
Phrases related to: not late Page #16

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it's not the whistle that pulls the trainBoasting and loud talk should not be mistaken for the work that produces real achievements; bravado is no proof of action.1956, James Reston, "Washington: It's Not the Whistle that Pulls the Train," New York Times, 1 July, p. E8:Rate it:

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it's not what you know but who you knowFor success, and especially to obtain employment, one's knowledge and skills are less useful and less important than one's network of personal contacts.1951, G. P. Bush and L. H. Hattery, "Federal Recruitment of Junior Engineers," Science, vol. 114, no. 2966, p. 456:Eighty-four students referred to political influence as a disadvantage of federal employment with such remarks as: "There are too many political connections necessary . . . it's not what you know but who you knowRate it:

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it's not you, it's meThe reason why I want to end our relationship is unspecified.Rate it:

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it's too late for sorryAn expression of anger or disgust uttered toward someone who offers an apology after causing great harm.Rate it:

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iter non intermitterenot to interrupt the march.Rate it:

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j'ai passé une nuit blancheI have not slept a wink all night.Rate it:

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jack inTo insert an electronic coupling into a receptacle; to connect to something, whether involving a physical medium or not.Rate it:

(4.00 / 2 votes)
jack of all trades, master of noneA person who has a competent grasp of many skills but who is not outstanding in any one.Rate it:

(4.00 / 2 votes)
je l'ai fait tant bien que malI did it as well as I could, though I know it is not well done.Rate it:

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je l'ai vu tout à l'heureI saw him just now, not long ago.Rate it:

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je le retrouverai bienHe will not escape me.Rate it:

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je me ferais tirer à quatre avant de parlerWild horses would not make me speak.Rate it:

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je me sais bon gré de ne l'avoir pas faitI am thankful I did not do it.Rate it:

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je me suis tenu à quatre pour ne pas lui dire ses véritésIt was almost more than I could do not to tell him what I thought of him.Rate it:

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je n'ai pas trouvé âme qui viveI did not find a soul.Rate it:

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je n'ai pas voix au chapitre(lit.) I have no right to speak; (fig.) My opinion is not listened to.Rate it:

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je n'ai que faire de vos conseilsI do not care a jot for your advice; I do not want your advice.Rate it:

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je n'entends pas de cette oreille-làI will not listen to that.Rate it:

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je n'y ai pas tenuI could not contain myself.Rate it:

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je n'y ai vu que du feuIt was impossible for me to find out how the thing was done (as it was done so quickly); It was done so quickly (or, cleverly) that I could not make head or tail of it.Rate it:

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je n'y suis pour personneI am not at home to anybody.Rate it:

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je n'y tiens pasI am not particular about it; I am not keen on it.Rate it:

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je ne dis pas mes affaires aux autresI do not tell others my plans (or business); I keep my concerns to myself.Rate it:

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je ne l'ai pas dit, mais c'est tout commeI did not say so, but it is just as if I did.Rate it:

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je ne le connais ni d'ève ni d'adamI do not know him from Adam.Rate it:

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je ne le connais ni de près ni de loinI do not know him at all.Rate it:

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je ne le ferai pas pour des prunes (fam.)I shall not do it for nothing.Rate it:

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je ne lui ai pas mâché la choseI did not mince matters with him.Rate it:

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je ne me doutais de rienI did not suspect anything.Rate it:

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je ne me ferai pas tirer par la mancheI shall not require much pressing.Rate it:

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je ne pense pasI think notRate it:

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je ne sais à quel saint me vouerI do not know which way to turn.Rate it:

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je ne sais à quoi m'en tenirI do not know what to believe.Rate it:

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je ne sais plus où j'en suis1. I have lost the place where I left off (in reading, etc.). 2. I do not know what I am about.Rate it:

(1.00 / 1 vote)
je ne sais si je suis dedans ou dehorsI do not know which side to take; I do not know whether I have made a profit or not.Rate it:

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je ne suis pas à la noceI am not enjoying myself at all.Rate it:

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je ne suis pas au courant de l'affaireI have not the latest information on the point; I am not up (well posted) in the matter.Rate it:

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je ne suis pas de votre force(lit.) I am not so strong as you are; (fig.) I am no match for you.Rate it:

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je ne suis pas en train ce matinI do not feel myself this morning.Rate it:

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je ne suis pas ici pour enfiler des perlesI am not here to waste my time.Rate it:

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je ne veux pas être en reste avec vousI do not want to do less for you than you have done for me.Rate it:

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je ne veux pas y aller et pour causeI do not want to go there, and for a very good reason.Rate it:

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je ne vois pas cela d'un bon œilI do not look favourably upon that.Rate it:

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je ne vous conseille pas de vous y frotterI advise you not to meddle with it.Rate it:

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je ne voyais pas mon livre, cependant il me crevait les yeuxI did not see my book, yet it was staring me in the face (right under my nose).Rate it:

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je sors d'en prendre (fam.)I had rather be excused; You will not catch me again so soon.Rate it:

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je suis à jourI am up to date; I am not behind in my work.Rate it:

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je suis désorienté1. I am disconcerted. 2. I am out of my element; I do not feel at home; I have lost my bearings.Rate it:

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je suis resté courtI did not know what to say.Rate it:

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je suis tout en nageI am in a thorough perspiration; I have not a dry thread on me.Rate it:

(4.00 / 1 vote)

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