
Phrases related to: out of one's gourd. Page #25

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devil beating his wifeWhen it is raining but the sun is outRate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
devil's advocateOne who debates from a view which they may not actually hold, usually to determine its validity, or simply for the sake of argument.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
dextram alicui porrigere, dareto give one's right hand to some one.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
dicendo augere, amplificare aliquid (opp. dicendo extenuare aliquid)to lend lustre to a subject by one's description.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
dicere contra aliquem or aliquid (not contradicere alicui)to contradict some one.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
die in harnessTo continue to work until the day of one's death.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
die outTo become extinct.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
die the way one livedTo die because of or after doing something characteristic of the interlocutor.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
diem dicere alicuito summon some one to appear on a given day; to accuse a person.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
diem ex die ducere, differreto put off from one day to another.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
dies unus, alter, plures intercesserantone, two, several days had passed, intervened.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
dieu nous garde d'un homme qui n'a qu'une affaireGod save us from the man of one idea.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
dig in one's heelsTo act in a determined manner by firmly maintaining one's beliefs, demands, situation, etc. in the face of opposition.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
dig one's own graveTo behave in a way that is likely to have future negative effects on oneself.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
dig outThis term needs a definition. Please help out and add a definition, then remove the text {{rfdef}}.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
dig outUsed other than as an idiom: see dig, out.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
dig outTo find, or retrieve something by removing overlying material, or material that hides itRate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
dig out of a holeTo save someone or something from trouble.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
dignitatem suam tueri, defendere, retinere, obtinereto guard, maintain one's dignity.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
dignitati suae servire, consulereto be careful of one's dignity.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
diligentem esse in retinendis officiisto be exact, punctual in the performance of one's duty.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
dime outto report to the authorities; to snitch onRate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
dine outTo have dinner away from one's house, usually at a restaurant.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
dip intoTo spend some of one's savingsRate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
dip outTo leave a place without telling anyone.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
diplomatic fluAn illness feigned by one or more government officials or other public figures as an excuse for an absence really based on political reasons.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
dire tantôt blanc, tantôt noirTo say first one thing and then another.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
dirigere or referre aliquid ad aliquam remto measure something by the standard of something else; to make something one's criterion.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
dirty laundryUnflattering facts or questionable activities that one wants to remain secret, but which some other may use to blackmail with.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
dirty workOne or more unpleasant tasks, assignments, or employment duties, especially those of a disreputable or illicit nature.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
discedere (pedibus), ire in alicuius sententiam (Liv. 23. 10)to vote for some one's motion.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
disciplina alicuius uti, magistro aliquo utito receive instruction from some one.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
disciplinam alicuius profiterito be a follower, disciple of some one.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
dish outOn to a dish ready for eating.Rate it:

(5.00 / 6 votes)
dish outTo distribute or deliver something.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
dispose ofTo have available, or at one's disposal.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
dissipare rem familiarem (suam)to squander all one's property.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
divide and conquerA combination of political, military and economic strategies that aim to gain and maintain power by breaking up larger concentrations of power into chunks that individually have less power than the one implementing the strategy.(computing) Applied to various algorithms, such as quicksort, that solve a problem by splitting it recursively into smaller problems until all of the remaining problems are trivial.(as imperative, proverb) In order to rule securely, don't allow alliances of your enemies.Rate it:

(2.00 / 1 vote)
divvy upTo divide or parcel out.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
doTo have as one's job.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
do not enterSigns along the road to indicate this is a one way street.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
do oneTo depart from a place, often with a sense of urgency.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
do one's bitTo make an individual contribution toward an overall effort.Rate it:

(1.00 / 1 vote)
do one's blockTo become enraged.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
do one's businessTo ruin somebody.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
do one's businessto defecate or urinateRate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
do one's damnedestTo do one's utmost; to make every effort or to try every possible approach or way.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
do one's darnedestTo do one's utmost; to make every effort or to try every possible approach or way.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
do one's thingTo do what one habitually does.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
do one's utmostTo make the greatest possible effort.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)

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She looked like a _________ in headlights.
A deer
B chicken
C duck
D horse