
Phrases related to: you'd better believe it Page #29

Yee yee! We've found 1,936 phrases and idioms matching you'd better believe it.

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tough times never last because if you believe you can be tougherTough times don’t last if you believeRate it:

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tough tittiesToo bad (for you); the outcome one desires is not likely to evolve, due to active intervention by the speaker.Rate it:

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tough tittyToo bad (for you); the outcome one desires is not likely to evolve, due to active intervention by the speaker.Rate it:

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tough toodlesToo bad (for you); the outcome one desires is not likely to evolve, due to active intervention by the speaker.Rate it:

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tough tuchusToo bad (for you); the outcome one desires is not likely to evolve, due to active intervention by the speaker.Rate it:

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tout par amour, rien par forceSweet words will succeed where mere strength will fail; You may row your heart out if wind and tide are against you.Rate it:

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tribus verbis te voloa word with you.Rate it:

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trouble in river cityAn expression to indicate there is trouble somewhere/ Often said There's trouble in River City or "There's" is omitted, for shortRate it:

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trust the servicesbelieve faithRate it:

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TTYSInitialism of talk to you soon.Rate it:

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tu me manquesI miss youRate it:

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tu me payeras de gré ou de forceYou shall pay me, whether you like it or not.Rate it:

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tu n'en auras pas l'étrenneYou will not be the first to use it.Rate it:

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tu sais que je n'ai plus le sacYou know I have no more money.Rate it:

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tú y cuántos másyou and whose army?Rate it:

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tuam vicem doleoI am sorry for you.Rate it:

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tune you out!Disregard, Ignore, Leave, 'Turn You Off!', Abandon, Isolate, Turn Away, Terminate, Go Away from, Reject, Dismiss, Divorce:Rate it:

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Turn the Other CheekTo allow someone to hurt you or do something bad to you without defending yourself; almost ignoring an abuseRate it:

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Turn Up Your Nose at SomeoneTreating someone with Arrogance or conceit; showing someone that something may not be good enough for youRate it:

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two heads are better than oneSome problems may be solved more easily by two (or more) people working together than by one working alone.Rate it:

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Two Sinkers anda CoffeeResponse to Coffeeshop Waitress's question; "What'll YOU Have?" . . .Customer's 'Response - - - 'Two Donuts and a Cup Coffee!Rate it:

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two's company, three's a crowdOne companion is better than two.Rate it:

(4.00 / 2 votes)
un méchant accommodement est mieux que le meilleur procèsA bad arrangement is better than the best lawsuit.Rate it:

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unbuckle your belt(or loosen your belt)To lessen the strain on one's abdomen: in preparation for a large meal, or with the intention to continue eating even after having a "full" belly.Rate it:

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une bonne fuite vaut mieux qu'une mauvaise attenteDiscretion is the better part of valour.Rate it:

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unless the wheels available to you aren't made for the vehicle you're trying to drive.Follow-up to the phrase, "No need to reinvent the wheel." Meant for when one does, in fact, need to reinvent a process to account for accumulated changes that make the old status-quo obsolete.Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
up and at 'emVigorously launched or launching into an activity; Also used to mean promptly awake and ready to start the day or given as a command to wake up, get out of bed, and get busy with activitiesRate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
up in herehere; in this place; it doesn't mean "up" (higher) literallyRate it:

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up topWhen someone says "up top" to you they are asking you to give them a high five--to tapthe palm of your hand against the palm of their same hand over your heads as you face each other; same as saying "high five" or "give me a high five"; a gesture of agreement or celebration, like between winning team membersRate it:

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ut sementem feceris, ita metes (proverb.) (De Or. 2. 65)as you sow, so will you reap.Rate it:

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va te faire foutrego get fucked!; go fuck yourself!; get your butt out of here!; fuck you!; fuck off!Rate it:

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va te promener! (fam.)Go to Jericho! Get along with you!Rate it:

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vai se foderfuck you!, go fuck yourself!Rate it:

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vaille que vailleAt all events; For better, for worse.Rate it:

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vaut bien que malAt all events; For better, for worse.Rate it:

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ve haf vays of making you talkA catchphrase, usually delivered in a mock German accent, implying a threat of torture to extract information.Rate it:

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vee have vaysThis phrase is said as a joke when someone doesn't answer you or lies. It is an alternative pronunciation with a German accent and a shortened version of the movie quote "We have ways of making you talk."Rate it:

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vee have vays of making you talkThis is a German accent version of the American movie quote "We have ways of making you talk." It is said as a joke when someone doesn't answer you or lies.Rate it:

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venez n'importe quandCome at any time, no matter when, whenever you please.Rate it:

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vete a saberyou tell me, goodness knows, who knowsRate it:

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vieil ami et vieux vin sont vraiment deux bons vieux, mais vieux écus sont encore mieuxOld friends and old wine are good, but old gold is better than both.Rate it:

(3.00 / 1 vote)
vielen Dankthank you very much.Rate it:

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vier Augen sehen mehr als zweitwo heads are better than oneRate it:

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você e quem maisyou and whose army ?Rate it:

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você fala portuguêsDo you speak Portuguese?Rate it:

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você vem sempre aquido you come here often; A phrase strongly associated with flirtatious behavior.Rate it:

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voilà comme je suisYou must take me as I am; That’s my way.Rate it:

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voilà comme vous êtesThat is just like you.Rate it:

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voilà un discours qui n'est pas piqué des versThat’s a fine speech if you like [lit. not worm-eaten.]Rate it:

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voilà un nom à coucher dehors (avec un billet de logement dans la poche)That’s a name too ugly for words; That’s an outlandish name if you like.Rate it:

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