
Phrases related to: non-intercourse act Page #7

Yee yee! We've found 471 phrases and idioms matching non-intercourse act.

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non sum ignarus, nescius (not non sum inscius)I know very well.Rate it:

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non-denial denialA statement which appears to deny that something is true, but which, when examined carefully, can be seen to have used diversion, bluster, or ambiguity to avoid making a clear, direct denial.Rate it:

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non-starterAn idea or argument that cannot be sensibly debated.Rate it:

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non-starterSomeone or something who was listed to start in a race, but did not start in the race.Rate it:

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non-starterSomething that is not going to happen.Rate it:

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not to rewrite other people's wordsThe act of compromising to limiting ones word usage.Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
noves forarefers to the act of casting out ninesRate it:

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noves forarefers to the act of verification, looking for proofRate it:

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omnia consilia et facta ad virtutem referre (Phil. 10. 10. 20)to make virtue the standard in every thought and act.Rate it:

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on veut pas le savoir, on veut le voirPhrase exprimant la non-pertinence d'une information sans constatation de visu.Rate it:

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on your toesBe aware,of your surroundings, know exactly what is expected, know your stuff and act accordingly. Be awake!Rate it:

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one for all and all for oneEveryone in the a group should act for the benefit of the group, and the group should act for the benefit of everyone in the groupRate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
one good turn deserves anotherOne act of kindness should be paid back by another act of kindness.Rate it:

(3.00 / 1 vote)
open one's legsTo open oneself up to sexual intercourse.Rate it:

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out of thin airFrom non-existent resources.Rate it:

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outpope the PopeTo try to act as a more authentic member of a group than one who is a genuine member of the group.Rate it:

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p'tèt ben qu'oui, p'tèt ben qu'nonVariante orthographique de p’têt ben qu’oui, p’têt ben qu’non.Rate it:

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p'têt ben qu'oui, p'têt ben qu'nonProbablement, éventuellement.Rate it:

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Paganini non replicaRare form of Paganini non ripete.Rate it:

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Paganini non ripeteSaid when someone is unwilling to repeat what they have already said.Rate it:

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parade of horriblesA rhetorical device employing a series of progressively more terrible results following from an act.Rate it:

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park the car in harvard yardA sentence used to illustrate that the Boston accent is non-rhotic; typically pronounced "pahk the cah in Hahvad Yahd".Rate it:

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pass the buckTo place blame or responsibility onto someone else when someone is not willing to accept blame or responsibility for his or her own actions To make other person accept blame or responsibility which one is not willing to accept for his or her actions Being a leader, you will have to act wise without ever thinking to pass the buck, only then we will support you.Rate it:

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passer à pleines voiles à travers les mailles de la justiceTo drive a coach-and-four through an Act of Parliament.Rate it:

(3.00 / 1 vote)
pay it forwardPerforming a selfless act of kindness (normally for a random stranger) after having been the beneficiary of such an act oneself - the mentality behind which is to make kindness contagious such that it multiplies exponentiallyRate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
pearl necklaceA sexual act whereby semen is ejaculated onto a partner's neck.Rate it:

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per non dimenticare"do not forget"Rate it:

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per non dimenticare"not to forget"Rate it:

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percontanti non deesse (De Or. 1. 21. 97)to answer every question.Rate it:

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persona non grataPersona que es rechazada o no es bienvenida por un colectivo o institución.Rate it:

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pétage de plombsDescent into madness, the act or process of going crazyRate it:

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pick one's noseThe act of picking one's nose, insertion of a finger or other object into one's nostril.Rate it:

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piece of assAn act of intercourse, especially a one night stand.Rate it:

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piss aboutto misbehave; to act foolishlyRate it:

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piss aroundto misbehave; to act foolishlyRate it:

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pitch a fitTo become angry, enraged, or upset; to act or react with an outburst, as by shouting, swearing, etc.Rate it:

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play aroundTo work with in a non-serious manner.Rate it:

(2.00 / 1 vote)
play hardballTo act rough and ruthless, especially in politics or business.Rate it:

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play into someone's handsTo act, or to manage matters, to someone's advantage or benefit.Rate it:

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play it coolto act coolRate it:

(4.00 / 1 vote)
play one's cards rightTo act sensibly; to make the right moves.Rate it:

(3.00 / 1 vote)
play silly buggersTo act in a stupid or reckless manner.Rate it:

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play with house moneyTo act as if or be in a situation that, no matter the outcome, there is virtually no significant downside or risk; commonly used to refer to using already won funds (gambled money, casino winnings, etc.) to finance an endeavor (or continue to gamble) such that there is no real, perceivable or potential lossRate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
pop the questionAsk your fiance to marry; Present any query which may clarify or act as a hinge in critical development or arriving at final decisions!Rate it:

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postridie qui fuit dies Non. Sept. (Nonarum Septembrium) (Att. 4. 1. 5)on the day after, which was September 5th.Rate it:

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pour ça, non!Not a bit of it; Certainly not.Rate it:

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prae lacrimis loqui non posseto be unable to speak for emotion.Rate it:

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prendre quelqu'un la main dans le sacTo catch any one in the very act.Rate it:

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prendre quelqu'un sur le faitTo take any one in the act.Rate it:

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prends le premier conseil d'une femme et non le secondA woman’s instinct is better than her reason.Rate it:

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B snip
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