
Phrases related to: A BAD WORKMAN ALWAYS BLAMES HIS TOOLS Page #10

Yee yee! We've found 974 phrases and idioms matching A BAD WORKMAN ALWAYS BLAMES HIS TOOLS.

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close one's eyes and think of EnglandTo accept (rather than fight)-and distract oneself so as to be able to endure-bad or unwanted sex, or by extension any unpleasant but inevitable experience.Rate it:

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come home to roostBad consequences of actions inevitably coming to pass.Rate it:

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comme quoiA phrase used to say that: this recent fact or result confirms what we always thought. : it goes to showRate it:

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congratulations! you made me so proud!Used to express pride and congratulate someone close to you on his/her achievement.Rate it:

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conscientiae maleficiorum stimulant aliquemhis guilty conscience gives him no rest.Rate it:

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copiae cotidianis sumptibus suppetunt (vid. sect. IV. 2, note suppeditare...)his means suffice to defray daily expenses.Rate it:

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coquelin sait le mieux se faire une têteCoquelin is the cleverest at altering his features, at making up.Rate it:

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coug itTo suddenly lose a contest through reversal of fortune, mistakes, or bad judgment. The phrase is analogous to "blow it", or "snatch defeat from the jaws of victory".Rate it:

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cover someone's assTo make preparations or take precautions to ensure that a person is not blamed or punished for his or her conduct.Rate it:

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cradle robberA person who marries or becomes romantically involved with someone who is much younger or who employs or otherwise engages a young person for a purpose inappropriate for his or her age.Rate it:

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cuff Jonassaid of one who is knock-kneed, or who beats his sides to keep himself warm in frosty weather.Rate it:

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cut inEspecially, to dance with someone who is already dancing by replacing his or her partner.Rate it:

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CYLORUsed to encourage the addressee to rely upon his rabbi's, rather than others', answers to questions of religious import.Rate it:

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de sententia aliquem deducere, movereto make a man change his opinion.Rate it:

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de son plein gréOf his own accord.Rate it:

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dead creature screecherGhost zombie enters your soul to eat your good deeds and bad deeds to enslave your spiritRate it:

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deadbeat dadA man, especially one who is divorced or estranged from his partner, who fails to provide monetary child support when he is legally required to do so.Rate it:

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deducere aliquem de domoto escort a person from his house.Rate it:

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des gens de même farinePersons of the same kidney (generally in a bad sense); People tarred with the same brush.Rate it:

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desk jockeyOne who spends his or her time seated at a desk; especially one who is more concerned with procedure, paperwork, or administration than with its ultimate goal or practical consequence.Rate it:

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deversari apud aliquem (Att. 6. 1. 25)to stop with a person, be his guest for a short time when travelling.Rate it:

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deverti ad aliquem (ad [in] villam)to go to a man's house as his guest.Rate it:

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dies dolorem mitigabittime will assuage his grief.Rate it:

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dis-moi qui tu hantes, je te dirai qui tu esA man is known by his company; Birds of a feather flock together.Rate it:

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dolor infixus animo haeret (Phil. 2. 26)grief has struck deep into his soul.Rate it:

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dolorem alicui eripere (Att. 9. 6. 4)to free a person from his pain.Rate it:

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domus patet, aperta est mihiI am always welcome at his house.Rate it:

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don't bite the hand that feeds youDon't do something bad to the person who does something for you.Rate it:

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donner carte blancheTo give full permission; To grant a person full liberty to act according to his judgment.Rate it:

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down and outIn trouble; in a bad time or situation or having very bad luck.Rate it:

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down on one's luckUnlucky or undergoing a period of bad luck, especially with respect to financial matters.Rate it:

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dubitationem alicui tollereto relieve a person of his doubts.Rate it:

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e patria exire iubere aliquemto banish a man from his native land.Rate it:

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each to their ownAlternative form of each to his ownRate it:

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eat your wordsA reminder that if one misspeaks, missquotes, carelessly asserts irresponsibly, one may have to consume his own words.Rate it:

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elle lui a tiré les cartesShe told his fortune (by cards).Rate it:

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en bonne ou mauvaise partIn a good or bad sense.Rate it:

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en este mundo traidor, nada es verdad ni nada e mentira, todo es del color, del cristal atraves delPeople see what is happening in the world or around him, according to his convenience.Rate it:

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en mathématiques il est sur son terrainHe is quite in his element at mathematics.Rate it:

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en toutes choses il faut considérer la finWe must always look to the end; Look before you leap.Rate it:

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entre l'arbre et l'écorceIn a bad situation; between a rock and a hard place.Rate it:

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éramos pocos y parió la abuelaif that wasn't enough; things went from bad to worseRate it:

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erranti viam monstrareto direct a person who has lost his way.Rate it:

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et uxor"and the wife" or "and his wife". It is often used in the context of a legal document to include a man's wife in whatever obligation, ownership, etc. the document spells out.Rate it:

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every cloud has a silver liningIn every bad situation there is an element of good1881, National Academy of Code Administration (U.S.), Folio, page 417:Every cloud has a silver lining; but in the old-fashioned meeting-houses every cloud of hymnal melody generally had a nasal lining before the congregation...1887, Shakers, Religion, page 36:that "a little reserve and thou'lt fail surely," will prove to be true in our experience. Every cloud has a silver lining and so has every sorrow,1918, George Jean Nathan, Performing Arts, page 222:But the most popular attitude toward what we may call "sad" plays is the peculiar one of believing that, since every cloud has a silver lining,Rate it:

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ex illius orationibus ipsae Athenae redolentthere is a flavour of Atticism about his discourse.Rate it:

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faire bonne mine à mauvais jeuTo put a good face on misfortune; To make the best of a bad job.Rate it:

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faire contre fortune bon cœurTo bear up against misfortune; To make the best of a bad job.Rate it:

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Faustian bargainAn agreement in which a person abandons his or her spiritual values or moral principles in order to obtain wealth or other benefits.Rate it:

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feast or famineA situation in which something is always either extremely abundant or in extremely short supply.Rate it:

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