
Phrases related to: clap your hands Page #11

Yee yee! We've found 781 phrases and idioms matching clap your hands.

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bitch, pleaseWhen you want a bitch to shut up, you hold up your hand, turn away, and say “bitch, please” Similar to the saying “talk to the hand”Rate it:

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blank outTo become blank.To temporarily lose memoryHe blanked out five minutes into the meeting.I'm blanking out on your name, I'm afraid.Rate it:

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boomshankaA wish of happiness. Purportedly a literal translation (from an unknown language) is, "May the seed of your loin be fruitful in the belly of your woman"Rate it:

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bread-and-butterA saying specifically used to ward off bad luck when separating hands to walk either side of a treeRate it:

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brush downUsed other than as an idiom: see brush, down. To remove something with a brush, or ones hands using a downward brushing motion.Rate it:

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buen provechobon appétit, enjoy your mealRate it:

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BYOWInitialism of bring your own wine.Rate it:

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c'est à vous à parlerIt is your turn to speak.Rate it:

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c'est simple comme bonjourIt is as easy as kiss your hand.Rate it:

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Cast Pearls before SwineTo waste your feelings and sympathies on a person who won’t appreciate or care about,Rate it:

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ce qui me lie, c'est ma folieStraw bands will tie a fool’s hands.Rate it:

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cent ans de chagrin ne paient pas un sou de dettesWorrying will not pay your debts.Rate it:

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changer de mainto change handsRate it:

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check yourself before you wreck yourselfConsider the consequences of your actions before you end up in trouble.Rate it:

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clean plate clubWhen you have finished eating and there is nothing left on your plate, we say you belong to the clean plate club.Rate it:

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come si chiamawhat's your name?Rate it:

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come ti chiamiWhat is your name?Rate it:

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comme on fait son lit, on se coucheAs you make your bed, so you must lie on it.Rate it:

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como te chamaswhat is your name?Rate it:

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cómo te llamaswhat is your name?Rate it:

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companyI treasure your company.Rate it:

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con permisoexcuse me, I beg your pardonRate it:

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consilii mei copiam facio tibiI put myself at your disposal as regards advice.Rate it:

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cookie lickingClaiming a project as your own, but without actually finishing it.Rate it:

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crazy assMad or lost your marblesRate it:

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Cross that Bridge when You Come to ItDon’t worry about unnecessary things, don’t over-think a problem, deal with the difficulty when it arrives, don’t predict problems in your headRate it:

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cry over spilled milkBecome needlessly upset over trivial reverses or losses, express resentment when others gain incidental items or are chosen instead of your being favored.Rate it:

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cut one's coat according to one's clothLive according to your means.Rate it:

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dans tes rêvesin your dreamsRate it:

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dead creature screecherGhost zombie enters your soul to eat your good deeds and bad deeds to enslave your spiritRate it:

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dein Wunsch ist mir Befehlyour wish is my commandRate it:

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des mots longs d'une toiseWords as long as your arm.Rate it:

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dexterousSkilful and competent with the handsRate it:

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dextram iungere cum aliquo, dextras inter se iungereto shake hands with a person.Rate it:

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dic quid sentiasgive me your opinion.Rate it:

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dites bien des choses de ma part à votre frèreRemember me kindly to your brother.Rate it:

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don't give up the day jobAlternative form of don't give up your day jobRate it:

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donnez-moi une poignée de mainShake hands with me.Rate it:

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down lowAfter asking you to "high five" or saying "up top" someone will then say "down low". This means they are asking you to "high five" or tap the palm of their hand with the palm of your hand down lower--about waist high--as they extend their hand out toward you. If you don't respond timely they may take their hand away and say "too slow" then laugh. It's just something Americans do to have fun.Rate it:

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dyorInitialism of do your own research.Rate it:

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e (de) manibus effugere, elābito slip, escape from the hands.Rate it:

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è l'uovo di Colomboit's as plain as the nose on your face; it's extremely clear and obvious.Rate it:

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e manibus dimittereto let go from one's hands.Rate it:

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Eat CrowTo be forced to do somewhat very displeasing; to admit your fault or defeat publiclyRate it:

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effugere, elābi e manibus hostiumto escape from the hands of the enemy.Rate it:

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eripere aliquem e manibus hostiumto rescue some one from the hands of the enemy.Rate it:

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est-ce que je vous gêne?Am I in your way?Rate it:

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extorquere arma e manibusto wrest weapons from some one's hands.Rate it:

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Fair-Weather FriendSomeone who is your friend only when you are successful and prosperous but leave you in the time of needRate it:

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fais ce que dois, advienne que pourraDo your duty, come what may.Rate it:

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He was as _____ as a cucumber.
A fleshy
B green
C cool
D skinny