
Phrases related to: theres more than one way to skin a cat Page #100

Yee yee! We've found 5,598 phrases and idioms matching theres more than one way to skin a cat.

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slap leatherTo make a quick motion to draw one's handgun from its holster, especially in a duel in the Old West.Rate it:

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slap your mama!When something is so good or desirable that one would perform the most unthinkable act to acquire or defend the possession of.Rate it:

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sleep inTo sleep late; to go on sleeping past one's customary or planned hour.Rate it:

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Sleep on ItTo take time in taking a decision , to delay one’s decision or plan because it is yet to be ponder uponRate it:

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sleep with the fishesTo be killed and have one's body disposed off in the sea or other body of water.Rate it:

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slender reedA person, fact, or resource on which one can rely only to a limited extent.Rate it:

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slice of the pieUsed other than with a figurative or idiomatic meaning: see slice,‎ pie.Rate it:

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slide offUsed other than with a figurative or idiomatic meaning: see slide,‎ off.Rate it:

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slim downTo reduce one's weight; to become thinner.Rate it:

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slip awayTo disappear; to elude one.Rate it:

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slip someone's mindTo be forgotten; to escape one's memory.Rate it:

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slippery as an eelSo slippery that it is almost impossible to hold with one's hands.Rate it:

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slippery slopeA chain of events that, once initiated, cannot be halted; especially one in which the final outcome is undesirable or precarious.Rate it:

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slug it outTo have an intense argument or fight until one side prevails.Rate it:

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smack downTo defeat utterly and decisively, especially in a humiliating way.Rate it:

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small beerUsed other than as an idiom: see small, beer.Rate it:

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small fryOne or more children.Rate it:

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small fryOne or more small or immature fish.Rate it:

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small potatoesOne or more persons or things of relatively little consequence, importance, or value.Rate it:

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small reedUsed other than as an idiom: see small, reed.Rate it:

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smart arseOne who is particularly flippant or insolent or tends to make snide remarks or jokes.Rate it:

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smarten upTo wear smart clothes and look more stylishRate it:

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smell bloodTo sense that one has an advantage over an adversary or rival.Rate it:

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smell the barnTo experience heightened anticipation or to act with renewed speed or energy as one approaches a destination, goal, or other desired outcome, like a livestock animal at day's end returning to its barn.Rate it:

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smoke upTo smoke all of one's supplies.Rate it:

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smoke-filled roomUsed other than as an idiom: see smoke, filled, room.Rate it:

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smoke-filled roomUsed other than with a figurative or idiomatic meaning: see smoke,‎ filled,‎ room.Rate it:

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sniff testAn informal reality check of an idea or proposal, using one's common sense or sense of propriety.Rate it:

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snow on the mountaintopGray or white hair on one's head, especially as an indication of aging.Rate it:

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snow on the rooftopGray or white hair on one's head, especially as an indication of aging.Rate it:

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snow outUsed other than as an idiom. To snow outside.Rate it:

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so is lifeUsed other than with a figurative or idiomatic meaning: see so,‎ life. i.e. life is, as well; life is too.Rate it:

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societatem inire, facere cum aliquoto associate with some one.Rate it:

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socium aliquem asciscere (B. G. 1. 5)to make some one one's ally.Rate it:

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soft touchA person or group which is sympathetic, accommodating, easily overcome, or easily persuaded, especially one which loans or readily gives money to another.Rate it:

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soften upTo appease someone in order to make them more receptive to an idea or proposal.Rate it:

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solosolo in the Kpop world means a single singer. if a pair they're a duet, and if three of more they are a group.Rate it:

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Solo, unus de septem (illis)Solon, one of the seven sages.Rate it:

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solum vertere, mutare (Caecin. 34. 100)to leave one's country (only used of exiles).Rate it:

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some kind ofUsed other than as an idiom: see some, kind, of.Rate it:

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some oldUsed other than as an idiom: see some, old.Rate it:

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some oldSome, some unspecified or yet-undetermined one (especially for emphasis).Rate it:

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some people have all the luckSuggests that someone is enjoying more success than they deserve.Rate it:

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something awfulIntensely or extremely; badly; in the worst way.Rate it:

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sommergere di cazzateTo talk excessively or far more than is wanted or appreciated.Rate it:

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son affaire est faiteHe is a dead man (of one dying); He is done for; He is a ruined man.Rate it:

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sore-thumbishDistinct in a way that draws negative attention; out of place; conspicuous.Rate it:

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sort ofApproximately; in a way; partially; not quite; somewhat.Rate it:

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sort oneself outTo organize or solve one's personal problems.Rate it:

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souhaiter la bonne année à quelqu'unTo wish some one a happy new year.Rate it:

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