
Phrases related to: two less lonely people in the world Page #10

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barn findA valuable item recovered from an undeserving storage, usually in the countryside, where it lay more or less forgotten, especially vintage automobiles (Ferrari, Porsche, etc.)Rate it:

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basket caseIn World War 1, a victim who had one or more severed limbs. They were brought off the field in a “basket”.Rate it:

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beer gogglesThe illusion that people are more attractive, brought on by alcohol consumption.Rate it:

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believe it or notAn expression made famous by Ripley in his news column featuring difficult to believe facts, events, situations, people, truisms.Rate it:

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Bells and WhistlesGaudy accessories that are more of a decoration and are less useful in the real manner, high-tech features, flashy items, impressive accessories that are decorativeRate it:

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below parLess than par for the hole or course.Rate it:

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best of both worldsA combination of two seemingly contradictory benefits.Rate it:

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between the hammer and the anvilWith the choice between two unpleasant or distasteful options; in a predicament or quandary.Rate it:

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Beware of Greeks Bearing GiftsBe careful when suspected people given some gifts unexpectedly, be aware of people who might be looking for some favors from you, by showing their kind side or some generosityRate it:

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biduo seriustwo days late.Rate it:

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big boysThe people or bodies with the most influence and/or power.Rate it:

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bird in the handShortened form of "a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush".Rate it:

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black-and-whiteClassifying people, objects or concepts as two polar opposites, especially "right" and "wrong"; dichotomous and inflexible.Rate it:

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black-on-blackA reference to interactions between black people .Rate it:

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blame gameA situation in which people attempt to blame others rather than trying to resolve a problem.Rate it:

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Bleeding HeartA person who is extremely softhearted and feels sympathetic for other people, such a person might offer sympathy to those people, who do not even deserve itRate it:

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blind dateA romantic meeting between two people who have never met before.Rate it:

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blow this pop standTo exit or remove oneself from a less than exciting location or environment.Rate it:

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Blow Your Own HornTo boast about your own capabilities or feats, to give a detailed account of your achievements and seek other people’s attention, to excessively praise and brag about yourselfRate it:

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board outto send (children or pets) to stay with other people (or to boarding school, in the case of children)Rate it:

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Born YesterdayOne who is immature and not experienced, one who does not know a lot of tricks or statements that people use to fool othersRate it:

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bossy boots or bossybootsSomeone that bosses others. Someone that is very bossy. A person who often tells other people what to doRate it:

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box-office bombA motion picture that generates relatively low revenue at the box office, especially that which is less than the budget for the motion picture.Rate it:

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branch offto diverge into two or more separate paths.Rate it:

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Break the IceTo overcome any awkward situation, to help strangers know each other, to overcome social communication difficulties all in a friendly manner, to overcome any sort of nervous situation between different peopleRate it:

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break the iceTo start to get to know people, by avoiding awkwardness.Rate it:

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break upTo stop a fight; to separate people who are fighting.Rate it:

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bridgeAn unintended solder connection between two or more components or pins.Rate it:

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bridgeA system which connects two or more local area networks at layer 2.Rate it:

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bridgeA device which connects two or more computer buses, typically in a transparent manner.Rate it:

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bridge the gapTo serve as or create a connection between two disconnected or disparate things.Rate it:

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bring it weakTo fail to accomplish an accomplishable task or to make an attempt at less than maximum effort; to "half-ass" or "fake the funk".Rate it:

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bring togetherTo cause people to do something together; to bring about togetherness.Rate it:

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Buckley's and noneA supposed two chances (probabilities), being Buckley's chance (meaning a very small chance) or no chance at all.Rate it:

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Bull in a China ShopAn awkward person who actually does not care about the delicate situation, a rough person who comes near the brittle things, an insensitive person who makes people angry with his/her deeds and words to create disturbance in their work or plansRate it:

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bums in seatsSpectators, passengers, or customers in attendance at a venue or other place where people assemble.Rate it:

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burn everything russian except the sources of their energy, coal, natural gas and oil.From an early form of boycott and civil resistance in Ireland with implied relevance in today's world.Rate it:

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Busman's HolidayTo spend free time in same task people do during their working timingsRate it:

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butter one's bread on both sidesTo profit from two things at the same time, especially when those things seem contradictory or incompatible.Rate it:

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by all accountsAccording to everything that people have said.Rate it:

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bystander effectThat someone is less likely to help another if other potential helpers are present than otherwise.Rate it:

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c'est mon dernier motThat is the last concession I can make; I will not take less.Rate it:

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c'est saint roch et son chien que ces deux personnes-làThese two persons are inseparable.Rate it:

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c'est son père tout craché (fam.)He is the very spit (or, less fam., image) of his father.Rate it:

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c'est un homme qui arriveraHe is sure to get on in the world.Rate it:

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cake walkFrom the mid 1900s, a game at a fair or party in which people walk around a numbered circle along to music. When the music is stopped, the caller draws a number from a jar and whoever is standing on or closest to that number that number wins a cake.Rate it:

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cat and mouseA relationship in which two parties closely monitor and challenge one another in a suspicious or self-protective manner, often because each party is attempting to gain an advantage over the other.Rate it:

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causam popularem suscipere or defendereto take up the cause of the people, democratic principles.Rate it:

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caution - slippery when wetWarning, often in the form of a sign, that people should pay attention when walking on a wet and slippery ground not to fall down and get injured.Rate it:

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ce jeune homme ira loinThat young man will make his way in the world, has a future before him.Rate it:

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A cats
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C cows
D horses