
Phrases related to: L'Île-d'Elle Page #2

Yee yee! We've found 291 phrases and idioms matching L'Île-d'Elle.

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don't bite the hand that feeds youDon't do something bad to the person who does something for you.Rate it:

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don't count your chickens before they're hatchedYou should not count on something before it happens.Rate it:

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don't count your eggs before they hatchDon't get your hopes up before things actually happenRate it:

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don't get your dander all in an uproarDon't get upset or too bothered; usually said to calm someone down from being too angry; Also said this way: Don't get your dander upRate it:

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don't put your cart before the horseThe same as saying, "First things first"; asserts that there is a certain order in which things happen and that the listener should consider that before going forward (outside of that order) regarding the matter at handRate it:

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don't threaten me with a good timea way of saying emphatically that you'd love to do something, after someone just mentioned something to doRate it:

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don't throw the baby out with the bathwaterTo discard something valuable, often inadvertently, in the process of removing waste.Rate it:

(4.20 / 5 votes)
down lowAfter asking you to "high five" or saying "up top" someone will then say "down low". This means they are asking you to "high five" or tap the palm of their hand with the palm of your hand down lower--about waist high--as they extend their hand out toward you. If you don't respond timely they may take their hand away and say "too slow" then laugh. It's just something Americans do to have fun.Rate it:

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drop the ballto fail in one's responsibilities or duties; to not complete somethingRate it:

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duck duck gooseA children's game where kids sit in a circle facing each other with their eyes closed. One child is designated "it" and walks around the outside of the circle saying "duck" as he/she touches each child's head. Finally, instead of saying "duck" the person who is it says "goose!" then runs forward around the circle and tries to sit down in the spot where the "goose" was sitting. The goal of the game is for the person who is "it" to sit down before the "goose" catches him/her. If he/she does sit down before being touched/tagged, then the "goose" becomes "it" and the process begins again. If the "goose" catches the person who was "it" then the person who was "it' is out of the game and the circle moves in closer/smaller until only one sitting winner remains.Rate it:

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eeny meeny miney moe(short version) a way of choosing someone or something by counting off items one by one until the last word falls on a person or item to the full rhyme which is: eeny meany miney moe catch a tiger by the toe if he hollers let him go eeny meeny miney moe Whichever item falls on the last word "moe" that's the one that is chosen, for example to be "it" to start a game or to choose sides for teams. There are only four words per line that count. The last line "eeny meeny money moe" was later replaced by My mother said to pick the very best one and you are not it" (all words count for one as each person (item) is tapped.Rate it:

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elle a déjà un fils sous les drapeauxShe already has a son in the army.Rate it:

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elle a des yeux à la perdition de son âmeHer eyes are so lovely that they will be her ruin.Rate it:

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elle a deux enfants du premier litShe has two children by her first husband.Rate it:

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elle a l'air de ne pas y toucherShe looks as if butter would not melt in her mouth; She is very sarcastic without appearing to mean anything. (Comp. Nitouche.)Rate it:

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elle a la beauté du diableAll her beauty consists in her youth and freshness.Rate it:

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elle a le cœur grosShe is ready to cry; She is heavy-hearted.Rate it:

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elle a quarante ans bien sonnésShe is over forty.Rate it:

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elle a quelque chose de votre airShe takes after you; She looks somewhat like you.Rate it:

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elle a un air empruntéShe looks awkward, embarrassed, affected.Rate it:

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elle a une grande fortune de son chefShe has a large fortune in her own right.Rate it:

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elle a une petite mine chiffonnéeShe has irregular features, but her expression is pleasing.Rate it:

(1.00 / 1 vote)
elle chante à faire pitiéShe sings most wretchedly.Rate it:

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elle dit qu'elle a vingt ans.—et les mois de nourrice! (fam.)She says she is twenty.—And the rest!Rate it:

(2.00 / 1 vote)
elle est au comble de ses désirsShe is at the very height of her wishes.Rate it:

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elle est au plus malShe is past recovery.Rate it:

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elle est éveillée comme une petite souris (or, comme une potée de souris)She is as brisk as a bee.Rate it:

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elle est faite au tour (or, moule)She has a splendid figure.Rate it:

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elle est laide comme les sept péchés capitauxShe is as ugly as sin.Rate it:

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elle est ma nièce à la mode de bretagneShe is the daughter of my first cousin.Rate it:

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elle est ma tante à la mode de bretagneShe is my father’s (or, mother’s) first cousin; She is my first cousin once removed.Rate it:

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elle est mieux que sa sœurShe is prettier than her sister.Rate it:

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elle est tout en dedansShe is not communicative.Rate it:

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elle était mise à faire peurShe looked a fright.Rate it:

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elle faisait trop sa poire (pop.)She needed pressing; She played the prude (or, disdainful).Rate it:

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elle fait la bouche en cœurShe puts on a captivating look; She purses up her lips.Rate it:

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elle fait la carpe pâmée (fam.)She turns up the whites of her eyes; She pretends to be ill; She looks like a dying duck in a thunderstorm.Rate it:

(4.00 / 1 vote)
elle fait la madameShe gives herself airs (of little girls).Rate it:

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elle fait la mineShe is sulking.Rate it:

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elle fait la sainte nitoucheShe plays the innocent; She looks as if butter would not melt in her mouth; She looks very demure.Rate it:

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elle fait le ménageShe is doing her housework.Rate it:

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elle fait une bonne cuisine bourgeoiseShe is a good plain cook.Rate it:

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elle frise la quarantaineShe is just upon forty.Rate it:

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elle jase comme une pie borgneShe chatters like a magpie.Rate it:

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elle le fait allerShe makes him do what she likes.Rate it:

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elle lui a jeté un sortShe cast a spell over him; He is infatuated with her.Rate it:

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elle lui a tiré les cartesShe told his fortune (by cards).Rate it:

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elle n'a pour tout bien que sa beautéShe has nothing but her beauty in her favour; Her face is her fortune.Rate it:

(4.00 / 1 vote)
elle n'a que l'embarras du choixShe has only too much to choose from.Rate it:

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elle n'est pas jolie, tant s'en fautShe is not pretty, far from it; She is anything but good-looking.Rate it:

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