
Phrases related to: dare to dream Page #2

Yee yee! We've found 116 phrases and idioms matching dare to dream.

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in vincula (custodiam) dare aliquemto put some one in irons, chains.Rate it:

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iusiurandum dare alicuito swear an oath to a person.Rate it:

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leges scribere, facere, condere, constituere (not dare)to make laws (of a legislator).Rate it:

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les grosses mouches passent à travers la toile de la justice, mais les petites y sont prisesOne man may steal a horse, while another dare not look over the hedge; Justice will whip a beggar, but bow to a lord; One does the scath, another has the harm; The crow gets pardoned, and the dove has the blame.Rate it:

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litteras inter se dare et accipereto be in correspondence with...Rate it:

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live outto fulfil or act out a dream or fantasy or aspirationRate it:

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live the dreamTo experience the achievement of every success that one has aspired to achieve, especially from a career.Rate it:

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locum dare suspicionito give ground for suspicion.Rate it:

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ludos funebres alicui dareto give funeral games in honour of a person.Rate it:

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mandatum, negotium alicui dareto entrust a matter to a person; to commission.Rate it:

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manus dareto own oneself conquered, surrender.Rate it:

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munus gladiatorium edere, dare (or simply munus edere, dare)to give a gladiatorial show.Rate it:

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nomen (nomina) dare, profiterito enlist oneself.Rate it:

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obsides dareto give hostages.Rate it:

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occasionem alicui dare, praebere alicuius rei or ad aliquid faciendumto give a man the opportunity of doing a thing.Rate it:

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operam dare or simply se dare alicui, se tradere in disciplinam alicuius, se conferre, se applicare ad aliquemto become a pupil, disciple of some one.Rate it:

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optionem alicui dare (Acad. 2. 7. 19)to give a person his choice.Rate it:

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optionem alicui dare, utrum...anto offer a person the alternative of... or...Rate it:

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oraculum dare, edereto give an oracular response.Rate it:

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pacis condiciones dare, dicere alicui (Liv. 29. 12)to dictate the terms of peace to some one.Rate it:

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palmam deferre, dare alicuito award the prize to...Rate it:

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paucorum dierum spatium ad deliberandum dareto give some one a few days for reflection.Rate it:

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pecuniam alicui mutuam dareto lend money to some one.Rate it:

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pecuniam fenori (fenore) alicui dare, accipere ab aliquoto lend, borrow money at interest.Rate it:

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per quietem, in quietein a dream.Rate it:

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per somnum, in somnisin a dream.Rate it:

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pie-in-the-skyOf a dream unlikely to ever come true; impractical, unrealizable.Rate it:

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pipe dreamA plan, desire, or idea that will not likely work; a near impossibility.Rate it:

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pipe dreamfanciful hopeRate it:

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plausum dare (alicui)to applaud, clap a person.Rate it:

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poenas (graves) dare alicuito be (heavily) punished by some one.Rate it:

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potestatem, copiam alicui dare, facere with Gen. give a man the opportunity of doing a thing.Rate it:

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praecepta dare, tradere de aliqua reto give advice, directions, about a matter.Rate it:

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put upTo cajole or dare to do something.Rate it:

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raise one's handTo dare to question.Rate it:

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respirandi spatium dareto give time for recovery.Rate it:

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responsum dare (vid. sect. VIII. 5, note Note to answer...), respondereto give an oracular response.Rate it:

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se dare in consuetudinem alicuiusto devote oneself to a person's society.Rate it:

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se dare in fugam, fugaeto take to flight.Rate it:

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se dare in sermonem cum aliquoto enter into conversation with some one.Rate it:

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se dare iucunditatito let oneself be jovial.Rate it:

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se in conspectum dare alicuito show oneself to some one.Rate it:

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senatum alicui dare (Q. Fr. 2. 11. 2)to give a man audience before the senate.Rate it:

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signum proelii dareto give the signal to engage.Rate it:

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somniare de aliquoto dream of a person.Rate it:

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somnium interpretarito explain a dream.Rate it:

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somnium verum evādit (Div. 2. 53. 108)my dream is coming true.Rate it:

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stipendium dare, numerare, persolvere militibusto pay the troops.Rate it:

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studiose (diligenter, enixe, sedulo, maxime) dare operam, take great pains in order to...Rate it:

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suspicionem movere, excitare, inicere, dare alicuito rouse a person's suspicions.Rate it:

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