
Phrases related to: mean time to failure Page #11

Yee yee! We've found 887 phrases and idioms matching mean time to failure.

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first things firstDeal with matters of highest priority first; deal with matters in logical sequence.1922, H. G. Wells, The Secret Places of the Heart, ch.4,"First things first," said Sir Richmond. If we set about getting fuel sanely, if we do it as the deliberate, co-operative act of the whole species, then it follows that we shall look very closely into the use that is being made of it.1999, Frank Pellegrini, "House Republicans Quell Mutiny Over Tax Bounty," Time, 23 Jul.,Judging by the pollsRate it:

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fit inmake time or spaceRate it:

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Fix Your WagonTo punish someone, to deal someone with annoyance and criticism causing his or her failureRate it:

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fixing toGoing to, preparing to, about to, planning on doing, with the implication that it will not happen or be done immediately, but some time in the near future; can be used conditionally.Rate it:

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flash forwardTo move forward in time.Rate it:

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Flash in the PanSomething or someone getting success for a brief time, a person failed to maintain his earlier reputationRate it:

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flavor of the weekA fad; someone or something that is held in esteem or receives attention for a short amount of time.Rate it:

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flip of a dimedoing something really fast, that it's done in a small amount of time like, flip of a dime.Rate it:

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fly under the radarTo go unnoticed, especially for a long period of time.Rate it:

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fly-by-nightThis expression has broadened to mean any of these: A person or business that appears and disappears rapidly; Someone who departs or flees at night in order to avoid creditors, law enforcement etc. A dishonest or unreliable person selling something to make a quick profit A transient or traveling salesmen or businessmen, tradesmen; A business that appears to have little or no chance of successRate it:

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fool aroundTo waste time.Rate it:

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footle aboutTo pass time doing unimportant things; to mess around.Rate it:

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footle aroundTo pass time doing unimportant things; to mess around.Rate it:

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for EnglandVery well or for a long time.Rate it:

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for the agesEspecially memorable and noteworthy; deserving to endure for a very long time.Rate it:

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for the nonceFor the time being, with the expectation that the situation may change.Rate it:

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Forty WinksTo take some sleep for shorter period of time, a brief napRate it:

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four-on-the-floorCharacterised by a steady, uniformly accented beat with a 4/4 time signature.Rate it:

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four-on-the-floorA steady, uniformly accented beat with a 4/4 time signature.Rate it:

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FTFYfull-time full-yearRate it:

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FTFYInitialism of first-time first-yearRate it:

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funxuWhen a person is having an absolute blast of a time no thanks to anyone else but only because of themselves.Rate it:

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game overThe end of some ongoing situation due to either failure or success.Rate it:

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gavin and deanCockney rhyming slang for 'Queen' when used colloquially to mean a gay person: a non heterosexual person.Rate it:

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get atmean, intendRate it:

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get outTo spend free time out of the house.Rate it:

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get out while the getting's goodTo leave at an opportune time or before adverse conditions appear.Rate it:

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get pastTo get through a difficult time; to overcome a source of grief.Rate it:

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get pastTo cause someone to overcome a source of grief or get through a difficult time.Rate it:

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give awayTo concede an advantage in weight, time, height etc.Rate it:

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give of oneselfTo devote oneself unselfishly to a task, especially to give time and energy.Rate it:

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global community cleanlinessMovement, term, and hashtag created by Renowned Global Activist Greshun De Bouse to describe and encourage global litter eradication and resource preservation efforts-one community at a time. The movement is inspired by De Bouse's father, humanitarian Curtis Lassiter's continued commitment to global community cleanliness, safety, and beautification, one city at a time via litter prevention, prompt waste pickup/removal, properly set concrete, and more #global communitycleanliness #gccmovement #activistdebouseRate it:

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go a long wayTo be adequate or helpful for a significant amount of time.Rate it:

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go all around the WrekinTake a long time to arrive.Rate it:

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go forTo endure, sustain or spend time.Rate it:

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going toForms a tense future to some past time.Rate it:

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golf widowA woman who is deprived of her husband's time and attention due to his regular absence in order to play golf.Rate it:

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good old daysA period of time in the distant past when things were better or fondly remembered.Rate it:

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great minds think alikeUsed to emphasize a coincidence, or two people reaching the same conclusion in any manner at the same time.Rate it:

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Greek calendsA time that never occurs; never; when pigs fly.Rate it:

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Grit Your TeethTo endure pain courageously, to put up with harsh time or difficultyRate it:

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gupi or guppyIt’s when you suspect a person to be lying or faking it until they make it. Purely full of shit. They smellin’ kinda fishy!! So can use GUPI to mean Guilty Until Prove Innocent or to mean that you’re not buying the story.Rate it:

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gym bunnyA person who spends a large amount of time working out at a gym and who may be obsessed with improving his or her physique. Often said of a gay man, but also said of women and heterosexual men.Rate it:

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há quanto tempolong time no seeRate it:

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había una vezonce upon a timeRate it:

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hang heavyOf time or a time period: to seem to pass slowly; to crawl.Rate it:

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hang out withTo spend time with friends, doing nothing in particular.Rate it:

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hang withTo spend time with; to hang out with; to socialize with.Rate it:

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hangar queenAn aircraft which requires a great deal of regular maintenance and has an unfavorable ratio of maintenance time to flight time.Rate it:

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happy EasterAn expression used during Easter to wish someone a happy time.Rate it:

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A football game starts with a kick _______.
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