
Phrases related to: non-sexual Page #5

Yee yee! We've found 293 phrases and idioms matching non-sexual.

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open one's legsTo open oneself up to sexual intercourse.Rate it:

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orientación sexualPatrón duradero de atracción sexual y/o romántica hacia un grupo de personas definidas por su sexo o su género.Rate it:

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out of thin airFrom non-existent resources.Rate it:

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p'tèt ben qu'oui, p'tèt ben qu'nonVariante orthographique de p’têt ben qu’oui, p’têt ben qu’non.Rate it:

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p'têt ben qu'oui, p'têt ben qu'nonProbablement, éventuellement.Rate it:

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padre biológicoHombre que ha participado en el acto sexual o donado su semen para la engendración de una nueva persona, y cuya carga genética habrá heredado, en contraposición con el padre adoptivo.Rate it:

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Paganini non replicaRare form of Paganini non ripete.Rate it:

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Paganini non ripeteSaid when someone is unwilling to repeat what they have already said.Rate it:

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park the car in harvard yardA sentence used to illustrate that the Boston accent is non-rhotic; typically pronounced "pahk the cah in Hahvad Yahd".Rate it:

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party and playMarked by the use of drugs and the absence of sexual inhibitions.Rate it:

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pato negroNetta peposaca Es un pato grande, 55 cm, con un marcado dimorfismo sexual. El macho tiene el pico rosado intenso, la cabeza, el pecho y el cuello son negros con un brillo púrpura que lo hacen inconfundible. Vive desde Atacama hasta Magallanes en Chile.Rate it:

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pearl necklaceA sexual act whereby semen is ejaculated onto a partner's neck.Rate it:

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per non dimenticare"do not forget"Rate it:

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per non dimenticare"not to forget"Rate it:

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percontanti non deesse (De Or. 1. 21. 97)to answer every question.Rate it:

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persona non grataPersona que es rechazada o no es bienvenida por un colectivo o institución.Rate it:

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play aroundTo engage in sexual practices outside of marriage.Rate it:

(2.00 / 1 vote)
play aroundTo work with in a non-serious manner.Rate it:

(2.00 / 1 vote)
poner los cachosSer infiel uno de los miembros de una pareja a las reglas de exclusividad mutua, especialmente sexualRate it:

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poner los cuernosSer infiel uno de los miembros de una pareja a las reglas de exclusividad mutua, especialmente sexualRate it:

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postridie qui fuit dies Non. Sept. (Nonarum Septembrium) (Att. 4. 1. 5)on the day after, which was September 5th.Rate it:

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pour ça, non!Not a bit of it; Certainly not.Rate it:

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prae lacrimis loqui non posseto be unable to speak for emotion.Rate it:

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prends le premier conseil d'une femme et non le secondA woman’s instinct is better than her reason.Rate it:

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price of tea in ChinaSomething that is irrelevant or unimportant, usually used to emphasize the lack of relationship of a non sequitur.Rate it:

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primum non nocerePrincipe issu des textes hippocratiques, enseigné aux étudiants en médecine.Rate it:

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probe scio, non ignoroI know very well.Rate it:

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pull up a chairTo sit down on a chair: to go from a non-seated position to sitting on a chair.Rate it:

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put the moves onTo make an effort to gain someone's romantic or sexual interest; to try to woo or seduce.Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
qui per aetatem arma ferre non possunt or aetate ad bellum inutilesmen exempt from service owing to age.Rate it:

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qui vole un œuf vole un bœufInterprétation plus vraisemblable : Peu importe la valeur de l’objet volé, dans le cas du bœuf et de l’œuf, ils privent les victimes de pitance dans les deux cas. Ce proverbe aborde le fait de punir un vol, et non pas de punir en fonction de la valeur de l'objet volé.Rate it:

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quid pro quo(law) A form of sexual discrimination where a person implicitly or explicitly offers something in exchange for sexual favours.Rate it:

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Quiet as a MouseExtremely silent; non-talkative; silent or making very less soundRate it:

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quinque anni sunt or sextus annus est, cum te non vidiI have not seen you for five years.Rate it:

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quod ante pedes est or positum est, non videreto fail to see what lies before one.Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
quod non arroganter dixerimwhich I can say without offence, arrogance.Rate it:

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reach-aroundManual stimulation of a sexual partner's genitals during anal or vaginal intercourse from behind.Rate it:

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relación sexualRelación íntima entre dos o más personas, en la que se acaba produciendo un acto sexual o en el que intervenga alguno de los miembros sexuales de uno o más participantes.Rate it:

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rice queenA non-Asian man who is mostly attracted to East Asian men.Rate it:

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rise over runA mnemonic for remembering that the slope of a non-vertical line is the ratio of the amount it rises over some interval, over the length of that interval.Rate it:

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rise to the occasionTo achieve erection for sexual intercourse.Rate it:

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roll aroundTo indulge in sexual intercourse (with)Rate it:

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rub up onTo rub one's body against another person as a form of sexual stimulation or flirting.Rate it:

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saluti rei publicae non deesseto further the common weal.Rate it:

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Scare as Hen's TeethSomething scarce and not found in abundance, a rare thing or non-existentRate it:

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screw aroundTo make out or engage in sexual activity, usually without actually having sex.Rate it:

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se non è vero è bene trovatoExpression employée en réponse à une hypothèse, certes ingénieuse mais non prouvée, émise par quelqu’un.Rate it:

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se non è vero, è ben trovatoEven if it is not true, it is well conceived. / Even if it is not true, it is a good story.Rate it:

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se non è zuppa è pan bagnatosix of one, half a dozen of the otherRate it:

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sex machineSomeone with considerable sexual prowess.Rate it:

(4.00 / 1 vote)

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Eat your _________ out.
A stomach
B ribs
C intestines
D heart