
Phrases related to: book-scorpion Page #2

Yee yee! We've found 96 phrases and idioms matching book-scorpion.

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libro continetur aliquidthe book contains something... (not continet aliquid).Rate it:

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libro scriptor complexus est aliquidthe book contains something... (not continet aliquid).Rate it:

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librum annotare, interpolare, distinguereto furnish a book with notes, additional extracts, marks of punctuation.Rate it:

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librum conficere, componere (De Sen. 1. 2)to compose, compile a book.Rate it:

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librum de manibus ponereto lay down a book (vid. sect. XII. 3, note vestem deponere...).Rate it:

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librum edere (Div. 1. 3. 6)to publish a book.Rate it:

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librum evolvere, volvereto open a book.Rate it:

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librum in manibus habere (Acad. 1. 1. 2)to be engaged on a book.Rate it:

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librum in manus sumereto take up a book in one's hands.Rate it:

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librum mittere ad aliquem (Fin. 1. 3. 8)to dedicate a book to some one.Rate it:

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librum scribere, conscribereto write a book.Rate it:

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lionThe arms of the University of the West Indies are Barry wavy of six Argent and Azure an open Book proper bound Gules garnished Or on a Chief of the third a Lion passant guardant Erminois. Crest: A Pelican proper. . See talk page.Rate it:

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make bookTo gamble, either by placing or taking bets.Rate it:

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make bookTo be very confident.Rate it:

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ne faites pas de cornes à ce livreDo not dog’s-ear that book.Rate it:

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nobody's perfectUsed when someone's mistakes or flaws are acknowledged, to remind that everyone else makes mistakes and has flaws1995, New York Magazine Vol. 28, No. 5, 30 January 1995, The de-moralization of society (Book Review)Hypocrisy, particularly in sexual matters, is excused on the grounds that hey, nobody's perfect, and at least folks back then felt bad enough to lie.2000, Madonna, Nobody's PerfectI feel so sad. What I did wasn't right. I feel so bad and I must say to you: Sorry, but nobody's perfect. Nobody's perfect. What did you expect? I'm doing my bestRate it:

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nomina facere or in tabulas referreto book a debt.Rate it:

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now you mention itThe Jungle Book - Rudyard Kipling.Rate it:

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open bookAn open book decomposition.Rate it:

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open bookAn inside angle in the rock.Rate it:

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open bookA person who through naivete responds candidly to questions or openly displays their emotions or intentions.Rate it:

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open bookSomething of which salient aspects are obvious or easily interpreted.Rate it:

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paperA written document, generally shorter than a book , in particular one written for the Government.Rate it:

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philosophumena, the revelation of marcionName of a book from the second centuryRate it:

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Promised LandThe area historically known as Judea, which was promised to the Israelites by God according to oral tradition recorded in the Book of Genesis.Rate it:

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PunchboardA book-size laminated paper 1'/2 inch thick board with 25 to 200 drilled holes in surface. Holes contain 'accordion-fold', numbered kite-paper which when 'punched-out of board' with small PUNCH-tool may reveal a 'winning-chance number': Winning Numbers posted on board. Variety of Valuable prizes is predetermined by cost of a single 'PUNCH': Win! Box Candy, jewelry, trinkets, appliances, tools, flashlights et al:Rate it:

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rationem diligenter conficereto keep the accounts (day-book) carefully.Rate it:

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reach a critical massWhen one works, reworks, tries every trick in the book, one can attain the verge of an explosion.Rate it:

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read like a bookTo be able to discern someone's thoughts from his or her body language or other behavior.Rate it:

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tacit acceptance of the content of the book itselfTo be silentRate it:

(3.67 / 3 votes)
they ranged from fuzz-cheeked boys to gray-haired, balding gansers...from "A Crown of Swords," book 7 in Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time series of novels (Tor books 1996). This quote is found on page 64.Rate it:

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throw the book atTo apply the harshest possible punishment to.Rate it:

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Throw the Book at SomeoneSevere punishment for breaking of certain rules or laws; highest level of penaltyRate it:

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to be an open bookAn individual's life can be unrestricted in intimate details and become as an open book.Rate it:

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trafficked by my parentsBook, phrase, hashtag, and movement by American Activist Dr. Greshun De Bouse detailing her human trafficking experience, ultimately to a now infamous celebrity. #traffickedbymyparentsRate it:

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turn the pageTo proceed to the next page in a book.Rate it:

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turn up for the bookA very unexpected, usually pleasant, surprise.Rate it:

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volumen explicareto open a book.Rate it:

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when thunder bolts, i serve.Book by: Global Advocate and Activist Greshun De Bouse Even in the storms of life, I still serve my global community and fellow man.Rate it:

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who writes this stuffA rhetorical question commenting on the writing of a book, play, movie, etc.Rate it:

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write offTo reduce an asset's book value to zero.Rate it:

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you can't judge a book by its coverIt is not possible to make reliable judgments about things or people by considering external appearances alone.Rate it:

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you can't tell a book by its coverAlternative form of you can't judge a book by its cover.Rate it:

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גמר חתימה טובהMay you be signed and sealed in the Book of Life; a common greeting on and before Yom Kippur.Rate it:

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גמר טובMay you be signed and sealed in the Book of Life; a common greeting on and before Yom Kippur.Rate it:

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תושלב״עUsed by an author to indicate the end of a book or other major work and thank God for assistance in its completion.Rate it:

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Beauty is in the eye of the ________.
A prince
B parent
C beholder
D princess