
Phrases related to: L'Haÿ-les-Roses Page #16

Yee yee! We've found 810 phrases and idioms matching L'Haÿ-les-Roses.

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tous les gouts sont dans la natureVariante orthographique de tous les goûts sont dans la nature.Rate it:

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tous les goûts sont dans la natureLa nature est vaste et peut de ce fait contenter chacun, même les originaux.Rate it:

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tous les joursdailyRate it:

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tous les jours que Dieu faitChaque jour.Rate it:

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tous les quinze joursonce a fortnight; fortnightlyRate it:

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tout ce qui brille n'est pas orLes apparences peuvent être trompeuses.Rate it:

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tout est bon dans le cochonAspect péjoratif, le cochon étant la victime, le niais auquel on utilise ou prélève toutes les capacités mentales, financières, sentimentales. Référence nécessaireRate it:

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trois déménagements valent un incendieLorsqu’on déménage on brûle beaucoup de papiers et d'autres objets qu’on juge inutiles ou embarrassants ; de là ce proverbe qu’on emploie pour marquer les inconvénients et les dégâts qui résultent de trop fréquents déménagements.Rate it:

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trouble in river cityAn expression to indicate there is trouble somewhere/ Often said There's trouble in River City or "There's" is omitted, for shortRate it:

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un acteur qui brûle les planchesAn actor who plays with spirit, “go.”Rate it:

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un cheval boit la brideQuand le mors force les coins de la bouche et les fait rider, ce qui arrive quand les montants de la bride ne sont pas assez allongés.Rate it:

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un train peut en cacher un autreLes apparences peuvent s'avérer trompeuses.Rate it:

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unbuckle your belt(or loosen your belt)To lessen the strain on one's abdomen: in preparation for a large meal, or with the intention to continue eating even after having a "full" belly.Rate it:

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une bonne plaisanterie mérite les honneurs du bisA good tale is none the worse for being told twice.Rate it:

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une heure plus tard dans les MaritimesSe dit lorsqu'une personne arrive ou réagit en retard par rapport aux autres ou par rapport à la situation. Note : L'expression est utilisée telle quelle, quel que soit le lieu dont il est question dans l'énoncé.Rate it:

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universidad a distanciaInstitución superior de enseñanza en la que los alumnos no asisten normalmente a un centro de enseñanza sino que los cursos se les imparten a distancia, recibiendo materiales de estudio en su casa o a través de medios de comunicación audiovisuales como la televisión, y consultando sus dudas con el personal docente a través de medios como el teléfono e internet.Rate it:

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up and at 'emVigorously launched or launching into an activity; Also used to mean promptly awake and ready to start the day or given as a command to wake up, get out of bed, and get busy with activitiesRate it:

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up in herehere; in this place; it doesn't mean "up" (higher) literallyRate it:

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vee have vaysThis phrase is said as a joke when someone doesn't answer you or lies. It is an alternative pronunciation with a German accent and a shortened version of the movie quote "We have ways of making you talk."Rate it:

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vee have vays of making you talkThis is a German accent version of the American movie quote "We have ways of making you talk." It is said as a joke when someone doesn't answer you or lies.Rate it:

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venter à écorner les bœufsAlternative form of venter à décorner les bœufsRate it:

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verba volant, scripta manentLes paroles s’envolent, les écrits restent.Rate it:

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viens mon chou, mon bijou, mon joujou, sur mes genoux, et jette des cailloux à ce hibou plein de pouxPhrase aidant à retenir les exceptions les plus courantes à la règle du pluriel des mots se terminant par « -ou ».Rate it:

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vieux comme les rues, comme le mondeAs old as the hills.Rate it:

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vos gueules les mouettesS’emploie pour exiger de plusieurs personnes qu’elles se taisent.Rate it:

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vouloir prendre la lune avec les dentsTo attempt impossibilities.Rate it:

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vous me donnez sur les nerfsYou get on my nerves; You rile me (fam.).Rate it:

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vous ne me tirerez pas les vers du nezYou will not pump me (i.e. make me tell secrets).Rate it:

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vous ne voyez point votre chapeau? mais il vous crève les yeux!You do not see your hat? Why, it stares you in the face! (it’s just under your nose).Rate it:

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vulnerant omnes ultima necatPhrase anciennement placée sur les cadrans d’horloge ou solaires des édifices publics ou des églises.Rate it:

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we have waysA shortened version of "We have ways of making you talk." Usually said as a joke when someone doesn't answer you or lies. Also pronounced as "Vee have vays" to imitate a German accent.Rate it:

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we have ways of making you talkThis movie quote is said as a joke when someone doesn't answer you or lies; also pronounced as "Vee have vays of making you talk" to imitate a German accent.Rate it:

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we will have no wine before it's timeSome things are worth the wait and should not be rushed.Rate it:

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we're goodthere is nothing wrong between us; our relationship is okay, not in jeopardy; alternate way of saying it: we goodRate it:

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wear one's heart on one's sleeveTo be extremely transparent, open, or forthright about one's emotion or what is in one's heart; often when this is said, it is said when it is more than the listener wants or needs to hear about it--so it is often said in a negative way or with a negative connotationRate it:

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what a crock!An exclamation of disbelief; calling someone a liar; saying that someone didn't have the right to say or do something; indicating that something isn't fair or right; short version of "What a crock of bull shit!" or "What a crock of bull!" or "What a crock of shit!" or "That's bull! or "That's bullshit"Rate it:

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what the hayEuphemistic form of what the hell.Rate it:

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what's going downWhat's been happening; the latest news; current goings-on; can be used in place of ‘what's coming off’Rate it:

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what's good for the goose is good for the ganderAny decision or rule that applies to one person must be applied to the others especially of the same group.Rate it:

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when you're hot, you're hot. when you're not, you're notYou're either hot or you're not. There's no in between.Rate it:

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when you're up to your ass in alligators, it's easy to forget your goal was to drain the swampYou can't complete the a task if more urgent/immediate necessities take priorityRate it:

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where there's smoke, there's firewhen two things are usually together and you find one, you will find the otherRate it:

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whistling dixieIf you say someone ain't just whistling Dixie, it means they're not kidding around.Rate it:

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who are youShort for: Who are you and what have you done with {the person I know--ie. my friend, my wife, etc, whatever relationship you have with the listener) Besides the normal meaning to ask who someone is, this phrase is something usually said in jest ( jokingly) to someone when they are acting very differently than normal; to insinuate or assert that they aren't acting like themselves or that they have become a different personRate it:

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why i ougthtta...!a threat often accompanied by a n arm gesture of backhanding someone in the face; it means I ought to slap you in the face (or do something worse); exactly WHAT the speaker ought to do is implied almost as if it is a fill-in-the-blank statement where the blank is filled in with something very bad. It isn't a question. (The "why" part of the phrase isn't asking why, it's telling the listener that something bad should happen to him because of what he just said or did wrong.)Rate it:

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why on god's green earth"on God's green Earth" is used to add emphasis to the question "Why...?"; precedes the rest of the question while conveying that the speaker is astonished as to why some situation exists.Rate it:

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wits' endLimit of one's sanity or mental capacity; point of desperation; often said when you can't find an answer and you don't want to try any more.Rate it:

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wouldn't want to walk from here to thereUsed to denote a massive difference/distance when comparing (usually 2) ideas, items, people, or anything else.Rate it:

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wrap one's head aroundTo come to a good understanding of; believe or accept something shocking; also to wrap one's mind aroundRate it:

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you ain't seen nothin' yetsomething is even betterRate it:

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