
Phrases related to: four-wing flying fish Page #3

Yee yee! We've found 143 phrases and idioms matching four-wing flying fish.

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nem carne nem peixeneither fish nor fowlRate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
ni chair ni poissonNeither fish, flesh, nor fowl.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
ni chicha ni limonadaneither fish nor fowl; not easily conforming to categorization..Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
nous avons d'autres chats (or, chiens) à fouetterWe have other fish to fry.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
obsidionem quattuor menses sustinereto hold out for four months.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
odd fishAn unusual thing or eccentric person.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
oh! la belle équipée!Here’s a pretty kettle of fish!Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
on le tenait à quatreIt needed four men to hold him down.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
on le tient à quatreIt needs four men to hold him down.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
on ne peut être au four et au moulinOne cannot be in two places at the same time.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
on the wingWhen somthing like a bird is on a wingRate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
other fish in the seaUsed other than as an idiom: see other, fish, in, the, sea.Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
other fish in the seaUsed to indicate other goals or other objectives to pursue.(idiomatic, metaphor) Used to indicate other romantic partners or significant others to pursue.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
other fish in the seaUsed to indicate other romantic partners or significant others to pursue.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
pale rider"The Pale Rider"; another name for Death, "The Grim Reaper", "the angel of death"; and one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
passer à pleines voiles à travers les mailles de la justiceTo drive a coach-and-four through an Act of Parliament.Rate it:

(3.00 / 1 vote)
quattuor dies continuifour successive days.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
queer fishAn odd or eccentric person.Rate it:

(2.60 / 5 votes)
red rideranother name for "War", one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.Rate it:

(3.00 / 1 vote)
reel into bring (a fish etc.) out of the water by winding the reel.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
right up your alleyFlying is certainly right up your alleyRate it:

(4.00 / 1 vote)
slop bowlOne of the four components of the traditional tea set. Tea drinkers emptied their unwanted, cold tea into the slop bowl before refilling their cups with fresh, hot tea.Rate it:

(3.50 / 2 votes)
small fryOne or more small or immature fish.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
so long, and thanks for all the fishgoodbyeRate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
swim like a fishTo be a very strong swimmer.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
Take Someone under Your WingHelping or assisting someoneRate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
the fish rots from the headBad leaders damage an organization.Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
the flying dutchmanlegendary ghost shipRate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
there are plenty more fish in the seaThere are many more potential opportunities available; often said meaning that there are many more people in whom to find love; said when consoling someone who just came out of a relationshipRate it:

(3.67 / 3 votes)
there are plenty of fish in the seaThere are many more potential opportunities available.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
there's always a bigger fishNo matter how large or intimidating a person or thing is, there is likely to be an even larger or more intimidating person or thing somewhere.Rate it:

(4.00 / 1 vote)
throw enough mud at the wall, some of it will stickTry the same thing (or similar things) often enough, and, even if the general standard is poor, sometimes one will be successful.2001, And still no one is shouting stop. read in The Kingdom archives at on 02 Nov 06,Many team managers are of the philosophy that if you throw enough mud at the wall some of it will stick. They believe that team preparation is all about physical fitness. They run the players into the ground and they believe they will be "flying on the day".2001, Robert McCrum, Let them eat cake, in The Observer 16 Dec 01, read on Guardian Unlimited site at on 02 Nov 06,Australian publishing boomed and in the past 10 years the country's literary culture has undergone a mini golden age, capped by Carey's triumph at the 2001 Booker Prize. As one Australian arts administrator said to me many years ago: 'Listen, mate, if you throw enough mud at the wall, some of it will stick.'2001, Chris Collin, Re: 2-cp speys on The Strathspey Server mailing list archive at on 02 Nov 06,I am finding that "if you throw enough mud at the wall, some of it will stick". It doesn't always work of course (especially on the nights when the class is mostly the beginners), but the class seems to thrive on the challange.2005, Ray Craft (poster on The right scale blog), Fitzhooie and his Burden, read at on 02 Nov 06,Prosecutors everywhere have bad habits of overcharging lots of cases, knowing that if the throw enough mud at the wall some of it will stick.2005, Sean Kelleher, Spike Milligan: His part in our downfall in Business 07 Aug 05, read at on 02 Nov 06,As long as there is negligible regulation and enforcement anyone can actually try and do the job...Weak regulation allows the industry to build strategies on full time recruitment. The theory goes: throw enough mud at the wall, some of it will stick.c2005, Everything You've Learned About Marketing Is Wrong, read on LINC Performance website at on 02 Nov 06,They have the money to continue to believe in the repetition side of the equation. You throw enough mud at the wall, some of it will stick. But it still isnRate it:

(3.00 / 4 votes)
to give a person lineTo allow a person more or less liberty until it is convenient to stop or check him/her, like a hooked fish that swims away with the line.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
tout lui est bonAll is fish that comes to his net.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
under one's wingUnder one's protection, sponsorship, or tutelage.Rate it:

(1.00 / 1 vote)
vivere carne, piscibus, rapto (Liv. 7. 25)to live on meat, fish, by plunder.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
vous viendrez cuire à mon fourSome day you will need my assistance.Rate it:

(4.00 / 1 vote)
white rideranother name for "Conquest/Pestilence", one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
wing itTo improvise; to make things up or figure things out as one goes; or to perform with little or no preparation.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
with flying colorsExtremely well; in an exceptional, noteworthy, or extraordinary manner.Rate it:

(3.33 / 3 votes)
With Flying ColorsWith ease and great success, boldly, flamboyantRate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
with flying coloursWith successRate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
媽麻馬罵A meaningless phrase used to memorise the four tones in MandarinRate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)

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