
Phrases related to: translative case Page #2

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I think soI believe that is the case, but am not certain.Rate it:

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ICYWWInitialism of In case you were wondering.Rate it:

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if anythingUsed to suggest or state tentatively that something may be the case.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
in caseIn the event; should there be a need.Rate it:

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in the interest of justicethe reason of case dismissal used when the judge decides that justice will be best served when the case is dismissedRate it:

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iudicare causam (de aliqua re)to decide on the conduct of the case.Rate it:

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just in caseIf and only if.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
just in caseIn the event; should there be a need.Rate it:

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kysAlternative letter-case form of KYS.Rate it:

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larger than lifeOf greater size or magnitude than is naturally or normally the case.Rate it:

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larger-than-lifeOf greater size or magnitude than is naturally or normally the case.Rate it:

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lay down the lawTo present the law that applies to a given case.Rate it:

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le cas échéantShould such a thing happen; If such should be the case.Rate it:

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Make a Federal Case Out of SomethingTo give something more importance than it deservesRate it:

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NIMBYAlternative letter-case form of nimbyRate it:

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no matter how one slices itfrom any perspective; in every caseRate it:

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omnia consilia frigent (Verr. 2. 25)advice is useless in this case; the situation is very embarrassing.Rate it:

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on balanceJudging fairly by considering all facets of a case.Rate it:

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On Someone's CaseContinuously criticizing someone, continually bothering someoneRate it:

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ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny(biology, social sciences, art, philosophy) The physical, cultural, moral, or intellectual development of each individual passes through stages similar to the developmental stages of that individual's species, society, or civilization.1905, J. A. Harris, "The Importance of Investigations of Seedling Stages," Science, New Series, vol. 22, no. 554, p. 186:With reference to seedling stages the statement that ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny must be made with great reserve.1961, M. E. Wolfgang, "Pioneers in Criminology: Cesare Lombroso (1835-1909)," The Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology, and Police Science, vol. 52, no. 4, p. 367:Haeckel maintained that ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny, and this idea was incorporated by Lombroso into his parallelism between the criminal and the child.2002, B. S. Jackson, "Models in Legal History: The Case of Biblical Law," Journal of Law and Religion, vol. 18, no. 1, p. 11:For even if we accept that "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny," those responsible for the drafting of ancient legal documents were not children, and are hardly to be endowed with some form of infantile mentality.Rate it:

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open and shut caseSimple situation; quick situation; clear-cutRate it:

(1.00 / 1 vote)
opinio juris sive necessitatisThe principle of International Law where states believe or accept that a practice exists and must be followed because of a rule of Law requiring it, to the extent that it becomes part of the body of norms known as international Customary Law. See the Lotus CaseRate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
perorare(1) to make one's peroration; (2) to deliver the closing speech (in a case where several speeches have been made).Rate it:

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pior das hipótesesWorst case scenario.Rate it:

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res (ita) fertcircumstances make this necessary; the exigencies of the case are these.Rate it:

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res ipsa docetthe very facts of the case show this.Rate it:

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save something for a rainy dayTo save something just in case one may need it.Rate it:

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snafuAlternative letter-case form of SNAFURate it:

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spare tireAn extra wheel or tire carried as a replacement in case of a flat.Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
spare tyreAn extra tyre carried in case one of the vehicle's tyres is damaged or deflated.Rate it:

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svpAlternative letter-case form of SVPRate it:

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tel est pris qui croyait prendreIt is a case of the biter bit.Rate it:

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the fix is inA process (for example, a court case) has been rigged behind the scenes and its outcome will not reflect true justice.Rate it:

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un en-casSomething prepared in case of need.Rate it:

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under glassIn a glass case, like an item in a museum.Rate it:

(1.67 / 3 votes)
until we meet againgoodbye The phrase "until we meet again" is a common expression used when saying goodbye to someone. It suggests that the separation between two people is temporary, and they will see each other again in the future. The phrase conveys a sense of hopefulness and optimism, implying that the bond between two individuals is strong enough to withstand a period of separation and that they will be reunited at some point in the future. It is often used as a way of expressing affection, goodwill, and a desire to maintain a relationship despite physical distance. The phrase can be used in various contexts, from casual conversations between friends to more formal occasions such as graduations, retirements, or funerals. In each case, it carries a similar message of hope and a commitment to maintaining a connection, even when physical proximity is not possible. Overall, the phrase "until we meet again" is a sentimental expression that suggests that separation is only temporary and that two individuals will be reunited in the future. It is often used to express affection, goodwill, and a desire to maintain a relationship despite physical distance or other challenges.Rate it:

(4.20 / 5 votes)
utcumque res cecideritwhatever happens; in any case.Rate it:

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vitrineA glass-paneled cabinet or case, especially for displaying articles such as china, objets d'art, or fine merchandise.Rate it:

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vous m'en direz tantThat alters the case; Ah! now I understand. Rate it:

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walk freeTo go unpunished; to win, or avoid, a criminal court case, particularly when actually guilty.Rate it:

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welfare CadillacThe case of a person or group receiving public benefits, although the benefits are not actually needed by the recipient or are obtained by fraud.Rate it:

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whatever the case may beAs is appropriate to the circumstances; particularly where a choice must be made between two options.Rate it:

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whichever way one slices itfrom any perspective; in every caseRate it:

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worst comes to worstIf a possible worst-case scenario actually occurs.Rate it:

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WysiwygAlternative letter-case form of WYSIWYGRate it:

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yoloAlternative letter-case form of YOLORate it:

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至於嗎has it come to this?; is that really the case?Rate it:

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He's a real penny __________
A pusher
B hussler
C pincher
D fiddler