
Phrases related to: sometimes Page #2

Yee yee! We've found 102 phrases and idioms matching sometimes.

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Little Pitchers Have Big EarsSometimes little children who listen to old people’s conversation hear and perceive things a lot than people expect them toRate it:

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make yourself prettyimprove the way you look i.e. get dressed (especially in something nicer than what you are already wearing), put on makeup, brush your hair, brush your teeth, etc; connotes that you are not pretty enough at this moment and that you should improve the way you look; an insult sometimes used intentionally (or unintentionally) to make someone feel inferiorRate it:

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mic dropthe act of someone extending their arm out and intentionally dropping a microphone to emphasize the greatness of what they just put through the microphone; sometimes the words, "mic drop" are also said as someone drops their microphone; said or done as a testament of how good the thing was that came through the microphone right before someone drops the microphoneRate it:

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mort de rirelit., as adjective or past tense, dead or died of laughing, so "died laughing" or "dying of laughter"; compare mort de faim for starve. Often appearing as abbreviation "mdr" or "MDR," e.g., in SMS, as the French expression equivalent to LOL; sometimes expanded as the infinitive, mourir de rire.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
muffin topUsed other than as an idiom: see muffin, top; the top of a muffin, sometimes removed to be eaten separately.Rate it:

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mutual admiration societyA group of two or more people, in a workplace or other social environment, who routinely express considerable esteem and support for one another, sometimes to the point of exaggeration or pretense.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
ninguém é de ferroExpresses the belief that sometimes, or to some extent, it's normal or understandable succumbing to temptations.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
now and againSometimes; occasionally; intermittently.Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
now and thenSometimes; occasionally; also said with the word every in front: every now and thenRate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
oh, ye of little faithPointing out one's lack of faith; people sometimes leave the "O" or "Oh" out of the saying when they say itRate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
once in a whileOccasionally; sometimes.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
one word leads to anotherSaid of a conversation which suddenly develops in a way that was not planned or anticipated by any of the people involved, sometimes in a positive context, but especially of an escalating argument.Rate it:

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Out of the Mouths of BabesYoung or inexperienced people often say remarkable things, children sometimes say insightful thingsRate it:

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pad the accountTo enrich one's self with money, sometimes unjustlyRate it:

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patience is a virtueSometimes we must wait for something and those who are able to do this with gracefulness are considered to be virtuous.Rate it:

(3.00 / 1 vote)
pick upTo meet and seduce somebody for romantic purposes, especially in a social situation, sometimes used with "on".Rate it:

(2.75 / 4 votes)
play the ball and not the manTo attack the ball instead of an opponent who is usually controlling the ball. Often considered a positive action, and sometimes a requirement not to concede a penalty.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
plus (literally) The more it changes, the more it's the same thing (sometimes loosely translated as the more things change, the more they stay the same).Although the outward appearance may change, fundamentals are constant.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
plus ça changeThe more it changes, the more it's the same thing (sometimes loosely translated as the more things change, the more they stay the same).Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
pretty PollyA phrase often said to, and sometimes by, parrotsRate it:

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proverbs come in pairsAlternative form of proverbs run in pairs.1979, Irving Howe, John Hollander, David Bromwich, Literature as Experience: An Anthology, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, ISBN 0155511130, page 325:Sometimes proverbs come in pairs, the first one providing the context, the second, the revision.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
put that in your pipe and smoke itUsed after stating something surprising or undesired, to emphasize its truth. Also used after refuting an argument. Sometimes an adjective is inserted before pipe.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
qui ne sait pas être fou n'est pas sageHe is not wise who does not sometimes make merry; It takes a wise man to make a fool.Rate it:

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reasonable personA fictional person used as a comparative legal standard to represent an average member of society and how he or she would behave or think, especially in determining negligence; sometimes formulated as "a person of ordinary prudence exercising due care in like circumstances."Rate it:

(4.67 / 3 votes)
red letter dayUsually very positive, sometimes very negative.Rate it:

(2.50 / 2 votes)
running around like a chicken with its head cut offdoing/accomplishing a lot of things, sometimes frantically or quicklyRate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
score offTo defeat (especially in an argument), get the better of, achieve a success over, gain an advantage or win points over, make a point to the detriment or at the expense of, make appear foolish. Sometimes with particle on (someone).Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
shipping them greenWhen a ship is heading into waves, its bow will sometimes plunge into the onrushing wave. At first, spray will break over the bow, but as the height of the waves increases, the bow will plunge deeper into the wave, and instead of spray, unbroken green water will pour onto the Fo'c'sle and decks. Hence the seafarer's expression "Shipping them green", implying worsening weather, or, by extension, a worsening and/or dangerous or unsatisfactory situation.Rate it:

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six of one, half dozen of anotherIt makes no difference, they're still the same This expression is sometimes said a little differently, but is all the same no matter how it is said. Sometimes people say "half dozen" and sometimes "half a dozen " Also, sometimes the expression is "six of one, half dozen of THE other" and sometimes it is said, "six of one, half a dozen of ANother."Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
smoke signalA method of long-distance communication sometimes used in ancient and undeveloped societies, consisting of messages conveyed by means of columns or intermittent puffs of smoke.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
smoke signalA type of flare or combustion device sometimes used as a distress signal.Rate it:

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sometimes the solution to the problem is the problem itself but points to other.Sometimes in life we wonder why this things happen and while wondering we are trying so hard to find the solution to what happened but infact it should be happened to make us strong, but some we need friends, or elder to show us the solution..Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
sometimes you have to go slow to go fastWell sometimes taking it slow you can reach the the object goal faster due to seeing overlooked options.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
speak of the devilAn expression sometimes used when a person mentioned in the current conversation happens to arrive on the scene.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
spoken wordAn oral art form, usually consisting of performance poetry, although sometimes overlapping with storytelling or rap.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
square roda unit of area used for measuring small quantities of land. Equal in size to a square with sides 1 rod in length. Equal to 30¼ square yards or 1/160 acre. Sometimes known, simply, as a rod.Rate it:

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straight shooterA person who is blunt, sometimes to the point of being harsh or offensive.Rate it:

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talk in circlesTo argue a point by repetition of the same theme, sometimes by using different words, but without making any progress.Rate it:

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the end justifies the meansMorally wrong actions are sometimes necessary to achieve morally right outcomes; actions can only be considered morally right or wrong by virtue of the morality of the outcome.Rate it:

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the fucking you get isn't worth the fucking you get(vulgar) The sexual satisfactions that one receives from a spouse or romantic partner are not sufficient to compensate for the significant periods of bad faith and unpleasant treatment which such relationships routinely involve.1971, Allen Churchill, The Literary Decade, ISBN 9780135375228:Years later she expressed her disillusionment with sex by saying, "The fucking you get isn't worth the fucking you get."1999, Ben Sonnenberg, Lost Property: Memoirs and Confessions of a Bad Boy, ISBN 9781582430454, p. 93:Maitland got drunk at his parties and threw his arm around you and pulled you over to his wife and made you look down her dress, saying, "The trouble with marriage is that the fucking you get isn't worth the fucking you get."2008, Joseph Heywood, Blue Wolf In Green Fire, ISBN 9781599213590, p. 63:"I can't believe a little pussy got me into dis mess." "Shit happens," Service said. "Sometimes the fucking you get isn't worth the fucking you get."Rate it:

(2.26 / 16 votes)
throw enough mud at the wall and some of it will stickTry the same thing often enough, and, even if the general standard is poor, sometimes one will be successful.Rate it:

(5.00 / 2 votes)
throw enough mud at the wall, some of it will stickTry the same thing (or similar things) often enough, and, even if the general standard is poor, sometimes one will be successful.2001, And still no one is shouting stop. read in The Kingdom archives at on 02 Nov 06,Many team managers are of the philosophy that if you throw enough mud at the wall some of it will stick. They believe that team preparation is all about physical fitness. They run the players into the ground and they believe they will be "flying on the day".2001, Robert McCrum, Let them eat cake, in The Observer 16 Dec 01, read on Guardian Unlimited site at on 02 Nov 06,Australian publishing boomed and in the past 10 years the country's literary culture has undergone a mini golden age, capped by Carey's triumph at the 2001 Booker Prize. As one Australian arts administrator said to me many years ago: 'Listen, mate, if you throw enough mud at the wall, some of it will stick.'2001, Chris Collin, Re: 2-cp speys on The Strathspey Server mailing list archive at on 02 Nov 06,I am finding that "if you throw enough mud at the wall, some of it will stick". It doesn't always work of course (especially on the nights when the class is mostly the beginners), but the class seems to thrive on the challange.2005, Ray Craft (poster on The right scale blog), Fitzhooie and his Burden, read at on 02 Nov 06,Prosecutors everywhere have bad habits of overcharging lots of cases, knowing that if the throw enough mud at the wall some of it will stick.2005, Sean Kelleher, Spike Milligan: His part in our downfall in Business 07 Aug 05, read at on 02 Nov 06,As long as there is negligible regulation and enforcement anyone can actually try and do the job...Weak regulation allows the industry to build strategies on full time recruitment. The theory goes: throw enough mud at the wall, some of it will stick.c2005, Everything You've Learned About Marketing Is Wrong, read on LINC Performance website at on 02 Nov 06,They have the money to continue to believe in the repetition side of the equation. You throw enough mud at the wall, some of it will stick. But it still isnRate it:

(3.00 / 4 votes)
too young, too simple, sometimes naiveFoolish or imprudent, caused by a lack of social experiences.Rate it:

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touch%c3%a9An acknowledgement of the success, appropriateness or superiority of an argument, sometimes used sarcastically to mock one's opponent's absurd logic.Rate it:

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Turkish breadA broad, round and flat bread made from wheat, sometimes considered a type of pita; pide.Rate it:

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vive la différenceUsed to express appreciation of diversity, especially between the sexes; sometimes referring to cultural diversity, and more rarely to diversity of opinion, as in "let's agree to disagree".Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
what do you want, a cookieA phrase sometimes given as a retort to someone who has done something unsurprising or unimpressive and has seen fit to inform one of having done so.Rate it:

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which do you want first, the good news or the bad news?An expression stated before having to share bad news (sometimes there is no good news)Rate it:

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you don't sayreally?; no kidding!; is that so? sometimes used sarcastically in response to the obviousRate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
you got it, tootsToots is a playful slang term for a woman. An example of toots is what a man might call his wife to get her attention. ... (slang, sometimes derogatory) Babe, sweetie: a term used when addressing a young woman, especially one perceived as being sexually available. You got it is a phrase used to answer in agreement with someone's question or statement. It may be used as an alternative for "Will do," "For sure," or "Agreed." The slang term may be used by people of all ages as a way to quickly assure someone that what he will do or he agrees with what the person just said.Rate it:

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When soldiers come home from war, we tie a _____ ribbon 'round the old oak tree.
A blue
B yellow
C red
D pink