
Phrases related to: boulou ferré

Yee yee! We've found 31 phrases and idioms matching boulou ferré.

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aegre, graviter, moleste, indigne ferre aliquidto be discontented, vexed at a thing; to chafe.Rate it:

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aequo (aequissimo) animo ferre aliquidto endure a thing with (the greatest) sang-froid.Rate it:

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alicui expensum ferre aliquidto put a thing down to a man's account.Rate it:

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auxilium, opem, salutem ferre alicuito bring aid to; to rescue.Rate it:

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centuriam, tribum ferre (Planc. 49)to gain the vote of a century or tribe.Rate it:

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damnum ferreto know how to endure calamity.Rate it:

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ferre atque agere praedamto carry off booty.Rate it:

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humane, modice, moderate, sapienter, constanter ferre aliquidto bear a thing with resignation, composure.Rate it:

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ignominiam non ferreto chafe under an indignity, repudiate it.Rate it:

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il est ferré sur la géographieHe is well up in geography.Rate it:

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in maius ferre, in maius extollere aliquidto exaggerate a thing.Rate it:

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in oculis aliquem ferreto cherish as the apple of one's eye.Rate it:

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iniuriam ferre, patito suffer wrong.Rate it:

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laudibus aliquem (aliquid) in caelum ferre, efferre, tollereto extol, laud to the skies.Rate it:

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legem ferre or simply ferre ad populum, propose a law in the popular assembly.Rate it:

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magnam doctrinae speciem prae se ferreto pass as a man of great learning.Rate it:

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multa (pauca) puncta in centuria (tribu) aliqua ferreto obtain many (few) votes in a century or tribe.Rate it:

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omnes centurias ferre or omnium suffragiis, cunctis centuriis crearito be elected unanimouslyRate it:

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pacis condiciones ferre (not proponere)to propose terms of peace.Rate it:

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palmam ferre, auferreto win the prize.Rate it:

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poenam (alicuius rei) ferre, perferreto suffer punishment.Rate it:

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qui arma ferre possunt or iuventusmen of military age.Rate it:

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qui monte la mule la ferreQui veut avoir les bénéfices d’une chose doit en payer les frais.Rate it:

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qui per aetatem arma ferre non possunt or aetate ad bellum inutilesmen exempt from service owing to age.Rate it:

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repulsam ferre consulatus (a populo) (Tusc. 5. 19. 54)to fail in one's candidature for the consulship.Rate it:

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responsum ab aliquo ferre, auferreto extract an answer from some one.Rate it:

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sententiam ferre, dicere (Off. 3. 16. 66)to give sentence (of the judge, cf. sect. VI. 4, note Not...).Rate it:

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signa ferre, tollereto begin the march, break up the camp.Rate it:

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speciem prae se ferreto give the impression of...; have the outward aspect of...Rate it:

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suffragium ferre (vid. sect. VI. 4, note Not sententiam...)to vote (in the popular assembly).Rate it:

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victoriam ferre, referreto gain a victory, win a battle.Rate it:

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