
Phrases related to: ex vulnere mori (Fam. 10. 33) Page #3

Yee yee! We've found 138 phrases and idioms matching ex vulnere mori (Fam. 10. 33).

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negotium alicui facessere (Fam. 3. 10. 1)to give a person trouble, inconvenience him.Rate it:

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nom d'un petit bonhomme! (fam.)By Jingo!Rate it:

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nuntia fratri tuo salutem verbis meis (Fam. 7. 14)remember me to your brother.Rate it:

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officio suo deesse (Fam. 7. 3)to neglect one's duty.Rate it:

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omnia bello flagrant or ardent (Fam. 4. 1. 2)everywhere the torch of war is flaming.Rate it:

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on l'a mis dedans (fam.)1. They took him in (i.e. they deceived him). 2. They ran him in (i.e. they put him in prison).Rate it:

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on lui a fait passer le goût du pain (fam.)They killed him.Rate it:

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on mit les petits plats dans les grands pour le bien recevoir (fam.)They spared neither trouble nor money to receive him well; They received him with much fuss.Rate it:

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on veut nous mettre dedans (fam.)They want to entrap us, to take us in.Rate it:

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orationem commentari (Fam. 16. 26)to prepare, get up a speech.Rate it:

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ouvrez l'œil, et le bon! (fam.)Look out!Rate it:

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pacem conciliare (Fam. 10. 27)to bring about a peace.Rate it:

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payer la goutte (fam.)To stand something to drink.Rate it:

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pester entre cuir et chair (fam.)To fume inwardly.Rate it:

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piquer une tête (fam.)To take a header.Rate it:

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plein comme un œuf (fam.)Chock-full.Rate it:

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plus souvent! (fam.)Not if I know it! Twice!Rate it:

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plus vite que ça (fam.)Look sharp about it.Rate it:

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potius mori quam fœdariPlutôt mourir que faillir, devise des ducs de Bretagne.Rate it:

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pour sûr! (fam.)I should think so, indeed!Rate it:

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pour un rien il se met dans tous ses états (fam.)He gets very excited over a mere trifle.Rate it:

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quaestum facere (Fam. 15. 14)to make money.Rate it:

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quelle scie! (fam.)What a bother!Rate it:

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qui se sent galeux, se gratte (fam.)If the cap fits, wear it. Rate it:

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savoir ce que quelqu'un a dans le ventre (fam.)To know what a person is worth, what he thinks; To know the stuff a man is made of.Rate it:

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se conferre ad philosophiam, ad philosophiae or sapientiae studium (Fam. 4. 3. 4)to devote oneself to philosophy.Rate it:

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se insinuare in consuetudinem alicuius (Fam. 4. 13. 6)to insinuate oneself into a person's society.Rate it:

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si ça vous chante (fam.)If you are in the mood for it.Rate it:

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skeleton at the feastA reminder of death, a memento mori.Rate it:

(3.00 / 1 vote)
somnum oculis meis non vidi (Fam. 7. 30)I haven't had a wink of sleep.Rate it:

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suer sang et eau (fam.)To strain every nerve.Rate it:

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sumptui parcere (Fam. 16. 4)to incur few expenses.Rate it:

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tout le saint-frusquin (fam.)The whole jolly lot (referring to money or clothes).Rate it:

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un coup de fion (fam.)A finishing touch.Rate it:

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un doigt de vin (fam.)A toothful of wine.Rate it:

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va te promener! (fam.)Go to Jericho! Get along with you!Rate it:

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vel maximos luctus vetustate tollit diuturnitas (Fam. 5. 16. 5)time assuages the most violent grief.Rate it:

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vous me donnez sur les nerfsYou get on my nerves; You rile me (fam.).Rate it:

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