
Phrases related to: each and every one Page #22

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Cat Got Your TongueTo not answer any query, to stop saying anything if one ask somethingRate it:

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cat that ate the canaryA person whose appearance and behavior suggest guilt mixed with other qualities, such as satisfaction or feigned nonchalance.Rate it:

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cat's pajamasA highly sought-after and fancy example of something, usually referring to inanimate objects.Rate it:

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cat's clawAcacia greggii, a tree species native to the southwestern United States and northern MexicoRate it:

(1.00 / 1 vote)
cat's clawAny of several species of plant having parts resembling the claw of a cat.Acacia greggii, a tree species native to the southwestern United States and northern MexicoAcacia plumosa, a medicinal plant species native to BrazilCarpobrotus edulis, or uña de gato (Spanish: "cat's claw"), a plant species in the Aizoaceae familyDolichandra unguis-cati, or cat's claw creeper, a Central American climbing vine of the Bignoniaceae familyGrevillea alpina, a shrub species native to AustraliaMartynia annua, a plant species endemic to BrazilMimosa nuttallii (formerly Schrankia nuttalli), a plant native to the Midwestern United StatesUncaria guianensis, a plant species found in GuyanaUncaria rhynchophylla, a plant species used in traditional Chinese medicineUncaria tomentosa, a plant species found in the tropical jungles of South and Central AmericaRate it:

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cat's clawUncaria tomentosa, a plant species found in the tropical jungles of South and Central AmericaRate it:

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cat's meowA highly sought-after and fancy example of something.Rate it:

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cat-and-mousesuspenseful, involving alternating roles of attack and defence.Rate it:

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cat-and-mouseAlternative form of cat and mouse.Rate it:

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catbird seatExpression used to describe an enviable position, often one of great advantage.Rate it:

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catch fliesAn ostensible product of awkwardly having one's mouth open wide.Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
catch of the dayA type of fish or other seafood which has been caught and brought to market within more-or-less the last 24 hours.Rate it:

(2.00 / 1 vote)
catch one's deathTo contract a serious illness, especially a nasty cold or other respiratory ailment and especially as a result of exposure to wet or chilly weather.Rate it:

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catch someone with one's hand in the cookie jarTo catch someone taking something that he or she is not entitled to.Rate it:

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catch-as-catch-canA. 1681, John Fryer, Richard Chiswell, Robert Roberts, Robert White, A New Account of East-India and Persia, in Eight Letters, Being Nine Years Travels, Begun 1672 and Finished 1681.Rate it:

(1.00 / 1 vote)
Catholic twinssiblings born within twelve months of each other.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
cattle callAn audition which is open to the public and thus draws a large number of applicants, many of whom are inexperienced.Rate it:

(1.00 / 1 vote)
caucus raceA political competition; the game of campaigning and one-upmanship to get votes and be elected.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
caught between the devil and the deep blue seaHaving a choice between two alternatives, both undesirable.Rate it:

(3.33 / 3 votes)
caught with one's hand in the cookie jarObserved or apprehended while committing a theft, especially while embezzling money.Rate it:

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caught with one's pants downCaught off guard, unprepared, or in an embarrassing situation.Rate it:

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causā or lite cadere (owing to some informality)to lose one's case.Rate it:

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causae rerum et consecutionescause and effect.Rate it:

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causam alicuius defendereto conduct some one's defence in a case.Rate it:

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causam or litem amittere, perdereto lose one's case.Rate it:

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caution - slippery when wetWarning, often in the form of a sign, that people should pay attention when walking on a wet and slippery ground not to fall down and get injured.Rate it:

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CAVOKAcronym of Ceiling and visibility OK., sometimes alternatively interpreted as "Clouds and Visibility OK", a weather status report for pilots when visibility is at least 10 kilometres, there are no clouds below 5000 feet or minimum sector altitude, and there is no current or forecast significant weather such as precipitation.Rate it:

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ce monsieur est un de nos habituésThat gentleman is one of our regular customers.Rate it:

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ce n'est pas à un vieux singe qu'on apprend à faire des grimaces (fam.)One does not teach one’s grandmother to suck eggs. Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
ce n'est pas tous les jours fête1. Christmas comes but once a year. 2. One cannot always have “a high old time,” but must work as well. 3. Life is not all beer and skittles.Rate it:

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ce qui nuit à l'un sert à l'autreWhat is one man’s meat is another man’s poison.Rate it:

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ce sont deux têtes dans un bonnetThey are hand and glove together.Rate it:

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cease and desistA demanding that one "cease and desist from" continuing certain behavior, such as copyright infringement, trademark infringement, slander, or libel.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
cease and desistTo stop and not resume an action.Rate it:

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cela fait faire du mauvais sangThat causes one to worry.Rate it:

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cela fait venir la chair de pouleThat makes one’s flesh creep.Rate it:

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cela ne lui rend pas la jambe mieux faite! (ironic.)And a lot of good that will do him!Rate it:

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cela touche à la folieThat is but one remove from madness; That borders on lunacy.Rate it:

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center fieldThe part of a baseball field which is beyond the infield and straight ahead left if you stand on home plate and face the pitcher.Rate it:

(1.00 / 1 vote)
centum annos complereto reach one's hundredth year, to live to be a hundred.Rate it:

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cerrar el picoto shut up; shut one's trapRate it:

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cet homme casse les vitresThat man speaks out boldly, to bring matters to a crisis; That man does not pick and choose his words.Rate it:

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ceterum censeoA formulaic expression used to end a speech by reinforcing one, often unrelated, major view.Rate it:

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cette femme est un vrai dragon1. That woman is a virago. 2. That woman is very masculine (in appearance and manners).Rate it:

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cette fois, ça y estNow it is done, and no mistake.Rate it:

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chacun a dans sa vie un souris de la fortuneFortune knocks once at every man’s door.Rate it:

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chacun a payé son écotEach paid for himself.Rate it:

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chacun a sa marotteEvery one has his hobby.Rate it:

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chacun connaît midi à sa porteEach one knows his own business best.Rate it:

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chacun le sien n'est pas tropLet each have his own, then all is fair.Rate it:

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