
Phrases related to: ragout fin

Yee yee! We've found 99 phrases and idioms matching ragout fin.

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à la fin des fins (or, en fin finale) vous nous direz quelque choseAt last you will tell us something.Rate it:

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c'est fin contre finIt is diamond cut diamond.Rate it:

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fin contre fin gare la bombe“When Greeks joined Greeks, then was the tug of war.”Rate it:

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c'est à la fin du bal qu'on paie les musiciensLa récompense ou l'échec n'est assuré qu'à la fin de l'action.Rate it:

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al fin y al cabowhen all is said and doneRate it:

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plus fin que lui n'est pas bêteHe who can take him in is no fool.\n It would take a smart man to deceive him.Rate it:

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a fin deCon el fin de, con el objeto de, con el propósito de, para.Rate it:

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à la fin vous voilà!Here you are at last!Rate it:

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à telle fin que de raisonAt all events; At any rate.Rate it:

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al fin y al cabofinallyRate it:

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al fin y al caboat the end of the dayRate it:

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al fin y al caboat the very endRate it:

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arbores stirpesque, herbae stirpesque (De Fin. 5. 11. 33)the vegetable kingdom.Rate it:

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bien fin qui me rattraperaOnce bit, twice shy; They won’t catch me doing that again.Rate it:

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bonitas (Fin. 5. 29. 65)kindheartedness.Rate it:

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c'est assez, dit la baleine, je me cache à l'eau car j'ai le dos finPhrase destinée à retenir facilement le nom des cétacés car elle évoque phonétiquement cétacé dit la baleine, je me cachalot car j’ai le dauphin.Rate it:

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c'est fin de siècleThat is smart, up to date.Rate it:

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c'est la fin des haricotsProduits frais et animaux vivants.Rate it:

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c'est la fin des haricotsBiscuits de mer des salés et fumés.Rate it:

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c'est la fin des haricotsJambon et haricots finissaient la cambuse.Rate it:

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caput cenae (Fin. 2. 8. 25)the main dish.Rate it:

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ce n'est pas la fin du mondeCe n’est pas grave, il n’y a pas mort d’homme.Rate it:

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cupiditatibus occaecari (Fin. 1. 10. 33)to be blinded by passions.Rate it:

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disserendi spinae (Fin. 4. 28. 79)subtleties of logic; dilemmas.Rate it:

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dites nous le fin motTell us the secret.Rate it:

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en toutes choses il faut considérer la finWe must always look to the end; Look before you leap.Rate it:

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fin comme l'ambreAs sharp as a needle.Rate it:

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fin de semanaPeríodo semanal de descanso del régimen laboral y escolar, que consiste habitualmente en Occidente en el día sábado y el domingo de la semana que le sigue.Rate it:

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gerendis negotiis orbatus (Fin. 5. 20. 57)banished from public life.Rate it:

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il a le nez fin1. He has a good nose. 2. He is far-sighted, sagacious.Rate it:

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il sait le fin mot de tout celaHe understands the upshot of all this.Rate it:

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il sait le fort et le fin de son artHe knows every trick of his trade.Rate it:

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il tire (touche) à sa finHe is on his last legs.Rate it:

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il touche à sa finHe is nearing his end; It is nearly over.Rate it:

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illae sententiae iam pridem explosae et eiectae sunt (Fin. 5. 8. 23)those ideas have long ago been given up.Rate it:

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in solitudine vivere (Fin. 3. 20. 65)to live in solitude.Rate it:

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j'arrive du fin fond de l'afriqueI have come from the very depths of Africa.Rate it:

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je vous écrirai fin courant (commercial)I will write to you at the end of the present month.Rate it:

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jouer au plus finTo vie in cunning.Rate it:

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la fin couronne l'œuvreThe end crowns all; All’s well that ends well.Rate it:

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la fin justifie les moyensSuccess justifies the means by which it has been attained.Rate it:

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la fin justifie les moyensSi le but à atteindre est suffisamment juste ou important, il peut justifier des méthodes immorales, voire illégales ou violentes.Rate it:

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librum mittere ad aliquem (Fin. 1. 3. 8)to dedicate a book to some one.Rate it:

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llegar a fin de mesTener el dinero suficiente para cubrir los gastos, tener el dinero necesario para aguantar hasta el cobro del sueldo del siguiente mes.Rate it:

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narratiuncula, fabella (Fin. 5. 15)an anecdote.Rate it:

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no es el fin del mundoSe usa para indicar que un problema no es tan grave como parece.Rate it:

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ponere iubere, qua de re quis audire velit (Fin. 2. 1. 1)to let those present fix any subject they like for discussion.Rate it:

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prima (superiora); consequentia (Fin. 4. 19. 54)premises; consequences.Rate it:

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quaestionem poscere (Fin. 2. 1. 1)to get a question submitted to one.Rate it:

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qui veut la fin veut les moyensWhere there is a will there is a way; If you want the end you must not stick at the means.Rate it:

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