
Phrases related to: Red China

Yee yee! We've found 135 phrases and idioms matching Red China.

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act like a bull in a china shopTo act rudely or clumsily in a delicate situation.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
Alarmstufe Rotred alertRate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
all the tea in chinaSomething priceless or invaluable.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
amber gamblerA driver of a road vehicle who accelerates when the traffic lights change from green to amber (instead of stopping, as required by law), gambling that no vehicle will cross his or her path; a driver who starts off when the traffic lights show red and amber together, but not yet green.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
bang to rightsCaught red-handed; in a guilty state.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
better dead than redIt is preferable to be deceased rather than to be either a Communist or ruled by Communists.Rate it:

(2.00 / 6 votes)
better dead than RedAlternative form of better dead than red.Rate it:

(2.00 / 1 vote)
bleed red inkTo suffer from severe net lossesRate it:

(2.00 / 1 vote)
Bull in a China ShopAn awkward person who actually does not care about the delicate situation, a rough person who comes near the brittle things, an insensitive person who makes people angry with his/her deeds and words to create disturbance in their work or plansRate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
catch someone red-handedTo discover or capture someone in the act of committing a crime.Rate it:

(1.00 / 1 vote)
Catch Someone Red-HandedTo get hold of a person or situation, while a wrong act is being carried outRate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
caught red-handedA thief who is caught in the act is described as caught red-handed.Rate it:

(1.00 / 1 vote)
China syndromeA behavior, policy, or situation characteristic of or involving China; an actual or potential catastrophe, especially one involving China.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
China syndromeA hypothetical kind of catastrophic failure in which a nuclear reactor melts through the floor of its containment system and penetrates the earth's surface, continuing downward as if (from a Western Hemispheric point of view) traveling through the planet toward China.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
China syndromeA rare disease, first characterized in the early 1990s, which resembles poliomyelitis but which has somewhat different characteristics and occurs in persons vaccinated for poliomyelitis.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
China syndromeOne instance of such a nuclear mishap.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
Chine continentalemainland ChinaRate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
chino mandarínConjunto de dialectos chinos mutuamente inteligibles que se hablan en el norte, centro y suroeste de China.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
cigüeña negraAve ciconiforme de hábitos migratorios, que habita zonas templadas de Europa Oriental, África y Asia. Recibe su nombre del color negro metálico de su plumaje, uniformemente tal salvo en el vientre; las patas y el pico son rojos. Alcanza un metro de longitud y hasta 1,80 m de envergadura de alas. Habita humedales preferentemente, aunque también se la encuentra en zonas boscosas ricas en arroyos. Migran hacia el sur en invierno, pasando la temporada fría en Nigeria los ejemplares que habitanen Europa, y en el sur de China los del Lejano Oriente.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
cut red tapeTo reduce bureaucracy.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
dirección IPNúmero que identifica de manera lógica y jerárquica a un dispositivo dentro de una red que utilice el protocolo IPRate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
early bathBeing shown a red card in soccer.Rate it:

(3.00 / 2 votes)
en flagrant délitIn the very act; red-handed.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
Extremo OrienteÁrea geográfica de límites imprecisos, pero considerada generalmente como la parte de Asia al este del río Indo, comprendiendo las zonas de influencia de la cultura india y china.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
feed the dragonTo buy or sell products labeled as "Made in China.".Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
feed the dragonTo the People's Republic of China.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
flor de JamaicaHibisco de la familia de las Malváceas, originario de franja norte tropical de África que se cultiva con éxito en México, América Central y en el sur y sudeste asiático, incluido el sur de China. Es una planta herbácea anual que puede alcanzar de 3 a 5 metros de altura. Las hojas, trilobuladas o pentalobuladas, tienen unos 15 cm de longitud, alternas en el tallo, y las flores, de color rojo en la base y más pálido en los extremos, tienen de 8 a 10 cm de diámetro. Su cáliz, carnoso y de un color rojo intenso, se recoge en el momento en que alcanza un tono vinoso y se deja secar para su uso como infusión.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
from china to peruall over the worldRate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
fruta chinaArbusto tropical perenne, perteneciente la familia Oxalidaceae. Mide tres a cinco metros, sus frutos se presentan en racimos de bayas, se comen cocidos. El consumo de estos está asociado con intoxicaciones en personas sensibles.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
go redTo blush.Rate it:

(4.00 / 1 vote)
go redOf states or counties, to be carried by a Republican candidate in a given U.S. election.Rate it:

(2.00 / 1 vote)
go redTo become sunburnt.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
have to do with the price of fishvariant of have to do with the price of tea in ChinaRate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
have to do with the price of tea in chinaTo have any relation or bearing whatsoever on the topic at hand, usually used to emphasize the lack of relationship of a non sequitur.Rate it:

(4.00 / 2 votes)
huckleberryA small round fruit of a dark blue or red color of several plants in the related genera Vaccinium and Gaylussacia.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
in China fällt ein Sack Reis umA metaphor referring to an entirely uninteresting and non-notable event.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
in the redHaving net losses; in debt.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
Islas FilipinasArchipiélago que se encuentra entre China y Malasia y que conforma una entidad cultural relativamente unitaria, establecidas como país con el nombre de Filipinas.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
jam sandwich(from the common UK colour scheme of white with a red reflective horizontal band) A police car.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
lady in redclassy dressed ladyRate it:

(4.00 / 5 votes)
le rouge va bien aux brunesRed suits dark women well.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
leaf peepersPeople who go to places when and where the leaves are changing colors to see the beauty of the red, orange, yellow and green colors on the landscape.Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
Lejano OrienteÁrea geográfica de límites imprecisos, pero considerada generalmente como la parte de Asia al este del río Indo, comprendiendo las zonas de influencia de la cultura india y china.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
like a bull in a china shopBoisterous, awkward, rough, disrespectful, careless. :Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
like a bull in a china shopClumsily, aggressively, without care or concern, without self-control.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
like a bull in a china shopClumsy, aggressive, without care or concern, without self-control.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
little emperorIn contemporary China, a child with no siblings who is regarded as overly protected and spoiled. (Seen as belonging to a generation which is a product of China's "one-child" policy.)Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
made in chinaCheaply manufactured in East Asia.Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
made in chinaOf poor or low quality.Rate it:

(2.00 / 2 votes)
made in chinaManufactured in the People's Republic of China.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)

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