
Phrases related to: regular

Yee yee! We've found 39 phrases and idioms matching regular.

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on a regular basisRegularly, occurring in regular time intervals or patterns.Rate it:

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polígono regularPolígono que tiene todos sus lados con la misma longitud y todos sus ángulos iguales.Rate it:

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come roundTo make a regular circuit.Rate it:

(5.00 / 7 votes)
due courseRegular or appropriate passage or occurrence.Rate it:

(4.00 / 1 vote)
jack inTo stop doing a regular activity. Often a job or studies.Rate it:

(4.00 / 2 votes)
motus stellarum constantes et ratithe regular courses of the stars.Rate it:

(4.00 / 2 votes)
space outTo plant seedlings etc at regular intervals with a calculated space between them.Rate it:

(4.00 / 2 votes)
tone upTo strengthen and make the muscles of the body firmer by regular excercise.Rate it:

(4.00 / 2 votes)
bellum iustum (pium)a regular, formal war.Rate it:

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big shopA large, regular purchase of groceries; as opposed to ad hoc or impulse purchases.Rate it:

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c'est la mouche du cocheHe is a regular busybody;Rate it:

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c'est un marchand de soupeHe is a regular Squeers.Rate it:

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c'est un vrai fagot d'épinesHe is a regular bear.Rate it:

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c'est un vrai moulin à parolesShe is a regular chatterbox; He is a regular windbag.Rate it:

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c'est une vraie soucheHe is a regular log.Rate it:

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ce monsieur est un de nos habituésThat gentleman is one of our regular customers.Rate it:

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cet homme a très mauvaise mine1. That man looks a regular ruffian. 2. That man looks very ill.Rate it:

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charity muggerA person employed by a charity, or by an intermediary fundraising agency employed by the charity, who stands in the street and invites passersby to set up standing orders or direct debits to make regular donations to the charity.Rate it:

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cruz griegaTipo de planta arquitectónica con forma de cruz regular "+" en contraposición a la cruz latina "T".Rate it:

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domum frequentare (Sall. Cat. 14. 7)to be a regular visitor at a house.Rate it:

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don't give up your day jobImplying that they could not earn a living from it without other regular employment.Rate it:

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ebb and flowUsed to describe something that changes in a regular and repeated way.Rate it:

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ganglio basalGrupo de núcleos de la sustancia gris, situados en el cerebro anterior, dentro de los lóbulos temporales, a ambos lados del tálamo, debajo del giro cingulado, alrededor del sistema límbico. Un grupo de ellos forma el cuerpo estriado, compuesto del núcleo caudado, el putamen, el globo pálido, y el núcleo acumbens; otro núcleo es la sustancia negra. Están encargados de regular los movimientos y de la formación de los hábitos, y por ello con enfermedades como el mal de Parkinson, la enfermedad de Huntington o corea, el tabaquismo y otras.Rate it:

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golf widowA woman who is deprived of her husband's time and attention due to his regular absence in order to play golf.Rate it:

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hacer la camaDisponer ordenadamente la ropa de cama, estirando la misma y doblándola de manera regular.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
hangar queenAn aircraft which requires a great deal of regular maintenance and has an unfavorable ratio of maintenance time to flight time.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
hoof itTo walk, especially when as a result of regular transportation being unavailable.Rate it:

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hospital passExempting one from regular activities, to instead visit a hospital.Rate it:

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il est réglé comme un papier de musiqueHe is as regular as clockwork.Rate it:

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il n'attache pas ses chiens avec des saucissesHe is a regular miser.Rate it:

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on se l'arrache(of persons) He is the rage; (of things) There is a regular scramble for it.Rate it:

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on the back burnerNot immediate; inactive; receiving less than full or regular attention.Rate it:

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out and aboutTraveling; out; moving; engaged in regular day to day activities.Rate it:

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paga extraordinariaPaga adicional a la regular, que se recibe en algunos periodos por trabajo en horas extendidas, por Navidad o por otro tipo de convenio laboral.Rate it:

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pound a beatTo walk a regular route.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
real jobA job which requires the employee to, work regular hours for a consistent wage that often exceeds the provisions of applicable minimum wage legislation. A job that produces a living wage.Rate it:

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roving eyeThe personal characteristic of taking amorous interest in people other than one's own spouse or regular romantic partner.Rate it:

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sustancia blancaEstructura formada por los axones cubiertos de mielina de las neuronas que constituyen el centro del cerebro y la parte externa de la médula espinal. Su función es transmitir la información del cuerpo a la corteza cerebral y regular funciones involuntarias como la temperatura y la frecuencia cardiaca. En el cerebro está cubierta por la sustancia gris, y en la médula espinal, contrariamente, cubre a la sustancia gris.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
un homme de sac et de cordeA regular ruffian.Rate it:

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_________ is where the heart is.
A love
B a soccer stadium
C home
D your child