
Phrases related to: have i got a deal for you Page #36

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populum facilem, aequum habereto have an appreciative audience.Rate it:

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por el interés te quiero AndrésI'm only interested in being with you because of what you can offerRate it:

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por la boca muere el pezwhat you say can do you harm; silence is golden; keep mumRate it:

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porque tú lo digasif you say soRate it:

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position can be far left or right life to allow for tilting...You must allow tilting when photographing the subject.TRate it:

(4.00 / 1 vote)
pot, meet kettleUsed to draw attention to hypocrisy; a reference to the saying, "pot calling the kettle black" (see under another entry: "pot calling the kettle black"; it's the same as saying, "that's true of YOU" (and mayor may not be true of me, or not as much)Rate it:

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poudre de perlimpinpinA powder, purported to have magic powers, formerly sold by charlatans.Rate it:

(2.00 / 1 vote)
pour cela je vous baise les mainsAs for that I will not do it; “No, thank you!”Rate it:

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pour peu que cela vous ennuieHowever little it annoys you.Rate it:

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pour your heart and soulTo do something with 100% effort; to try your best; to do something like it means a lot to you.Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
pourquoi restez-vous là les bras croisés?Why are you waiting there doing nothing?Rate it:

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practice what you preachTo practice what you preach means to do as you say. To live by example.Rate it:

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practise makes a man perfectDo more practice and hard work to gain something that you want....Rate it:

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prêcher sept ans pour un carêmeTo do a great deal for little good.Rate it:

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prendre du champTo take a run (before leap); To have room before one (for an effort).Rate it:

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prenez-vous-en à vous-mêmeYou have yourself to thank for it.Rate it:

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pride goeth before a fallIf you have too arrogant of an attitude, you will failRate it:

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primis (ut dicitur) or primoribus labris gustare or attingere litterasto have a superficial knowledge, a smattering of literature, of the sciences.Rate it:

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propensum, proclivem esse ad aliquid (opp. alienum, aversum esse, abhorrere ab aliqua re)to have an inclination for a thing.Rate it:

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puddin' tame. ask me again and i'll tell you the same.An impertinent response to being asked "what is your name?"; a response indicating that the speaker does not want to reveal their real name.Rate it:

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puede ayudarmecan you help me?Rate it:

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puedes ayudarmecan you help me?Rate it:

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puisqu'en vous il est faux que songes sont mensongesSince with you, it is untrue that dreams go by contraries.Rate it:

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pull aHe pulled an Elvis and got really fat.Rate it:

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pull a trainTo have sex with several men one after the other.Rate it:

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pull the other oneAlternative form of pull the other one, it's got bells onRate it:

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pull the other one, it's got bells onThe implication is that one leg has been pulled, and the joker will have more fun with the other one due to the bells.Rate it:

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pull the other one, it's got bells onMonty Python's Holy Grail.Rate it:

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pull the other one, it's got brass bells onAlternative form of pull the other one, it's got bells onRate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
Pull the Rug out from Under YouTo ruin someone’s dreams, hopes or plans, to suddenly withdraw supportRate it:

(4.50 / 2 votes)
purple youTo love and trust each otherRate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
put asideTo ignore or intentionally forget something, temporarily or permanently, so that more important things can have one's attention.Rate it:

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put awayTo eat a great deal.Rate it:

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put her there (pronounced put 'er there)something said to someone when extending one's hand, inviting you to shake hands with them in agreement or sympathyRate it:

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put it thereafter a discussion of barter etc the 'seller' offers his hand to shake on the deal (particularly in the US)Rate it:

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put on the feedbagTo have a meal, eat.Rate it:

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put the cat among the pigeonsIf you set the cat among the pigeons, you will cause a flutter in the dovecote.Rate it:

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qu'avez vous? j'ai que je m'ennuieWhat is the matter with you? The matter is that I am bored to death.Rate it:

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qu'est-ce qui vous prend?What is the matter with you?Rate it:

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qu'il ne vous en déplaiseWith your permission; By your leave; If you’ll allow me; An it please you.Rate it:

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qu'y a-t-il pour votre service?What can I do for you?Rate it:

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qua aetate es?how old are you?Rate it:

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quaerere tormentis de aliquoto have a person tortured.Rate it:

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quand je vous le disais! (or, je vous l'avais bien dit!)I told you so!Rate it:

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quand on n'a pas ce que l'on aime il faut aimer ce que l'on aIf you cannot get crumb you had best eat crust.Rate it:

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quand on parle du loupwhen you speak of someone they will appear; speak of the devilRate it:

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quand on parle du loup, on en voit la queue (or, il sort du bois)Speak of angels and you hear their wings; Talk of the devil, he is sure to appear.Rate it:

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quand on veut trop serrer l'anguille, elle s'échappe“Much would have more and lost all”; He who is too greedy loses everything. Rate it:

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que faites-vous dans la viewhat do you do?Rate it:

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que lo quewhat's up, wassup, what is it, what it is, what is what it is, what is what, what are you doing, what's happening, what's going onRate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)

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