
Phrases related to: in amicitia populi Romani esse (Liv. 22. 37) Page #5

Yee yee! We've found 376 phrases and idioms matching in amicitia populi Romani esse (Liv. 22. 37).

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lectisternium facere, habere (Liv. 22. 1. 18)to hold a lectisternium.Rate it:

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legem perferre (Liv. 33. 46)to carry a law (said of the magistrate).Rate it:

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legem ratam esse iubereto declare a law valid.Rate it:

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legem, rogationem promulgare (Liv. 33. 46)to bring a bill before the notice of the people.Rate it:

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lictores summovent turbam (Liv. 4. 50)the lictors clear the way.Rate it:

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lingua promptum esseto have a ready tongue.Rate it:

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litteris leviter imbutum or tinctum esseto have received a superficial education.Rate it:

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longius aetate provectum esseto be more advanced in years.Rate it:

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lucubrare (Liv. 1. 57)to work by night, burn the midnight oil.Rate it:

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ludibrio esse alicuito serve as some one's butt.Rate it:

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lustrum condere (Liv. 1. 44. 2)to complete the censorship (by certain formal purificatory ceremonies = lustro faciendo).Rate it:

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macte virtute (esto or te esse iubeo)good luck to you.Rate it:

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magna auctoritate esseto possess great authority; to be an influential person.Rate it:

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magni (nullius) momenti esseto be of great (no) importance.Rate it:

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magno animo esseto be magnanimous, broad-minded.Rate it:

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medium esseto be neutral.Rate it:

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meliore (deteriore) condicione esse, utito find one's circumstances altered for the better (the worse).Rate it:

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memorem esse (opp. obliviosum esse)to have a good memory.Rate it:

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mendosum esse (Verr. 2. 4. 77)(1) to make frequent mistakes in writing; (2) to be full of mistakes (speaking of a passage).Rate it:

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mente captum esse, mente alienata esseto be out of one's mind.Rate it:

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mentis compotem esseto be of sane mind.Rate it:

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mercede conductum esseto be hired, suborned.Rate it:

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messis in herbis est (Liv. 25. 15)the crop is in the blade.Rate it:

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metu fractum et debilitatum, perculsum esseto be completely prostrated by fear.Rate it:

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milites tumultuarii (opp. exercitus iustus) (Liv. 35. 2)soldiers collected in haste; irregulars.Rate it:

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militia functum, perfunctum esseto retire from service.Rate it:

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minorem esse viginti annisto be not yet twenty.Rate it:

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moderatum, continentem esseto behave with moderation.Rate it:

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multarum rerum cognitione imbutum esse (opp. litterarum or eruditionis expertem esse or [rerum] rudem esse)to be well-informed, erudite.Rate it:

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multi cibi esse, edacem esseto be a great eater.Rate it:

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multis negotiis implicatum, districtum, distentum, obrutum esseto be involved in many undertakings; to be much occupied, embarrassed, overwhelmed by business-claims.Rate it:

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multum esse cum aliquo (Fam. 16. 21)to enjoy close intercourse with... (of master and pupil).Rate it:

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multum, nimium esse (in aliqua re) (De Or. 2. 4. 17)to go deeply into a matter, discuss it fully.Rate it:

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natum, factum esse ad aliquid (faciendum)to be born for a thing, endowed by nature for it.Rate it:

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natum, factum esse ad dicendumto be a born orator.Rate it:

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natura proclivem esse ad vitiato have a natural propensity to vice.Rate it:

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navis praetoria (Liv. 21. 49)the admiral's ship; the flagship.Rate it:

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nimium diligentem esseto be pedantic.Rate it:

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nobilitatis fautorem, studiosum esseto be a friend of the aristocracy.Rate it:

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nomen amicitiae (or simply amicitia) dicitur ab amandothe word amicitia comes from amare.Rate it:

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non esse apud se (Plaut. Mil. 4. 8. 26)to lose one's head, be beside oneself.Rate it:

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non solvendo esse (Phil. 2. 2. 4)to be bankrupt.Rate it:

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novarum rerum cupidum esseto hold revolutionary opinions.Rate it:

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novissimis praesidio esseto protect the troops in the rear.Rate it:

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nullius culpae sibi conscium esseto be conscious of no ill deed.Rate it:

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nullius or neutrius (of two) partis esseto be neutral.Rate it:

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nuptam esse cum aliquo or alicuito be married to some one.Rate it:

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obliterari (Liv. 26. 41)to be forgotten, pass into oblivion.Rate it:

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oblivioni esse, darito be forgotten, pass into oblivion.Rate it:

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obvium or obviam esse, obviam fierito meet some one by chance.Rate it:

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Another one ___________ the dust.
A grabs
B bites
C eats
D swallows