
Phrases related to: macte virtute (esto or te esse iubeo) Page #3

Yee yee! We've found 274 phrases and idioms matching macte virtute (esto or te esse iubeo).

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gratiosum esse alicui or apud aliquemto be popular with; to stand well with a person.Rate it:

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gravi morbo affectum esse, conflictari, vexarito be seriously ill.Rate it:

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heredem esse alicuito be some one's heir.Rate it:

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ich esse kein SchweinefleischI don't eat porkRate it:

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in aegritudine, sollicitudine esseto be vexed, mortified, anxious.Rate it:

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in aere alieno esseto be in debt.Rate it:

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in agris esse, habitareto live in the country.Rate it:

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in altissimo dignitatis gradu collocatum, locatum, positum esseto occupy a very high position in the state.Rate it:

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in amicitia populi Romani esse (Liv. 22. 37)to be on friendly terms with the Roman people.Rate it:

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in amore et deliciis esse alicui (active in deliciis habere aliquem)to be some one's favourite.Rate it:

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in ancoris esse, stare, consistereto ride at anchor.Rate it:

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in angustiis, difficultatibus, esse or versarito be in a dilemma; in difficulties.Rate it:

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in armis esseto be under arms.Rate it:

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in cogitatione defixum esseto be deep in thought.Rate it:

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in controversia (contentione) esse, versarito be at variance with.Rate it:

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in culpa esseto be at fault; to blame; culpable.Rate it:

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in egestate esse, versarito live in poverty, destitution.Rate it:

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in exsilio esse, exsulem esseto live in exile.Rate it:

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in gratia esse apud aliquemto be popular with; to stand well with a person.Rate it:

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in imperio esseto hold a high office (such as conferred imperium, i.e. consulatus, dictatura, praetura).Rate it:

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in invidia esse alicuito be hated by some one.Rate it:

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in luctu esse (Sest. 14. 32)to suffer affliction.Rate it:

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in manu, in potestate alicuius situm, positum esseto be in a person's power.Rate it:

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in mora alicui esseto detain a person.Rate it:

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in neutris partibus esseto be neutral.Rate it:

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in odio esse apud aliquemto be hated by some one.Rate it:

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in ore omnium or omnibus (hominum or hominibus, but only mihi, tibi, etc.) esseto be in every one's mouth.Rate it:

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in otio esse or vivereto be at leisure.Rate it:

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in periculo esse or versarito be in danger.Rate it:

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in potestate, in dicione alicuius esseto be subject to some one, under some one's dominion.Rate it:

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in rebus atque in usu versatum esseto have had practical experience.Rate it:

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in summa egestate or mendicitate esseto be entirely destitute; to be a beggar.Rate it:

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in timore esse, versarito be in fear.Rate it:

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in tuto esseto be in a position of safety.Rate it:

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in vita esseto be alive.Rate it:

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ineptum esse (De Or. 2. 4. 17)to be silly, without tact.Rate it:

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infirma, aegra valetudine esse or utito be ill, weakly.Rate it:

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inflatum, elatum esse aliqua reto be proud, arrogant by reason of something.Rate it:

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insolentia, superbia inflatum esseto be puffed up with pride.Rate it:

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integra aetate esseto be in the prime of life.Rate it:

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intentum esse alicui reito be engaged upon a matter.Rate it:

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inter spem metumque suspensum animi esseto hover between hope and fear.Rate it:

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intervallo locorum et temporum disiunctum esseto be separated by an immense interval of space and time.Rate it:

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invisum esse alicuito be hated by some one.Rate it:

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ira incensum esseto be fired with rage.Rate it:

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iracundia inflammatum esseto be fired with rage.Rate it:

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iracundiam sic (ita) definiunt, ut ulciscendi libidinem esse dicant or ut u. libido sit or iracundiam sic definiunt, ulc. libidinemanger is defined as a passionate desire for revenge.Rate it:

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irse por el alambreExpresión que sirve para graficar el estado de quienes, por razones de cualquier tipo —tiempo, dinero, ocasión— no podían ingerir alimentos al almuerzo. Esto expresion era más o menos frecuente entre los estudiantes de los años 1980.Rate it:

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ita animo affectum esseto be so disposed.Rate it:

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iucunde esse (Deiot. 7. 19)to be in a good temper.Rate it:

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I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a _____ today.
A can of spinach
B hamburger
C cookie
D hot dog