
Phrases related to: net profit

Yee yee! We've found 59 phrases and idioms matching net profit.

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à bon entendeur salutAvertissement plus ou moins voilé ou menaçant : que celui qui entend bien ce que je dis en fasse son profit, qu’il fasse attention.Rate it:

(4.00 / 1 vote)
à chemin battu il ne croît pas d'herbeIl n’y a pas de profit à faire dans un négoce dont trop de gens se mêlent.Rate it:

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à chemin battu il ne croît pas d'herbe(fig.) There is no profit in an affair in which many are engaged.Rate it:

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à chemin battu il ne croît point d'herbeIl n’y a pas de profit à faire dans un négoce dont trop de gens se mêlent.Rate it:

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acheter par francs et vendre par écusTo buy in the cheapest market and sell in the dearest; To sell at a high profit.Rate it:

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all rights reservedThe copyright holder of a creative work reserves all copyright-related rights, typically including the right to publish the work, to make derivative works of it, to distribute it, to make profit from it, to license a number of these rights to other people, and to forbid these uses by any unauthorized people, thus being entitled to take legal action against infringement.Rate it:

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bleed red inkTo suffer from severe net lossesRate it:

(2.00 / 1 vote)
bottom lineThe summary or result; the most important information; the upshot; the net-net.Rate it:

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bottom lineThe final balance; the amount of money or profit left after everything has been tallied.Rate it:

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butter one's bread on both sidesTo profit from two things at the same time, especially when those things seem contradictory or incompatible.Rate it:

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cash cowA product, service, or enterprise that generates ongoing, high net free cash flows.Rate it:

(2.00 / 1 vote)
cash inTo profit from; to use an opportunity to maximum advantage, especially financially.Rate it:

(4.33 / 6 votes)
ce n'est pas le PérouDésigne le caractère médiocre d’un salaire, d’un profit ou d’un avoir.Rate it:

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clean upTo make a large profit; to win by a large margin, or to win a large amount, especially in gambling. Also clean house.Rate it:

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cream offTo earn a percentage of a profit.Rate it:

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crescere ex invidia senatoriato profit by the unpopularity of the senate to gain influence oneself.Rate it:

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des clousNon ; exprime un refus net.Rate it:

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des nèflesNon ; exprime un refus net.Rate it:

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doggone itexclamation of frustration; euphemism for G** damn it; used for emphasis; See also dad-blamed, gosh darn, gosh darn it in and dagnabbit in definitions.netRate it:

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find the netto score a goalRate it:

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fly-by-nightThis expression has broadened to mean any of these: A person or business that appears and disappears rapidly; Someone who departs or flees at night in order to avoid creditors, law enforcement etc. A dishonest or unreliable person selling something to make a quick profit A transient or traveling salesmen or businessmen, tradesmen; A business that appears to have little or no chance of successRate it:

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forewarned is forearmedAdvance awareness of a situation, especially a risky one, prepares one to deal with it.1863, Charles Reade, Hard Cash, ch. 4:[W]hatever a young gentleman of that age says to you, he says to many other ladies; but your experience is not equal to your sense; so profit by mine . . . forewarned is forearmed.1885, G. A. Henty, Saint George for England, ch. 4:Sometimes, they say, it is wiser to remain in ignorance; at other times forewarned is forearmed.circa 1903, Lucy Maud Montgomery, "Why Mr. Cropper Changed His Mind":"Well, Miss Maxwell, I think it only fair to tell you that you may have trouble with those boys when they do come. Forewarned is forearmed, you know."Rate it:

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fructum (uberrimum) capere, percipere, consequi ex aliqua reto derive (great) profit , advantage from a thing.Rate it:

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girl scouta girl scout is a girl who is a member of Girl Scouts of the USA (also known simply as "Girl Scouts"), an non-profit youth organization for girlsRate it:

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golden gooseSomething that generates much profit or gives great advantages.Rate it:

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gosh darn itAn expression of frustration that is less vulgar than swearing "G** damn it." See also dagnabbit in our definitions.netRate it:

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il a battu les buissons, un autre a pris l'oiseauHe did the work and another had the profit.Rate it:

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il faut faire son beurreOne must make a profit; One must feather one’s nest.Rate it:

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il ne demande que plaie et bosseHe seeks quarrels only to draw profit from them.Rate it:

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il tire parti de toutHe makes a profit out of everything.Rate it:

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in lucro ponere aliquid (Flacc. 17. 40)to consider a thing as profit.Rate it:

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in the blackHaving positive net income; having greater income than expenses; making a profit.Rate it:

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in the holeHaving suffered net losses; in debt.Rate it:

(2.00 / 1 vote)
in the redHaving net losses; in debt.Rate it:

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je ne sais si je suis dedans ou dehorsI do not know which side to take; I do not know whether I have made a profit or not.Rate it:

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je veux en avoir le cœur netI must clear that up.Rate it:

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jump on the bandwagonTo profit from a craze; to join a trend.Rate it:

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junk-cicanA person of any race, color, or nationality who drives a big truck and buys stuff to resell for profit in flea markets and other venues.Rate it:

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kill the goose that lays the golden eggsTo seek short term gain at the sacrifice of long term profit.Rate it:

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long tailSales made for less usual goods within a very large choice, which can return a profit through reduced marketing and distribution costs.Rate it:

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lucrum facere (opp. damnum facere) ex aliqua reto make profit out of a thing.Rate it:

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make a profitearn money from good done jobRate it:

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make one's handTo gain advantage or profit.Rate it:

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make out like a banditTo profit greatly; to get an excessively good deal.Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
make the most ofTo profit as much as possible from.Rate it:

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mettez cela au netMake a fair copy of that.Rate it:

(4.00 / 1 vote)
NNnet neutrality, network neutralityRate it:

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parler clair et netTo speak plainly.Rate it:

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play the anglesIn a game which involves control of a moving object, such as a ball or puck, to allow for angular movements of the object caused by bounces, rebounds, ricochets, etc. or to carefully guard the corners of the goal, net, or other scoring target.Rate it:

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quaestui aliquid habere (Off. 2. 3. 13)to make a profit out of something.Rate it:

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