
Phrases related to: dog-day cicada Page #7

Yee yee! We've found 405 phrases and idioms matching dog-day cicada.

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Red Letter DayA day of great happinessRate it:

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res ad gladios vēnitswords must now decide the day.Rate it:

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res gladiis geri coepta estswords must now decide the day.Rate it:

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Rome was not Built in a DayHarder achievements or goals can’t be attained easily and quicklyRate it:

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rome wasn't built in a dayIt takes a long time to create something complicated or impressive.Rate it:

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rouge le soir et blanc le matin, c'est la journée du pèlerinRed at night is the shepherd’s delight, Red in the morning, the shepherd’s warning. Evening red and morning gray Are two sure signs of a fine day.Rate it:

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round the clockNonstop, 24 hours per day.Rate it:

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rue the dayto seriously regret one's actions.Rate it:

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rule the dayTo set the standard which guides behavior; to control a situation, group, strategy, etc.Rate it:

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rush hourThe times of the day when traffic jams are commonplace, due mainly to people commuting to or from work.Rate it:

(3.00 / 1 vote)
s'accorder comme chien et chatTo live a cat and dog life.Rate it:

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s'il pleut le jour de st. médard, il pleut quarante jours plus tard. s'il pleut le jour de st. gervais, il pleut quarante jours après“St Swithin’s day, gif ye do rain For forty days will it remain.”Rate it:

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same day last yearSame day last year is a time transformation used in business intelligence to show the value of a given number the same day, but last year.Rate it:

(4.00 / 1 vote)
same sh*t, different dayThe same everyday problems, just a diffrent day.Rate it:

(3.00 / 1 vote)
Santa's workshopThe mythical structure, usually envisioned as located at the North Pole, where Santa Claus and a large number of capable elves work tirelessly and gladly year-round to produce all of the toys and other gifts to be delivered throughout the world on Christmas Day.Rate it:

(1.00 / 1 vote)
Save for a Rainy DayTo save something for bad time or for a time of need, To keep something in store for future useRate it:

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save something for a rainy dayTo save something just in case one may need it.Rate it:

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save the dayTo rescue the situation.Rate it:

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sea dogold sailorRate it:

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see a man about a dogUsed as an excuse for leaving without giving the real reason (especially if the reason is to go to the toilet, or to have a drink).Rate it:

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see the light of dayTo appear; to be realised.Rate it:

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see you tomorrowUsed as a farewell, stating that the speaker and interlocutor will see each other the next day.Rate it:

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seeing in day lightusually also, with a surprise mark at the end of the idiom, it is a suffix or a prefix about events, which are surprising, happened or while happening, expressing the teller, astonishment.Rate it:

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seize the dayTo enjoy the present and not worry about the future; to live for the moment.Rate it:

(4.00 / 1 vote)
seize the day!Prepare to accept, resolve, complete, accomplish the challenges confronting your agendas:Rate it:

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she would rip a dog off a gut wagonA gut wagon was a horse drawn wagon that was used for collecting butcher's scraps for further processing. The wagons were often followed by determined and persistent dogs intent on eating the contents of the wagon. It took a great deal of effort to keep these dogs away from or off the wagon. A person's appearance ugly or objectionable enough to discourage or scare the dogs from the gut wagon would be ugly indeed.Rate it:

(4.67 / 3 votes)
shit in someone's CheeriosTo ruin one's day.Rate it:

(4.00 / 2 votes)
sick as a dogVery ill.Rate it:

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Sick as a DogTo suffer from an illness, to be very sickRate it:

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sign onThe time of day when a radio or television station begins broadcasting, usually after being off the air for several hours.Rate it:

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singulis annis, diebusyear by year; day by day.Rate it:

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skreigh o' dayday break, first lightRate it:

(2.00 / 1 vote)
sleep onTo consider after a period of sleep, implying a decision will be made the next day.Rate it:

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sleep on itTo postpone a decision until the following day to avoid making a hasty choice.Rate it:

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smell the barnTo experience heightened anticipation or to act with renewed speed or energy as one approaches a destination, goal, or other desired outcome, like a livestock animal at day's end returning to its barn.Rate it:

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so far so goodUp to this point, all is OK.Well, you've packed your bags for the holiday, bought your tickets, reserved the hotel and put the dog in kennels. So far so good, now let's get to Minorca without any troubles.Rate it:

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stay wokeFirst used by Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Inductee, Huddie “Lead Belly” Ledbetter in a 1938 interview afterword of his song Scottsboro Boys-named for nine Black teenagers and young men falsely accused of raping two white women in Alabama in 1931. Lead Belly knew the Scottsboro boys, and urged Black listeners and Black persons traveling through that area in Alabama to "Stay Woke" (be vigilant, cautious, and alert) in the spoken afterword to the song. Lead Belly's direct relative, Global Activist and Equality Advocate Greshun De Bouse began the #STAYWOKELEADBELLY movement to acknowledge the phrase's origin, and redefine its present-day meaning as a more generalized, all-inclusive phrase admonishing all to be cognizant of past, present, and future world occurrences.Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
sticks and stonesEvocative of the saying "sticks and stones may (or will) break my bones, but words (or names) will never hurt (or harm) me".1957, Brendan Gill, The Day the Money StoppedRate it:

(2.00 / 1 vote)
stop an eight-day clock and throw it into reverseBefore batteries and household electricity were used to power clocks, most clocks had to be wound by hand to keep operating. Eight-day clocks were designed so they only had to be wound every eighth day and the movement only turned in a clockwise direction. Therefore, someone with an appearance objectionable enough to stop the clock and send the movement spinning in the wrong and opposite direction would be ugly indeed.Rate it:

(3.50 / 4 votes)
stranger on the phoneDr. Greshun De Bouse's brilliant true account of a present-day angel in female human form who uplifts and changes lives of countless downtrodden men whom have never seen her, via telephone through the power of Biblical scripture and the Holy Spirit.Rate it:

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sufficient unto the day is the evil thereofNo need to worry about the future; the present provides enough to worry about.Rate it:

(4.00 / 1 vote)
supremo vitae dieon one's last day.Rate it:

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tail wagging the dogA minor or secondary part of something controlling the whole.Rate it:

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talking headA pundit who discusses issues of the day, especially one on TV.Rate it:

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tel qui rit vendredi dimanche pleureraSorrow treads on the heels of mirth; Laugh to-day and cry to-morrow.Rate it:

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that cock won't fightSynonym of that dog won't huntRate it:

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that dog won't huntThat idea will not work; that is an inadequate explanation or proposition.Rate it:

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that old dog won't huntSynonym of that dog won't hunt.Rate it:

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that'll be the daySaid in reply to something that one believes will never happen.Rate it:

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the holy of holiesThe most private room in the house. "This is my husband's holy of holies where he can work without being disturbed." The Holy of Holies was the name given to the innermost apartment of the Jewish Temple, where the Ark of the Covenant was kept. Only the high priest could enter this room on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur).Rate it:

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