw!Rate it:

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pour peu que cela vous ennuieHowever little it annoys you.Rate it:

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qu'est-ce que c'estwhat is that? what is it? what does that mean?Rate it:

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qu'est-ce que c'estDemande d’explication sur la fonction ou sur le nom de quelque chose. — Note d’usage : On peut l’utiliser avec la conjonction que.Rate it:

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à cela près il est bon enfantExcept for that he is a good fellow.Rate it:

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c'est bien comme cela!That is just it!!Rate it:

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c'est celaExprime le scepticisme.Rate it:

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c'est cela mêmeThat is the very thing.Rate it:

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c'est cela même!That’s the very thing!Rate it:

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c'est parler celaThat is what I call talking.Rate it:

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cela est à ma chargeI have to pay for it; That falls on me.Rate it:

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cela est bientôt ditThat is easier said than done.Rate it:

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cela est bon à dire, mais...That is all very well for a speech, but...; That is all very fine, but...Rate it:

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cela est de mon faitThat is my doing.Rate it:

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cela est fait à coups de hache (or, serpe)That is done clumsily, roughly.Rate it:

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cela est fini ou autant vautIt is as good as finished.Rate it:

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cela est par trop fortThat is really too bad.Rate it:

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cela est trop fort (or, raide)That is too bad; That is beyond a joke.Rate it:

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cela est un peu violentThat is too bad.Rate it:

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cela est usé jusqu'à la corde(lit.) That is worn threadbare; (fig.) That is thoroughly hackneyed.Rate it:

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cela est vrai comme les Suisses portent la hallebardeCela n'est pas vrai, cela est complètement faux.Rate it:

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