
Phrases related to: dare you to move Page #28

Yee yee! We've found 1,849 phrases and idioms matching dare you to move.

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Turn the Other CheekTo allow someone to hurt you or do something bad to you without defending yourself; almost ignoring an abuseRate it:

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turn the pageTo move on to new involvements or activities; to make a fresh start.Rate it:

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turn to stoneTo become completely still, not moving. The phrase "turn to stone" typically means to become motionless, rigid, or unresponsive. It can also refer to becoming emotionally numb or unfeeling. The phrase has its origins in Greek mythology, where the Gorgon Medusa was said to have the power to turn anyone who looked at her into stone. In this context, "turning to stone" meant to become petrified, frozen, and unable to move. In a more metaphorical sense, "turning to stone" can refer to becoming emotionally or mentally rigid, closed off, or unresponsive. For example, a person might be said to have "turned to stone" if they have experienced trauma or emotional distress that has left them numb or unfeeling. The phrase can also be used to describe a situation where a person or group of people becomes unresponsive or unwilling to change their views or actions. For example, a team that is stuck in their ways and resistant to change might be said to have "turned to stone" in terms of their ability to adapt and evolve. Overall, the phrase "turn to stone" implies a sense of rigidity, immobility, and unresponsiveness. It can refer to becoming physically or emotionally petrified, and it can also describe a situation where a person or group is unwilling or unable to change or adapt.Rate it:

(3.86 / 7 votes)
Turn Up Your Nose at SomeoneTreating someone with Arrogance or conceit; showing someone that something may not be good enough for youRate it:

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Two Sinkers anda CoffeeResponse to Coffeeshop Waitress's question; "What'll YOU Have?" . . .Customer's 'Response - - - 'Two Donuts and a Cup Coffee!Rate it:

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unless the wheels available to you aren't made for the vehicle you're trying to drive.Follow-up to the phrase, "No need to reinvent the wheel." Meant for when one does, in fact, need to reinvent a process to account for accumulated changes that make the old status-quo obsolete.Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
up topWhen someone says "up top" to you they are asking you to give them a high five--to tapthe palm of your hand against the palm of their same hand over your heads as you face each other; same as saying "high five" or "give me a high five"; a gesture of agreement or celebration, like between winning team membersRate it:

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ut sementem feceris, ita metes (proverb.) (De Or. 2. 65)as you sow, so will you reap.Rate it:

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va te faire foutrego get fucked!; go fuck yourself!; get your butt out of here!; fuck you!; fuck off!Rate it:

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va te promener! (fam.)Go to Jericho! Get along with you!Rate it:

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vai se foderfuck you!, go fuck yourself!Rate it:

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valetudini consulere, operam dareto take care of one's health.Rate it:

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ve haf vays of making you talkA catchphrase, usually delivered in a mock German accent, implying a threat of torture to extract information.Rate it:

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vee have vaysThis phrase is said as a joke when someone doesn't answer you or lies. It is an alternative pronunciation with a German accent and a shortened version of the movie quote "We have ways of making you talk."Rate it:

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vee have vays of making you talkThis is a German accent version of the American movie quote "We have ways of making you talk." It is said as a joke when someone doesn't answer you or lies.Rate it:

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vela dareto set the sails.Rate it:

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vela in altum dare (Liv. 25. 27)to put to sea.Rate it:

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venez n'importe quandCome at any time, no matter when, whenever you please.Rate it:

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veniam dare alicuito pardon a person.Rate it:

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vento se dareto run before the wind.Rate it:

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verba dare alicui (Att. 15. 16)to deceive a person, throw dust in his eyes.Rate it:

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vete a saberyou tell me, goodness knows, who knowsRate it:

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vielen Dankthank you very much.Rate it:

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você e quem maisyou and whose army ?Rate it:

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você fala portuguêsDo you speak Portuguese?Rate it:

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você vem sempre aquido you come here often; A phrase strongly associated with flirtatious behavior.Rate it:

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voilà comme je suisYou must take me as I am; That’s my way.Rate it:

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voilà comme vous êtesThat is just like you.Rate it:

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voilà un discours qui n'est pas piqué des versThat’s a fine speech if you like [lit. not worm-eaten.]Rate it:

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voilà un nom à coucher dehors (avec un billet de logement dans la poche)That’s a name too ugly for words; That’s an outlandish name if you like.Rate it:

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von nichts kommt nichtsyou scratch my back and I'll scratch yoursRate it:

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votre rival vous coupera l'herbe sous le piedYour rival will cut you out, will take the wind out of your sails, will cut the ground from under your feet.Rate it:

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voulez-vous accepter la fortune du pot?Will you take pot-luck with us?Rate it:

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voulez-vous coucher avec moiWould you like to sleep with me?Rate it:

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vous allez trop avantYou are going too far.Rate it:

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vous apprendrez avec plaisir....You will be glad to hear....Rate it:

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vous arrivez on ne peut mieuxYou could not have come at a more opportune moment.Rate it:

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vous arrivez trop tard, la barre est tiréeYou are too late, the line is drawn, the list is closed.Rate it:

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vous aurez bon marché de luiYou will easily get the better of him.Rate it:

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vous avez beau jeu1. (lit.) You have good cards. 2. (fig.) You have the advantage.Rate it:

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vous avez fait des vôtresYou have committed follies yourself; You have played pranks too.Rate it:

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vous avez fait là une belle affaire (ironic.)You have made a pretty mess of it.Rate it:

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vous avez mis le doigt dessusYou have hit the right nail on the head; You have touched the spot.Rate it:

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vous avez touché la grosse cordeYou have come to the main point.Rate it:

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vous devenez bien rareYou are quite a stranger.Rate it:

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vous dites des choses de l'autre mondeYou say most out-of-the-way things.Rate it:

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vous en aurezYou will catch it.Rate it:

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vous en êtes quitte à bon marchéYou came off cheaply.Rate it:

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vous en revenez toujours làYou are always harping on that string.Rate it:

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vous êtes du bon côtéYou are on the right side.Rate it:

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Gosh you have more lives than a black _____.
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