
Phrases related to: theres more than one way to skin a cat Page #106

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to stick aroundOne whom sticks around is a person in waiting, quietly present and ready to serve.Rate it:

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to the brimUsed other than as an idiom.Rate it:

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to the hiltcompletely, fully, to one's limitRate it:

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todo o ouro do mundoUsed other than with a figurative or idiomatic meaning: see todo, o, ouro, do, mundo.Rate it:

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Toe the LineDo what you actually are supposed to do; obeying all the rules and regulations; one shouldn’t be disagreeingRate it:

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tollere or suscipere liberosto accept as one's own child; to make oneself responsible for its nurture and education.Rate it:

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tomato juiceUsed other than as an idiom: see tomato, juice.Rate it:

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tomber sur le nezto fall flat on one's faceRate it:

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tomorrow is another dayTomorrow will bring new opportunities and a fresh start for one's endeavors.1600, author unknown, "Phillidaes Love-call to her Coridon, and his replying" (song), in England's Helicon, printed at London by I.R. for John Flasket:Phil. Yonder comes my Mother, Coridon,whether shall I flie?Cor. Under yonder Beech my lovely one,while she passeth by.Say to her thy true-Love was not heere,remember, remember,to morrow is another day:1896, Amelia E. Barr, A Knight of the Nets, ch. 8:"Well, well, my dear lass, to-night we cannot work, but we may sleep. . . . Keep a still heart tonight, and tomorrow is another day."1936, Margaret Mitchell, Gone with the Wind, ch. 63:"Tomorrow, I'll think of some way to get him back. After all, tomorrow is another day."2005, Fran Schumer, "JERSEY: In Princeton, Taking On Harvard's Fuss About Women," New York Times, 19 June (retrieved 18 Aug. 2009):"Half of me is depressedRate it:

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tone downTo make a television program, piece of writing, etc. less offensive and so more suitable for a family audience.Rate it:

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Tongue-in-CheekEnvisioned in an humorous way; not much of seriousness; dishonest; mocking Rate it:

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too muchTo a greater extent than is wanted or required; excessively.Rate it:

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tool aroundTo spend one's time idly.Rate it:

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Top BananaThe one who leads as a comedian in a show of variety; superiorRate it:

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top handUsed other than as an idiom: see top, hand.Rate it:

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top handThe batsman's hand that is further up the handle; used for control rather than power.Rate it:

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top oneselfTo outdo oneself or do more than one's previous best.Rate it:

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top outTo reach one's highest point.Rate it:

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top outTo quit one's career during a period of success.Rate it:

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toss aroundUsed other than as an idiom: To toss (throw) from one person to another..Rate it:

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total clearanceUsed other than as an idiom: see total, clearance.Rate it:

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totum se committere, tradere alicuito put oneself entirely in some one's hands.Rate it:

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touch upTo touch or to grope someone in flirtatious or sleazy way.Rate it:

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touch%c3%a9An acknowledgement of the success, appropriateness or superiority of an argument, sometimes used sarcastically to mock one's opponent's absurd logic.Rate it:

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touch%c3%a9Used in a conversation or debate to concede a point as true, often in response to a successful counter of one's own logic.Rate it:

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tough callA choice or judgment which is difficult to make, especially one involving only two alternatives.Rate it:

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tough cookiesToo bad (for you); the outcome one desires is not likely to evolve, due to active intervention by the speaker.Rate it:

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tough tittiesToo bad (for you); the outcome one desires is not likely to evolve, due to active intervention by the speaker.Rate it:

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tough tittyToo bad (for you); the outcome one desires is not likely to evolve, due to active intervention by the speaker.Rate it:

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tough toodlesToo bad (for you); the outcome one desires is not likely to evolve, due to active intervention by the speaker.Rate it:

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tough tuchusToo bad (for you); the outcome one desires is not likely to evolve, due to active intervention by the speaker.Rate it:

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tous tant que nous sommesEvery one of us.Rate it:

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tower overto be much taller or higher than something; to loom overRate it:

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town and gownOn one hand, the members of the city, borough, or similar community near a university and, on the other hand, the students and faculty of the university itself, especially when understood as rivals in a state of tension or conflict.Rate it:

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trade upTo sell something and replace it with something more expensive.Rate it:

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trail offTo slowly diminish in intensity, volume or frequency; thus, to diminish more quickly over time.Rate it:

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traiter quelqu'un de pair à compagnonTo be hail-fellow-well-met with any one; To treat any one on an equal footing.Rate it:

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TrampIn Depression Daze, A Vagrant, 'Homeless', Hobo, Wanderer, Vagabond, 'One Without Personal Transport', 'One Who WalksRate it:

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transcendental meditationUsed other than as an idiom: see transcendental, meditation.Rate it:

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transigere aliquid (de aliqua re) cum aliquo or inter seto transact, settle a matter with some one.Rate it:

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trash pandaA raccoon, especially one that forages in garbage cans.Rate it:

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travel awayto travel somewhere far way to a place beyond your imagination.Rate it:

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treat them mean, keep them keenA woman will be more interested in a man if he is not kind to her.Rate it:

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trempé comme une soupeWet to the skin; Dripping wet.Rate it:

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tremper son vinTo water one’s wine.Rate it:

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trial by fireAny ordeal which tests one's strength, endurance, or resolve.Rate it:

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tribu movere aliquemto expel some one from his tribe.Rate it:

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trick of the tradeA shortcut or other quick, or very effective way of doing things, that professional workers learn from experience.Rate it:

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trick outTo trick out; to mod or customize an object, typically for the purpose of both personalization as well as enhancing the object's performance capabilities and more particularly for the purpose of performing stunts with that object.Rate it:

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trickle downUsed other than with a figurative or idiomatic meaning: see trickle,‎ down.Rate it:

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A hog
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C pan
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