
Phrases related to: praise you Page #19

Yee yee! We've found 1,614 phrases and idioms matching praise you.

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québec, c'est saint-malo à s'y méprendre (max o'rell)You could easily mistake Quebec for St. Malo.Rate it:

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quel âge as-tuhow old are you?Rate it:

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quel est l'état de votre caisse?How much cash have you in hand?Rate it:

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quelle mouche vous pique?What irritates you? What whim have you got into your head?Rate it:

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quer saberyou know whatRate it:

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qui a bu boiraHabit is second nature; If you take to the habit of drinking you cannot get rid of it.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
qui fait la faute la boitAs you have brewed, so you must drink; As you have sown, so you must reap; As you make your bed, so you must lie on it.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
qui ne demande rien n'a rienLose nothing for want of asking; If you do not ask, you will not get.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
qui s'agite s'enrichitIf you wish to get rich, you must work (hustle); No pains, no gains.Rate it:

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qui s'excuse, s'accuseIf you try to excuse yourself you practically acknowledge that you have done wrong; A guilty conscience needs no accuser.Rate it:

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qui se fait brebis, le loup le mangeHe who is too confiding is imposed upon; Daub yourself with honey and you’ll be covered with flies.Rate it:

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qui se loue s'emboueSelf-praise is no recommendation.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
qui va à la chasse perd sa placeIf you leave your place, you lose it.Rate it:

(2.00 / 1 vote)
qui veut la fin veut les moyensWhere there is a will there is a way; If you want the end you must not stick at the means.Rate it:

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quick sandThe kind of sand that when you step in it, you sink. The more you move, the faster you sink. It can be deadly.Rate it:

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quid agis?how are you?Rate it:

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quid agitur? quid fit?what is going on? how are you getting on?Rate it:

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quid tibi animi est?what sort of humour are you in?Rate it:

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quid tibi vis?what do you mean to do?Rate it:

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quién quitayou never know, who knowsRate it:

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quinque anni sunt or sextus annus est, cum te non vidiI have not seen you for five years.Rate it:

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quit your day dreaming!Pay Attention To What YOU Are Doing!Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
quo loco res tuae sunt?how are you getting on?Rate it:

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quo tendis?where are you going?Rate it:

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quorsum haec (dicis)?what do you mean?Rate it:

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quot annos natus es?how old are you?Rate it:

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r.b atchuRight back at youRate it:

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reach for the star's. but be happy with the cloudsAim high but be satisfied with what you achieveRate it:

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recte, bene fecisti were right in...; you did right to...Rate it:

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religion is like a nail, the deeper you hammer it, the deeper it goes.Addresses the folly of religous intolerance. Criticizing a person's beliefs is more likely to deepen their convictions rather than convince them to change.Rate it:

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rem acu tetigistiyou have hit the nail on the head.Rate it:

(2.00 / 1 vote)
res mihi tecum estI have a point to discuss with you.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
rick rolledBasically on youtube,you're probably gonna find lots of links, some of them link to Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up", which if you do find one, you have been rick rolled.Rate it:

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rien ne sert de courir, il faut partir à pointIt is no good hurrying if you have not started in time.Rate it:

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rien ne vous fera fauteYou will want for nothing.Rate it:

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right back at youAlternative form of back at youRate it:

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right hand mansomeone you trust.Rate it:

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right you areOK, okey-dokey, acknowledgment that a request has been heard and understood.Rate it:

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rise above your raisin's (raisings)become better than how you were raised; "Rise above your raisin's" is how you pronounce the phrase because in southern expressions, the "g" sound in words ending in "ing" is usually not spoken); rise above your raisingsRate it:

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roll with the punchesAdjusting to a complicated or complex situation, without letting anything bother you.Rate it:

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rolloverContinue one's Funds In Program, 'Rollover' My Existing Funds, My Plan, Stay The Course In The Present Agenda, Investiture: Do Not Close OuI, Retain All Funds And'Steady As You Go!Rate it:

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RUOKAbbreviation of are you OK.Rate it:

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s'il vous plaîtplease, if you pleaseRate it:

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sam is not bonded to share his meat with you!Who is SAM? representative of hardworking, righteous, law abiding and peace loving people. What is bonded? Mutilated and/or loyal & liable. What does meat mean here? Empirically meat had been the symbol of wealth and prosperity. What is the narrator telling ? SAM is not to give up his share & rights of peace and progress to the may be a rent seeking person!Rate it:

(3.00 / 2 votes)
same to youI wish to you what you have just wished to me.Rate it:

(3.00 / 2 votes)
sans adieuI shall not say good-bye; I shall see you again soon.Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
sarna con gusto no picaIt's not a chore if you're enjoying itRate it:

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satin (= satisne) sanus es?are you in your right mind?Rate it:

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sauve qui peutevery man for himself - more literally "save yourself if you can"; most literally "may he save himself, whoever can"Rate it:

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say again"What did you say?" or "Repeat what you have said." A polite formula used when one has not heard or understood what has been said.Rate it:

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_____ for your thoughts
A penny
B nickel
C dime
D quarter